

"I gave you everything you could ever dream of!". I was then pushed onto the ground. I held my hand near my head as I looked up at my ex, with an irritated look on my face. "No, all you ever see me was one of your dolls! I'm done, and tired of this routine. I'm no longer your play doll, now leave me alone!". I stood back up and quickly went to the door right beside me. As I reached out my hand towards it. "I will never let you control me or anyone control my life!". I turned the knob, while hearing my ex running towards me. "NO!!! You can't leave me like this!!!". He reached out his hand towards me, as I already have the door wide open. I glanced back at him one last time. "I'm disappointed in you John,..... Good bye….". As the door closes shut, leaving John behind the other side. While I make my way to the car, I open the door and get ready to drive away from here. "Sheesh…. I should've dumped that guy a long time ago.". As I stepped on the gas and drove away.

-[End Of Prologue]-

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