
New life

Yuto spent so long flying through infinite space that he stopped being scared and started to watch the stars passing in thin lines around him 

After gliding for a while, Yuto's speed slowed down and Yuto crashed into an Earth-like planet with 3 bright asteroids circling around it 

At that moment Yuto lost consciousness again 


" Waaa, waaa !"

I barely managed to open my eyes and saw an ugly old woman looking at me with eyes full of resentment for some reason.

"You have a son, congratulations Elena, your family no longer has to worry about poverty in the future" 

What is this old woman talking about. Am I also a baby??? 

When I tried to use my hands to stop the woman who was about to kiss me, a cute and tiny pair of little hands entered my field of vision. Small and chubby... I'm really a baby, I'm really reborn.

And this woman must be the nurse in charge of my delivery. Where is she taking me? 

Ahhhhh, crazy woman, this water is freezing. Ahhh ahhh ahh ahh, get me out of here! Help! I'm drowning, I'm freezing! 

The old woman in charge of the delivery smiled a little sadly and a little happily when she saw the baby struggling in the water with a funny expression on his face. The sad expression on the old woman's face was fortunately not seen by the young couple

"This child has a high physical quality. If the Goddesses smile on this boy, he can become a good warrior and become part of the royal army in the future and save your family." 

Ahhh, what language is she speaking? I don't understand a damn thing. 

[ Butler system activated ] 

[Congratulations you have earned beginner rewards by activating the system for the first time] 

[ Congratulations, your polyglot skill has reached the maximum level that a skilled butler should have ] 

Yuto wondered what these screens were, and suddenly, thanks to the information that appeared in his head, he realized that this was the system, the gift that the goddess had spoken of. 

What do you mean, the Butler system? Do I have to be a servant to become stronger?

[Congratulations you got a main task (learn to walk) 

Mission content : learn to walk as soon as possible 

Term of office : none 

Mission reward : profile screen and unlocking of recurring missions 

Duty penalty : none 

Note: learn to walk quickly and prove to your family that you can be a valuable slave] 

Hoooyyy can you talk to me fucking system?


--------- 1 week later 

In the past week, Yuto has managed to learn the language spoken by the people around him just by listening, and has rewarded himself with his mother's breasts 

It's a great loss that I can't remember my babyhood in my previous life. The woman in the orphanage had pretty good breasts, although not as good as this woman. Anyway, instead of reminiscing about the past, let me enjoy the soft breasts of this blonde woman.

The woman saw her baby smiling as he sucked her and cheered up 

"Whoa! My son is so cute when he smiles" 

Yuto's father came up to her and looked at his son 

"Hahaha, my son seems to know a thing or two about breasts. If he wasn't smiling so ugly, I'd think he took after me." 

The woman punched the man standing next to her in the chest with the back of her hand 

"If you keep talking nonsense about our son, you'll be on the floor today" 

"Just kidding, ahaha, don't get so angry, honey. Women who get angry a lot age faster." 

"Huh? Did you just say something?" 

Her expression was so frightening that even Yuto forgot for a moment to enjoy the pair of huge breasts 

When Yuto's father saw his wife's expression, he put on the rest of his armor and rushed out of the room 

-------- (one month later)

With nothing to do, I looked at the woman whose breasts I was sucking in boredom. Lately I had been taking every opportunity I could find to suck on my mother's breasts, regardless of whether I was hungry or not. Fortunately, even my mother's normal breakfast consisted of meat dishes and my copious consumption was not harmful to her health. 

In the last month I have gathered a lot of information about my situation and about this world. For example, in this world vegetables are much more expensive than meat because the forest is full of animals waiting to be hunted and farming is like an undeveloped science 

I looked up at the uniquely beautiful woman with blonde hair and gold eyes, who was too engrossed in the view out the window to react to me pawing at her breasts. This woman is my mother, Elena, and my father, Kael, a more ordinary-looking man with blue hair who leaves the house in the morning wearing a knight's armor. 

As far as I understand, the world we live in now is just like the world ruled by kingdoms in medieval times. More than once I heard my mother say words like count, duke, prince, king. Also, some of the visitors who came to see me when I was a newborn said things like "I hope your son will be a knight of the count in the future". It wasn't hard to guess that this was some kind of prestigious job. 

When my mother went to serve dinner and left me with the guests, they crowded around my head, stroking my black hair and talking among themselves. 

"It's the first time I've seen someone with hair this color. And look at your eyes, they're red." 

"Doesn't he look a little scary? Maybe he's destined to be a great man in the future." 

This kind of talk taught me that black hair is not a common thing in this world, but I didn't have a problem with it. If it's too much trouble, I'll just dye my hair.

Besides, my father is an ordinary soldier working in an outpost on the border of this town, a border knight in the parlance of this world. He looks like a knight but he's not exactly a knight, his job is more risky than a knight's, at least that's what the neighbors say. 

Also, for some reason, babies in this world are strangely born as if they were one year old. As far as I know, when a baby is born it should look like a turtle out of its shell, but the babies in this world look really cute and are born with hair. Even though it was very strange to me, everyone thought it was normal, so I didn't waste my little energy thinking about something like that. Whenever I thought about something for a long time, I found myself falling asleep. I fainted at least 20 times during the day trying to learn the language of this world.

If I need to explain more about my mother, she is a woman in her thirties who managed to make me fall in love with her while her blonde hair was flowing. The fact that her breasts were huge and I could play with them until I got bored was enough to remove all the uneasiness of being reincarnated in this world. If the people of this world are immortal, I'm even thinking of proposing to my own mother when I grow up. Blonde hair, gold eyes, small lips, a tiny nose, delicate white skin, white teeth, a beauty mark under her right eye, and so on... a perfect woman in every way. 

Of course, my mother's perfection worries me a little. I didn't need an IQ of 200 to understand what kind of problems someone as beautiful as my mother would attract in the medieval world. If I want my mother to remain my mother in good health, I need to grow up fast and get stronger...

If we talk more about my father; to me he is nothing more than a slightly handsome man with strange blue hair. Although if I compare him to our neighbors in this world, he's probably just average handsome.

While I was lost in thought, my mom got up from her chair, smiled, kissed my forehead, covered her breasts and went to the kitchen. She'll probably go and make herself breakfast or something. I started pretending to be asleep on purpose so that my mom would eat well and produce more milk.

In fact, even though I had my eyes closed, I was looking at the task I had taken by opening the system screen. 

[ Main task ( learn to walk ) 

Mission content : learn to walk as soon as possible 

Term of office : none 

Mission progress : infancy stage

Mission reward : profile screen and unlocking of recurring missions 

Duty penalty : none 

Note: learn to walk quickly and prove to your family that you can be a valuable slave] 

When my mom's movements became quiet because she was sure I was asleep, I opened my eyes and looked where my mom was. Luckily my mom had gone to the kitchen and left me alone for a while, so I took the opportunity to start practicing getting up and walking around on the couch. I sucked on my mom's breasts every day until my stomach was full, not only because I enjoyed it but also because I knew that breast milk was important for a baby's development.

By the time my mom finished her breakfast and came back to pick me up, I had exhausted myself with physical exercises. When my mom came to pick me up, I closed my eyes with the intention of going to sleep and recited my goals in this world to help me sleep 

1- I'm going to grow my hair. I didn't have the opportunity in the previous world. 

2- I'm going to learn how to use a sword. Because it's cool. 

3- I'll find a wife at least as beautiful as my mother. There's no hurry.

4- I will find a way to live lazily. Looking for a job or working is a lot of work. 

For now, I have set four goals for myself, but I will set more goals for myself as my knowledge of this world increases

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