
Save Gaara (3)

The situation turned for the worst, not for me though, but Tenten and her team, Rock Lee managed to smash open the shell puppet body of Sasori and forced the puppet master to come out, which surprisingly only a teenager, he also had a red hair just like Garaa, was this the characteristic of Sunagakure's people? Anyway, this Sasori summoned out another puppet and that's when the situation became very grim, not only this puppet was very heavily armed, but also could control iron sand, manipulated it into various forms, Sasori said something about his puppet being the second Kazekage of Suna once.

I had to fight Deidara while paying attention to Tenten, she had so many close calls that needed my rescue, for example, this puppet of Sasori shot out a bunch of arms, they were like thousand of bamboos came to attack her, I could see if she was hit by it, she might have died in a gruesome way, so I had to divert my attention, used Travel and Barrier to shield her from the attack, thus saving her life.

The iron sand could also turn into a bunch of blades that almost punctured her, I did the same to protect her from the blades.

Meanwhile, I couldn't afford to ignore Deidara, feared he would have attempted to take Garaa away, so after shielding Tenten from harm, I went back fighting this man.

At the moment, he was using two clones to attack me, weirdly, every time I cut the part of the clones, it would grow into another smaller form of Deidara, from the two regular clones, there were suddenly many small Deidara.

They were trying to cling onto my legs and arms, back and front, these annoying clay doll was like a devil spawn!

Deidara extended two fingers and joined them together, yelled, "Explode!"

I had to cover my own body with Qi to shield me from the blast, this fight started to get into my nerve.

"Travel!" my body disappeared from the spot and appeared on the side of Deidara, kunai in hand readied to slash him.

"Tch!" Deidara threw spider out from his hand-mouth, then he exploded it, although the blast wouldn't hurt me, he didn't use this method mainly to attack me, but to boost himself out of the way.

"You are fast, by the way, how's your friend on the side?" Deidara said with a grin.

His words alarmed me, I snapped my head toward Tenten, but I saw her still fine. Deidara used this chance to mold some new clay doll, and... my God, he just created a Dragon...

"Master Sasori, do you see this?! This is the work of art!" Deidara shouted as he jumped on the top of the clay dragon.

"Oi, oi, do you want to kill all of us?" Sasori frowned, didn't seem really impressed by Deidara's product. At this moment, a red-skinned Guy and Lee launching their fists toward his doll from the both sides, but the Iron magnet quickly formed a shield that protected it. Meanwhile, Tenten spun the big scroll she always carried, several shurikens and kunai shot out from it, Sasori moved his hand to manipulate the doll to move out of the way, but Neji suddenly came from behind him, at this moment, he manipulated the iron sand to make a single blade that launched toward Neji, forcing him had to dodge to the side, although it only brief, he managed to buy sometimes to get out of the way.

"Relax, I am not going to decimate the entire cave," at this moment, the jaw of the dragon opened up, and a smaller dragon shot out from it, I quickly jumped out of the way, but the smaller dragon was like a missile with a guidance system, it followed me around and I had to use 'Barrier' to block its explosion. it was quite large as the entire cave shook afterward.

Deidara flew around the cave, he smirked as the dust from the explosion covered my figure, at this moment, two fireballs flew toward him, he easily dodged the flame then the dragon spawned another baby dragon from its mouth, and it crashed toward the center point of the dust and exploded once again.

"Abe!" Tenten barely dodged the sand attack from the puppet, she was torn between worrying about me and her own battle.

A figure came out from the smoke, Deidara saw me running toward him with great speed, then jumped high toward his position, readied to attack.

"Direct hit? Fool! I thought you are smarter than that!" the dragon shouted another dragonling, it struck me in the air and exploded, my figure completely disappeared in the midst of an explosion.

"No!" Tenten couldn't help but let out a shrill of scream, she watched me literally submerged in the explosion.

"Well, that's it? Dead already? Here I am hoping for a greater batt-" At this moment, Deidara felt a presence behind his back, but it was too late, I already appeared behind him, with fist clad in exuberant fire mixed with Qi, the amazing fire burned ever hotter, I launched my fist toward his chest, I could feel his robe shred apart by me, then my fist hit the piece of his clothes, also burned it up in an instant, creating a hole that sent the fire directly into his skin.

Deidara didn't even have a chance to scream, his body was flung from the top of his dragon, crashing hard toward the ground, the change of event enough to startle Sasori, meanwhile, Tenten and his team took the opportunity, with Guy restraining the doll, the red-skinned Lee furiously shot out toward him, he hit Sasori several times before sending him flying to the air, but Neji had already waited for him, he pressed his palm on Sasori's chest and sending him back to the earth, in the place where Tenten had placed her explosive kunai, then she exploded them all at the same time, creating a large enough blast.

I landed on the ground and took a deep breath, using my newly technique, cloning, although it couldn't be used to attack, it still useful for a mere trickery, then I used 'Hide' to become invisible, waiting a chance to strike Deidara when he stopped flying around.

That fire fist combined with Qi should be very powerful, and unless Deidara's body reinforced with something, that attack alone should have killed him, let alone he plummed down to the earth that harsh, even if he survived, several bones should have broken.


I looked over to Tenten's location, I saw her looking at me back, smiling tiredly, it seemed she's finished on her side, only she didn't see it, from the big and thick smoke, something shot out, very fast, before she had enough response, it had arrived several inches before her face.

And blood immediately splattered.

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