
Helel and Michael

"It's boring." said a white-haired man donned in white from top to bottom sitting on a golden throne on what seemed like a mountain burning with rose gold fire.

"Boring, is it?" said a blonde-haired man donned in a golden robe floating with his legs folded around the throne with scrolls around him with one open in front of him.

"Indeed, It is boring," replied Helel, the white-haired man.

"So, why don't you do your work?" said Michael, the blonde-haired man.

"What's my work ?" Helel posed his doubts.

Michael realized that he was getting worked to death while his twin was getting spoiled to death.

'Responsibilities as the older one.' Michael heaved a deep sigh.

'Will I get punished for giving him some of my work?' Michael wondered while glancing at Helel, who was twirling with his hair and flexing his impossibly handsome visage at who-knows-what, or was he just doing it subconsciously.

He then, at last, decided to lament his fate, with a smirk of sadness like a soul with all his hope, going back to his work.

"Hey brother, if we are getting bored then, why don't we ask father to create more of us?" said Helel probably planning to play toss-catch with newborns.

Michael's eyes shined at the moment as he regained all his lost energy.

'If there are more brothers then less workload.' thought Michael 'Even if father started doting on them like him then at least he would be put to work.'

'Else, I will protest and rebel like a responsible child.'

Michael gave his nod of approval.

Helel smiled. What else to do?

Five pairs of wings sprouted from their back and the twins flew down the high throne and descended below the hill.

They decided to fly low for the rest of their journey and with incredible speed, both flew towards a Parthenon-like huge structure on open ground.

They got inside a saw an empty white marble throne.

They both got on their one knee to bow to the Almighty God.

Michael lowered his head in full respect and reverence to Almighty while Helel was giving a shitty pose, with his head high and on both knees, as someone forced him and it was true as Michael dragged him down to bow.

"May our father answer our calls." both said in unison but in different tones, with Michael like meeting his idol and Helel like a monotonous praising to the principal as an assembly host.

The white light shined on the throne and everything around lit with bright colors.

"What's the matter, my lovely children?" said an old, wise voice resounding as it came from everywhere.

Michael was at a loss of words.

What to say 'Father, we got bored so, we want more siblings.'


'Father, there is too much work put this idiot to work or create more manpower.'

Helel cured this dilemma by saying "Father, The Heaven you created is an 'Epitome of Beauty'."

"The vibrant colors of the abode of the father are a feast for eyes, the environment is heart-warming and mind-refreshing, the surroundings are full of never-ending energy, truly a wonderful place to live in with my father and two brothers."

Helel poured every complex word he ever heard into this monologue of his. However he did not practice-perfect it so, it still sounded a little lousy.

Anyways, it did manage to gain a reaction as Michael's face was worth looking at and even father sensed some shit brewing.

"However, there is one thing that this wonderful place lacks," Helel said and went silent.

Silence reigned in the throne room of God until Michael and God came to their senses and concluded that this discussion won't go anywhere until one of them responded to the words of Helel.

"What is it, my child? " God enquired about this 'lack'.

"Residents of this beautiful place father," Helel answered.

Michael inwardly gasped.

'He is aiming for a bigger opportunity.' he thought.

Helel had a simple ideology, to push forward a preposterous idea, push forward an even more preposterous idea.

'Instead of just a few siblings, why not ask for a whole neighborhood?'

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