
Chapter One - Dying

I huffed for breath as I ran across the rooftop.

Since it had really come down to this, I had no choice but to settle for Plan D: to put simply, dying. The men chasing me were silent. I had to seriously question if they were human, as I had been taking every shortcut I knew, and yet they weren't even out of breath.

I closed my eyes as I ran towards the edge of the rooftop. I heard a quiet click noise behind me, and I lunged to the right, narrowly avoiding what appeared to be a grappling hook...?

I kept running and praying that I had bought enough time. I took out the box, and along with it, a key. As I struggled to put it into the keyhole, I was reminded of my friend who always had trouble plugging in the charger to his pho-

Anyways, I opened the box, and activated the device.

Perfectly timed.

I jumped off the roof as the explosion sounded behind me. I think I saw an arm fly past me, but I had no time to worry because I was too focused on landing anywhere that didn't lead to death.

As I looked around, I saw an available landing spot on the other side of the street, and I also realized that the explosion did not boost me enough to reach it.

I quickly tucked in my arms an-




I hit my head on the ground.


How did I roll out of bed head-first???

I groggily pushed myself off the ground, and instantly realized where I was.


It appeared I was in a wooden cabin, and as I looked out the window and saw the blue sky, I immediately realized this was not where I was from.

I looked for a mirror and couldn't find one. I realized my arms were skinny, and my hands were small. Was my life a simulation? But the technology was inferior, so it appeared not. I smiled and walked outside the room to see my father putting my bowl of soup at the table.

I suddenly panicked as I realized my memories were getting mixed, and I quickly went over everything that happened in my past life in case I would be memory wiped.

My name is Lucie- wait no it's Evan and I was escaping from people trying to kill me so that I could-

Can't remember.

Tears flowed from my eyes as my emotion became a scramble of both happiness and sadness. I had lost the only true part of my identity in this world, but at the same time, I was given a second chance with my basic memories intact. I quickly wiped them and went to sit at the table to eat breakfast.

"Did you bang your head again Lucie?"

I ate my porridge to stall for time, and quickly recalled the man's name.

"Yeah, I rolled off the bed somehow, Dad."

As he opened his mouth again, I quickly went into autopilot as to not bore the 4th-dimensional beings.

I recalled that my name was Lucie, I was 13, and I was about to enroll in the Manaficient Acadamy next year.

There were 3 main kingdoms, but together, they only occupied about 60% of the continent, the rest being left as wilderness. The citizens all had levels that applied to whether they were soldiers, mages, or others. These levels went up to level 10, with the majority of the adult commoner population being around levels 3 and 4.

I was currently level 1, as I was just a kid. However, the academy I was going to enroll in had many nobles and prodigies, already at level 3 at the age of 14.

I knew I had to step up my game.

I opened my system.

Wait what.

As if it was second nature, my system appeared.

[Lucie Valvera]

Str: 5

Agl: 4

Def: 3

Int: 8

Reaction: 1000 - (700)

Talent: 90



Town Defense (provided): Being inside the town automatically wards away monsters and creatures.


My intelligence being 8 made it obvious that int actually stood for magic power or something, and it appeared that reaction was simply the average reaction time.

"Dad can I get a sword?"


Yikes. I knew that wouldn't work.

"I want to train a bit before I enter the academy next year. Can I also get some boots?"

"Sure, I can get you a lighter sword because I don't think you'd be ab-"

This is gonna be great.