


Man, I can't believe I'm finally on my first mission, it's so crazy. I mean I'm from a highly esteemed military family, but that doesn't matter, only hard work and results matter, And after years of training, my hard work has finally paid off, I'm finally on an official enforcer mission and to top it all off I am partnered with the most famous enforcer of all time, Zero.

He's a tall man standing at nearly 6 feet tall, He's dressed in all black which is mandatory for every enforcer, but his clothing has thin blue linings and his most distinct feature being his mask, which not only masks his voice but also enhances the intimidating aura behind those blue eyes of his. His head is also covered by a black hoodie.

You may be asking what makes Zero famous? Well, firstly it is because he became an official enforcer when he was only 12, that being six years ago which means I'm 3 years older than this man. The second one is his achievements and 100% success rate in all his missions, that earned him the name zero for zero failures. His most prominent achievement being the fact that he was the dominant factor in the civil war that took place 2 years ago.

The third reason is that he is a grade 7 enforcer, I mean most enforcers can't even achieve grade six status, I'm only grade 5. And for the cherry on top, he is the only graded enforcer that is allowed to take missions of a higher grade.

"Hey, you coming or you going to keep daydreaming?" Zero asks as he enters an elevator. I follow him into the elevator as we head down, exit the enforcers headquarters and enter a car.

"Jay...right?" Zero asks, I mean it's actually understandable for a guy like him to forget me, after all, it's not like we were introduced to each other a FEW MINUTES AGO!

"Yes, I am Jay." I answer him in a tone greatly contrasting with my thoughts, What? I don't wanna die, I'm still young.

"Debrief me on this mission once more."

What? is he just forgetful or he just doesn't care.

"Yes, there have been reported sightings of the dragon mafia, who are allegedly partaking in human trafficking and selling of various drugs and weaponry." I look at him, trying to gauge his reaction to this by his body expressions and I get....nothing, seems he doesn't care.

I then continue "We are following a lead given to us by our sources on the current whereabouts of this group."

"I see." is the only answer I get in response.

A few moments of silence pass by, until we finally arrive at a warehouse near the Z district pier, by the way Z district is the area we are currently in. You see, there are two continents in this world, them being heartland and the wastelands. The continent we are on is the wastelands and it's separated into 26 districts, each represented by a letter from the English alphabet.

As we exit the car, Zero takes a few moments seemingly instructing the driver on something before leaving. As soon as the driver leaves, Zero then heads to the warehouse, resulting in me questioning his thinking process, I mean, who goes in head first into an enemy's den without a plan? l then sigh helplessly and catch up with Zero.

As I'm about to ask what the plan is, Zero immediately silences me with a gesture and crouches down and hides behind a bunch of barrels. I follow his lead and hide along with him.

"What are you?"

????, Huh? What am I?

"What do you mean?"

"Are you an esper or a mutant?"

"I'm an esper."

"I see, well that changes things."

What does he mean by that?

"What are you talking about?"

"You see those?" He then points at a few cameras that have a weird trinket on them.

"Yeah, what about them?"

"Those little devices on the cameras are psy suppressors, and I believe you know what that term refers do?"

Damn! So My psychic energy will be greatly suppressed if I enter the warehouse, this is just awful and on my first mission no less.

"What do we do now?"

"Alright listen up, first off these warehouses have similar designs and it's probably housing over a hundred mutants."

I nod my head despite not knowing absolutely nothing on this topic.

"Since I am a mutant, the psy suppressors will not affect me, but in order to complete this mission and takedown this warehouse, I'll need eyes on every area and that's where you come in."


"Yes, you. How good are you in a fight?"

"Number 3 in my class' training program."

"Okay, I'll give you three minutes. There's a backdoor that will lead you straight to the surveillance room. There will be Mafia members?"

This is absolutely crazy, a surveillance room in a freaking warehouse.

"Take this." Zero gives me a small circular device.

"It is a miniature EMP, it will jam the surveillance system for three minutes and some few members will be sent to check what's going on, you'll then have to fight your way to the room and there, you'll keep contact with me through the comms, okay?"

This is crazy.

"Okay." I take the device and make my way towards the backdoor.

"This is so crazy." I whisper to myself, And I gotta say this a really huge warehouse, my god. It's nighttime so I believe we can g a little ham.

I press the button activating the EMP, and throw it at the only camera in the vicinity. A few moments later 4 armed men come out having dragon tattoos. Yep, they are the dragon gang alright.

As I sneakily approach them while they are still confused as to what could be going on, I then feel my body being drained of it's energy, damn those suppressors, they work even with an EMP active.

Okay, I have to rely solely on my martial art skill and my limited energy. I have to this quick, I don't have much time.

I quickly rush the men, taking two down with minimal effort, and then reinforcing my body with energy to take down the remaining two before they could shoot. I take one of the guns, oooh, an M16, this would have definitely killed me, mostly due to my current vulnerability. I gotta say I'm pretty skilled, maybe I should try out as an assassin.

After quickly praising myself, I enter the door into a dim lighted hallway. I quickly rush into the hallway and arrive at a black metal staircase. which leads to one room. I survey my surrounding and I'm after I'm completely sure there's no one around, I rush up the stairs.

I use my psychic energy and detect two people behind the door. Good, I can take them on, I hope. The door isn't locked, these guys are terrible at security. I open the door only to encounter a pistol pointed right at my face.

I nervously chuckle "This isn't the bathroom, where am I?"

"Your final destination." The man says coolly.

"Well...do I get any last words?" I reinforce my body with psychic energy.

"No." The man says coldly and pulls the trigger.

Thanks to my early reinforcement I narrowly dodge the bullet tackling the man in the process, I then shoot the other man with my firearm and he drops in a bloody mess. The man pressed underneath attempts to shrug me off, but to no avail as I then place the M16 on his temple and pull the trigger, killing him instantly.

I sigh, well this is gonna give me nightmares. Damn, up to now I've only faced simulated kills from the training program. This is harder to bear than I thought, taking the life of another man even knowing that these men are vile and would have killed me in a heartbeat.

As I take a few deep breaths, the surveillance monitors become active once more, the three minutes must have elapsed. I then place the bodies on a corner and close the door by locking it, by using one of surveillance men's keys.

I take a few more deep breaths to calm myself, I'm an enforcer and as an enforcer I will encounter this kind of situations again.

I then take a look at the monitors and wow, Zero has a lot of work ahead of him, There are four floors and all are currently being used by dozens of armed men, is the entire dragon mafia here?

I activate my comm in order to notify Zero of the next phase in his plan and maybe a little gloating of my success.



I'm currently sitting in a casual position with my right leg stretched and my left arm resting on my left leg, using it as a sort of support, when I suddenly hear my new partner's voice.

Ah, he must have succeeded.

"Talk to me."

"Um yeah, there are four floors with armed men."

"Is that all?"

"Is, that, all?"

"Yeah." Why is being so noisy.

"Anything else?"

Um yeah, wait there's a basement but you'd have to go to the top floor to access it.

"What's in the basement?"

"I have no idea."

"Then how do you know there's a basement?"

"Um there's a layout of the entire infrastructure right in front of me."

"So basically, a map of the warehouse."


Alright, time for work. I get up and stretch a little before heading to the massive main doors of the warehouse. Should I knock? Forget it, there are gonna attack me guns blazing. I kick down the massive door with great force which seemingly attracts the attention of every men in my line of sight, seemingly having disturbed them in their fun activities of gambling and extreme roughhousing.

"Who the f*ck are you?" A random average looking guy asks, but then again they all look average.


"What? You got nothing to say b*tch." he points at me with his gun.

"Look man I'm tired and I'd just like to get on with this so I'd you're gonna shoot, just shoot."

The man wears a confused expression, obviously disorientated by nonchalance at his lame threat. But I just couldn't be more disengaged at the current situation I find myself in, that and I've never been much of a talker, especially at work times.

"Come on shoot, you little piece of sh*t." I lamely attempt to provoke him, but it seems to work as he quickly pulls the trigger. What I didn't expect was for several bullets to fly at me. F*ck, these guys are armed with sub machine guns. I dodge the bullets casually, and proceed to attack, I punch the closest man near me causing him to crash into a few other men. Ugh, they reek of bloodlust, seems I'm going to have to kill, what an upsetting situation.

The men cleverly shoot at me in unison, but what they don't expect is me, doing the bullets with ease. What? I'm fast, How fast am I? Faster than a bullet. I run around as their bullets hit the metal railings and stairs to the other floors I presume. I then begin my relentless assault as they temporarily run out of ammo. With incredible speed I immediately punch the nearest man, who was approximately 10 meters away from me, in an instant. I then make quick work of the rest of the men.

For the next two floors I casually disarm, and brutally knockout my opponents, in what spectators would say "knocking out enemies in a casual but spectacular fashion", I guess I don't want to kill after all.

As I arrive at the top floor with no one in sight but a room at the top section of the floor, my partner having been silent for a while decides to talk to me.

"Dude that was crazy, you took out like a hundred armed mutants in minutes, like it was nothing."

It was nothing.

"Tell me Jay, how many?"



"Yeah, four big dudes with Shotguns."

"Pump action?"

"Double barrell."

"Alright then talk to you later. Zero out." I then deactivate my comm.

I jump up on to the high metal platform, Although I could have just used the stairs, I think of this as I look at them. Ah well, time to finish up.

I Punch the door, blasting it off it's hinges, as I enter the room, the four men shoot at me but sadly, for them, I dodge, with ease, and proceed to handle these behemoths like their puppies by casually tossing them around like Ragdolls as a way to emasculate these obvious muscle heads. I get bored of them quickly and knock them out with single but brutal blows to the head.

I then see a sort of box encased to the wall. I rip off the hinges in place, forcefully opening the box in the process. I see a bunch of switches and one distinct button which is labeled basement.

Wow, just wow. I press the button and activate my comm.

"See anything new, Jay?"

"Ummm....yeah, hold on...."


".....Damn, it's a room filled with cocaine, explosives and a....black box."

"Black box?"


"Where's the basement?"

"On your left when entering the first floor."

"Alright then, I want you to get out of there and wait for me outside, and....good job."

"Oh...did I just get a rare praise from the famous Zero?"

"I can still hear you, you know?"

"My bad. He awkwardly chuckles before deactivating his comm.

I head to the now opened basement, as I enter, I see crates of cocaine and explosives with a black box at the center. As I approach the box, I notice that it is password protected. So naturally I use my skills and by skills I mean, I rip it open with my barehands. The contents would have horrified pretty much anyone, well except for me, but that's probably due to my "special condition" which makes it difficult to empathize or sympathize, which other call " having an aura of indifference."

The box contains pictures of little girls, who have been tied up with a note tag that has digits on it, probably their selling prices. I then look on at more sickening contents as the pictures get more and more obscene. I see a paper labelled auction, which is listing the different warehouses and time stamps. the first one being 1st September at 9pm. that's two hours from now. Great, more work. But now, knowing what they are dealing in, I can't let any of these men go. I take a look at the explosive near me, seems like fate really wants me to do this, very well then.

With great speeds I Carry the dozens of crates loaded with C4 into the four floors. I then go out and find barrels of oil, hmm, how convenient. I take the oil barrels and we'll you know cover the place with the "very flammable" oil.

I then head outside and meet up with Jay.

"What took you so long?"

"Nothing to concern yourself of."

I then give him the auction list.

"Take this to HQ and give it directly to the old man, Zero's orders."

"What is this?"

"A black market auction schedule."


"Don't shout, its pointless to do so."


I then take a look at the bikes and climb on to one of them.

"I don't have time for questions so head back to HQ and give your boss this list."

"Wait, but where are you going?"

"To visit a special friend, now leave your mission is completed, don't worry I'll give you a good review, you did well for a first timer."

"But I didn't really do much?"

"Be that as it may, you made it out in one piece, no?"

"I guess."

"Don't guess, you did. Now leave, the sooner you arrive at HQ, the better."

"Right." He then salutes me and rides off. I forgot to ask if he had a lighter. No issue. I then take out a specially made enforcer pistol that has double the range and power of a normal pistol.

I approach the warehouse and when I reach effective firing range, I shoot at the oil, creating a spark that creates flames that eventually reaching the well slicked crates of C4, causing a massive explosion to occur. I then walk to my bike as the warehouse continues to explode.

I then hop on my bike, place my pistol in it's holster and ride off in the opposite direction, time to get serious.



Man this has been a seriously non eventful day, I mean aside from the typical losers trying their luck with me, but hey, what can I say, I am insanely hot, I mean I got a pretty face, nice breasts, a "decent" ass, and I do have good curvatures. I'm currently dressed in a black tank top, a black jacket, brown pants and black boots. Which is just a perfect match for my light brown skin tone, black hair and brown eyes. I'm currently sitting with my friends, them being Allister, Cecille and Amy.

Allister is your typical jock (Without the arrogance), He has short blonde hair, a tan complexion and sea green eyes. he is dressed in dark clothing.

Cecille, a top class beauty, has a nice figure, beautiful face, has black bushy hair, a complexion similar to mine and has red eyes. She is dressed in a red shirt, black leather jacket and black pants with boots.

Last of all it is everyone's favourite girl, Amy. She is also top class beauty, having a nice figure, lighter skin tone making resembling that of Mexicans, has blue eyes and long snow white hair. She's dressed in a white shirt, denim jacket, denim shorts, high knee white socks with stripes at the top and slightly black striped white sneakers.

Amy is currently busy on her laptop, she's the tech guru of the group, while Allister seems to be playing rock paper scissors with Cecille? yeah we need something to do and is of on cue Amy bursts out.


"What's up?" I ask as I approach Amy. She then wordless shows me her computer screen and I see ashy and charred remains of what was once a building.

"Yeah, so?"

"Look, I managed to recover some footage of minutes before the warehouse exploded. She then shows me a video on a masked hoodied man beating the shit out of what I presume are gang members. Damn, light work huh? Wait that mask.....is that.....

"Zero." Amy seemingly finishes my line of thought.

"You know where he has gone?"

"No, but he's gone to the south side of Z district."

"That's a bit far."

"It's also the nearest he has ever been to us. This is the most optimum time to recruit him."

"I guess."

"Mmh, There's no time to waste, we have to hurry before we lose him."


"Cecille, Allister, pack up, time for another mission." Amy orders.

"Another one? Didn't we just finish the last one two days ago?"

"Man shut up and get your lazy ass off the couch." I say to which he immediately replies with nothing more than silent compliance.

"Where exactly are we heading?" Asks Cecille as she gears up.

"We're gonna try recruit Zero." I state, which immediately stops Cecille and Allister in their tracks.

"What!?" They shout in unison.


Stephen Heartland POV:

Its currently nighttime and the Union's meeting is in full effect. We have been discussing about the significant matters related to our lands. But now it's time for the serious topic.

"Alright, it's finally time to talk about the issue at hand, The enforcer known as Zero."

"Yes, the boy has garnered too much fame and It has resulted in his consistently increasing disobedience to us." One of the members say.

But is it really fame causing him to disobey us?

"No, the boy is a great asset to have, his fame means that his actions cause a greater impact amongst the masses." Another member interjects.

"Yes but that on itself is dangerous, if he decides to go against us, the masses will find it fit to follow suit, in which we will lose our power." The first member replies which causes the others to start murmuring on what to do with Zero.

"Very well, I hear you, so how should we address the situation?" I ask the members.

"We should find a way to gain control over him once more. Maybe brainwashing."

"Absolutely not, the boy is already a wild card as it is due to his memory loss, if his family is to find out of what you're suggesting, it will be the end of us."

Another member replies, rightly so.

"So what to do?"

As we are currently discussing on how to address this situation, one of my assistants informs me on Zero's latest mission which causes shivers down my spine.

"My fellow union members, something of great importance has been brought to my attention...." My words grasp the attention of the rest of the members.

"...Zero has found out about the auction."

"What!? This is awful, if he finds out about our involvement, it will be the end of us. Instruct the enforcers not to send Zero out for this mission."

"That would be pointless."

"Why is that?"

"Zero has not returned to the Enforcer headquarters."

My words cause an intense gloomy atmosphere.

"So what are we to do? Given the boy's track record, he will definitely uncover our involvement in this matter, not to mention the rebel faction has made it clear on their intentions to recruit Zero."

"The only thing we can do." I say as I tap on the desk with one finger. The other agree unanimously, and some even smile at my decision. I'm sorry, Zero but this is the only way.



I finally arrive at my destination, the red light section of Z district. I park my bike near one of the "esteemed facilities".

As I enter, I'm introduced to various ladies dressed in skimpy clothing, giggling and waving probably trying to grab my attention, as they say words to me that I'd rather not repeat.

As I make my way up to the top floor, I encounter two bouncer built men, obstructing my path to my destination, which is the door behind them.

"I have business with the boss." I tell them.

"Yeah, so do we, you got an appointment?"


"Then I'm afraid we can't let you in."


"What did you just say? little man."

Little man. Oh hell no.

"Move, right now, I'm not in the greatest of moods right now."

The other man grabs me by the collar.

"And what if we refuse?"

"Bad things will happen to you."

They both laugh at me. Oh well, Can't say I didn't try. I then grab the hand holding me and I slowly twist it off me, emphasizing the difference in strength between us.

I then punch the other man in the gut, grab him by his arm and then toss them both into a nearby wall, cross piling them in the process.

As I grab the door handle, I realize it's locked. I then utilize my reliable lock picking skills by busting the door open. As I enter I see a few men looking at me in shock, while a a beautiful woman in her late 20s looks on with a smile, the boss of this "reputed" establishment, Mariah.

The men suddenly realize it's me their looking at and start laughing.

"Yo what's up man?"

"Nothing much." I reply as I approach Mariah.

"Hey Zero, where's your big brother, Warmaster?"

"In bed, with your big sister." I reply with my focus still on the woman. My reply cause the other men to laugh at him.

I stop a foot away from the Mariah's desk.

"Zero, you grace me with your presence once more."

"Don't get too used to it, I need some information, but I'd feel more comfortable talking only to you."

She then gestures for the men to leave the room. After they leave, I continue the conversation.

"Why do you let them hang out here?"

"What can I say, brothers get a bit more luxury compared to others."

"Yes, you're truly blessed to have them as brothers."

She chuckles at my remark.

"So, what did you really come for?"

"Like I said, I need information." I reply as I then take a seat on a chair near me.

"You're not gonna remove your mask?"

"Not this time."

"Aww, Here I was excited to see your pretty face once more."

"Face it Zero, you may have a chiseled body and a face that could still most women's hearts, but you will always remain an adorable little boy in my eyes."

"Can we please move on?"

"Sure, what do you need. to know?"

"There's an auction about to take place in about..." I look at my watch "...45 minutes."

Wow maybe I shouldn't have taken that snack break on the way here.

"I won't waste time, so here is all I know. There have been a few auctions over the past few months mostly related to guns and drugs

But I hear this time, women and children will be sold as well." She then pauses as she as disgust shows on her face.

"So where is the auction taking place?"

"At alpha mansion, north side."

Alpha mansion, that's a 30 minute ride from here if I'm to ride at top speed.

"Thanks for the info, Mariah." I say as I get up to leave.

"Anytime and Zero.."


"This one is on the house."

I nod.

"But before you leave, where exactly will you take the people you find?"

"I'll send them to one of the organisations that are left by your super rich sister."

Mariah smiles.

"Well she has always been a righteous woman."

"And rich." I add.

"Yeah yeah, don't you have somewhere to be?"

"Right." I then make my way to the my bike but what I encounter actually surprises me. I see three girls and a guy looking right at me just on the other side of my bike.



Wow what a great coincidence, not. I hacked the traffic systems to keep track of Zero's movements, I gotta say he was hella sloppy this time around. But what is he doing here, Zero didn't strike as the type to indulge in such activities.

"Who are you and what do you want?" he asks as in a rather indifferent tone, as if he had expected our arrival.

"Um well you see, we just want to have a little chat with you?" Cecille activates her charm by giving a smile that would make the coldest of hearts to melt.

"I'm busy." Zero replies, damn he shot her down quick. Cecille goes silent probably surprised by the lack of effect she had on him.

"Look man, we just want to talk to you about something really important and it's best that you listen."

"Like I said, I'm busy." He replies once more with no change in his tone.

"It's about the welfare of our people." I interject.

"What I'm doing is also for the welfare of our people."

We are going nowhere with this conversation. Zero them hops on his bike and readies to leave

"Listen up you union dog, this is for your own good too." Skylar bursts out. I half expect him to just leave and the other half to kick our asses. What he does leaves me greatly surprised. He Just turns off the bike and looks at Skylar.

"What is it then?"

"This is about you working for the wrong side. The union are not as good as they pretend to be." Skylar continues.

"You must be from the rebels."


"For the past year, you rebels have been preaching on the Union's wrong doings but you have yet to provide substantial proof."

"Well you see...." I try to interject.

"Yet you rebels have caused great disorder with your violent riots and your foolish acts guided by your great misconception on the true meaning of justice. You've wasted enough of my time, Move or I'll make you."

"Why don't you then?" Skylar says this in great irritation, it seems that Zero has struck a nerve. I then grab Skylar's hand, shaking my head, indicating on how fighting him is counter productive to what we're trying to achieve.

Zero then proceeds to ride off. Man this is gonna be tougher than I thought.

"Forget him, I'm done."

Skylar is really pissed at him, I mean he did just call out hard work a violent riots and regarded our motives as misguided senses of justice.

"Relax Skylar, we all knew this wouldn't bee easy. But we still need to convince him, having him on our side will greatly boost the effectiveness of our cause." Cecille attempts to calm Skylar down.

"What are we going to do now, Zero obviously has no interest in listening to what we have to say." Allister finally speaks.

"Don't worry I have a plan and it all begins with this." I say this smiling, as I show them a palm sized device from my bag.



I arrive at the alpha mansion with a few minutes to spare before the auction begins. I catch glimpse of many men with vile smiles on their faces as the discuss the horrid things they plan on doing to those poor innocent women and children.

I don't have time to spare, stealth is out of the question. Time to cause some good willed chaos.

I quickly rush into the mansion grounds and easily take down the guards. I attempt to find a way into the mansion, assuming that the girls are being held captive in one of the basements. I finally see an opening guarded by two armed men. I rush at them with great speed and knock them out before they could even react.

I enter the opening and find dozens of men looking right at me.

"Well, hello there." I say this as I dodge the bullets fired at me. I casually take down the guards without any wasted movements, and by take down I mean killing, I didn't come here to play.

I search the labyrinth of hallways presented before me, encountering a few guards along the way, that I then easily deal with. I finally find the storage room with one of the men trying to force himself on what appears to be a teenage girl. I then enter with incredible speed and attack the men breaking several bones in the process.

The man who was attempting to violate the poor girl, notices the change in scenery, in the form of all the other men bruised, broken and unmoving.

"Who the f*ck are you?" He points a SMG at me as he questions.

I then casually approach him and stop a few feet away from him.

"I'm the man who's going to end your life."

"As if, motherf*****r." He then pulls the trigger at point blank range and I then flex my superior speed by catching every single bullet. His face contorts into that of great shock as he sees me dropping the caught bullets to the ground.

I then jump up, doing a 360 rotation, as I then land on his still stretched left arm with my left leg and complete the rotation by planting my boot in his face. Needless to say, his mother will no longer be able to recognize him.

I then look at the cage up girls, and the one who was nearly traumatized for life, clings on to my body as shee thanks me while sobbing.

Not knowing what else to do, I pat her head and then proceed to free the rest of the women. I then instruct them to take the path I had coincidentally cleared for them on my way here. One of the girls informs me that there are 3 more groups in this mansion. After they leave, I run into a very occupied hallway.

I take this as an opportunity to show off my spiderman skills, as I then use the walls to give me more footing as I proceed to handle the armed men. This is way too easy.

I then arrive at the two other groups and set them free with ease. One of them informs me that the first group has been sent to the main auction room. Oh well. I search the men I killed and finally find a grenade.

I then rush to the main auction room taking care of a few guards on the way. As I enter the auction room m, I pull out the pin and immediately throw it at the farthest position away from the girls. A few seconds elapse before finally exploding. I take advantage of the panic and somehow successfully manage to guide the girls out of the mansion. As we are about to leave, I notice a hard drive encased in glass.

I then break the glass and take it, maybe it has more information on the dealings in the black market. I guide the girls outside to where the rest are hidden, as to how I knew where they hid, Let's just say I have a great intuition.

I then give Mariah a call to give her sister the heads up. A few minutes pass before they finally arrive. Mariah then takes the girls and sends them to one of Jasmine's facilities, that is the name of her sister, Jasmine.

I then take the flashdrive with me as I ride towards HQ. As I'm riding my bike A car suddenly hits me causing me to lose control and forcefully crash on to the side if the road. I get up and dust myself off, what? I'm as fast as I am durable. But my bike is unfortunately, not.

I notice a familiar face, exiting the car, it's the rebel girl.

"We are sorry for...you?"

"Yes me."

She then takes notice of my crashed bike.

"You can ride with us if you want?" The girl

lamely attempts to lure me into their car.

"No need, I can walk." I reply.

I then take a look at the dropped harddrive when I suddenly overhear in the car a voice that confirms my suspicion on the contents contained by the harddrive.

Could it be that they have something to do with this?

A white haired girl exits and tries to convince me to give them a chance to explain their side of the story. We exchange a few words, mostly me just refuting her pleas.

She sighs as she realizes she cannot convince me.

"I see, if that's your choice, so be it, but we will need to take the harddrive, it's very important to us."

"I'm sorry but I cannot do that." I then side roll, grabbing the harddrive in the process as I then rise to my feet.

"If that's the case, we will have to take it, by force." The black haired girl says this with a menacing expression.

O...Kay, I don't have time to deal with them, I can feel my leg paining, must be due to the crash, looks like I'm about to play another game of cops and robbers, with me being a limping robber this time.



Wow, this guy is just..... impossible. I then enter the car and take out my laptop. As soon as I do this I notice Zero exchanging a few words with Skylar as he then proceeds to run away. What the hell? Skylar then proceeds to fly, chasing him down. How can she fly? well Skylar is a proficient gyro kinetic.

Allister steps on the accelerator as we chase Zero. I then open my laptop and hack into Zero's bike which surprisingly has information on Zero's stats and well...damn.

I hear Skylar communicating with Cecille about how fast Zero is over the comms.

"What are you looking at?" Allister asks without taking his eyes over the road.

"I'm looking at Zero's stats."

"Stats? What do they say?"

"It says hear that he is an enhanced mutant."

"Woah, he's a mutant?"

"Yep, And his feats are that he is greatly durable, endurant, can lift up to 60 tonnes, oh my and it says hear that his average speed is Mach 5!! and that during the civil war, he once ran at speeds of...mach 364."

"It's already bad he is capable of moving at hypersonic speeds, but he once moved at the speed of lightning, now that's just absurd." Cecille remarks.

Yeah it's pretty bad.

"If that's the case, then why is he moving so slow?" Allister asks.

"It's probably the after effects of the crash." I answer.

"Hey guys take a look at this." As soon as Skylar speaks, Cecille and I look in front of us, and what we see truly shocks us.

Zero encountering a dead end in the form of a tall building, decides to run up the building, you heard me right, run up a building with great elegance as if it's an everyday occurrence.

This is just crazy.

Zero then does something more absurd, as while we are trying to find another path, Skylar informs us on Zero jumping off the building and lands by doing a safety roll before continuing his great escape.

Skylar then proceeds to guide us on his movements as she continues to chase him down.

She informs us of an alternate shortcut to take, that will allow us to cut off Zero's path. We then take it and on cue, Zero notices us and stops in his tracks causing him to front flip due to the momentum.

As Skylar is about to catch up, Zero then runs towards us before flipping over the car but luckily I had foreseen this and had readied the nitro boosters. Thanks to Zero's injury we're able to catch up to him, with Skylar tailing us. Suddenly, Zero then stops limping and jumps onto a river. On to a river, Why?

Zero runs so fast to the point where he creates a Sonic boom and his body fades into a blur.

Skylar realizing this, changes her lazy act and decides to finally try to chase him down, as her flight speed then drastically increases. A few moments after, Skylar informs us that she managed to catch Zero thanks to a timely interference from a train. We then arrive and I'm shocked by the fact that for some strange reason, Zero has just decided to comply.

We then board a train that will take us back to A district because the car's engine is busted due to the strain of the boosters.



I might as well hear them out since they are so determined to take the harddrive from me. That and my leg gave out as soon as we arrived at the railway lines. Now that we've boarded the train which has quite the luxurious coaches, my leg can finally heal.

The rebels never take their gaze away from me, as they then begin to try convince me once more to join their side. Their words fall on deaf ears until the white haired girl claims she can prove to me this instant, on the fact that they are on the right side of this fight.

Seeing as how I've been compliant, I might as well. I give her the harddrive and she then connects it to her laptop. The information contained on it then reveals just how much they were right about the Union. As the union was involved in the most shadiest of deals, including the trafficking of those girls.

"See, I told you, you are working for the wrong side."

"No, I work as an enforcer, not as a union lackey."

"And who do the enforcers work under?"



"I need time."

"Time for what?" the black haired girl who had been lovingly weighing me with her gentle touch asks.

As the train moves over a suspended bridge hanging over the river, an event that I absolutely did not see coming, occurred.

One of the coaches exploded causing the bridge to collapse and kill a lot of people in the process. Due to the sheer force of the explosion, We are all knocked out, or perhaps killed? Nah, knocked out as I feel my body crashing into the river before losing consciousness.
