
brother ? sister ?

"Okay. I took almost all your body measurements. For now, you can wear the male maid clothes I gave you, and within two days your butler clothes will be ready for you."

"Oh, thank you ma'am."

"Please address me as Lina, Yuto-sama, after all, you are our young lady's personal butler and I am just an ordinary maid."

If she had not said these words so emotionlessly, I would have thought that Lina was the kind of person who did not underestimate herself. But no matter how I looked at her, she looked extremely serious when she spoke.

Lina was the maid who served Shizune until she was five years old. While Lina was taking my body measurements, I learned a lot about Shizune's likes and dislikes. Judging by her appearance, she was probably around 8-10 years old. I secretly prayed for him to have to serve a slut like Shizune at such a young age

After Lina asked me to open both my arms, she knelt in front of me to take the last measurement she needed. Everything was normal until she was exposed to the flower scent overflowing from Lina's dark purple shoulder-length hair.

Although I wouldn't say that Lina had particularly striking physical features, she literally looked like a maid with her cold looks and the interest she showed while doing her job. And I won't even mention how well the maid costume suits her.

"Yuto-sama, if you wish, I can continue to be responsible for serving Shizune-sama in the future."

You poor child. You have suffered a lot so far Lina, you do not need to endure this pain anymore.

"No need, Lina. I'll go to the slave market soon and buy myself some helpers."

"I can be your helper if you want"

Sigh... Lina is really a kind girl. I can't punish a girl as gentle as her without reason. Today, thanks to Lina, I learned a lot about what I can do in my spare time.

"I appreciate your kindness, but my answer is still the same."

"I understand. With your permission."

What a kind girl she is. Who knows what kind of event he went through to become so emotionless at this age?

When I was left alone in my new room, I looked at the children's version of the male servant clothes lying on my bed.

In my previous life, I was never picky about clothes. For me, the only purpose of an outfit was to cover my sensitive areas and protect them from the cold. Maybe that's why I thought the clothes I was wearing when reflected in the mirror looked like the suits a businessman would wear.

After doing a few simple movements, I saw that the clothes I was wearing adapted even to my legs spread 180 degrees. It was as if it was planted ready to fight at any moment.

When I completed my own preparations, I went to my family's room, which was temporarily placed in the room next to me. Since we arrived here, we had wandered around, eaten and rested for a while, and in the meantime, it was starting to get dark.

Even though there was still plenty of time for the 8pm meeting, I didn't want to risk my job and knocked on the door of my parents' room.

The person who opened the door was not my father or my mother, it was a beauty wearing an evening dress covered with golden yellow leaf motifs, with both sides of her legs decoratively torn down to waist level.

One minute . Golden hair tied in a bun at the back and golden eyes carefully made up... This woman is my mother!

"I told you, right? Even my son can't recognize me now. Look how my son's cheeks are turning red. Unlike you, someone understands true beauty."


Elena knelt down, pressed her son to her breasts, his cheeks red, and kissed his head.

"How do I look, son?"

" Impossible "

"What is impossible"

"It is impossible for me to allow you to appear before the count while dressed like this."

"Your father said the same thing, but why? Is it wrong to want to dress well on such an important day?"

Does my mother shamelessly ask why? I already have a ton of trouble, and I don't want to deal with the count who wants to make my mother his sex slave.

"I have said my last word. Wear what I always wear or wait for me to send a maid to bring you clothes."

While my mother was about to continue defending herself, my father came out from behind the door in a suit similar to mine but looked more ordinary and stopped my mother.

"Look, even our son knows that the clothes you're wearing right now are too revealing for a woman of your age."

"If you keep treating me like I'm old, you'll be sleeping on the floor tonight, Kael."

"I'm sorry, darling, but these dresses reveal too much of your belly. If the Count finds out you're pregnant, he'll think you're useless."

Heh? What are these two talking about? Do they really think that's the problem? Wait . What do you mean pregnant?

"Mom, are you pregnant?"

"Oyaya, didn't we tell you? How stupid we are, congratulations, you will have a sibling."

When I lowered my eyes to my mother's belly, I noticed that the belly part of my mother's dress was indeed bulging.

Will I have a sibling? Is it mine ? Seriously ? Is it male? Is it a girl? Is he handsome ? Or is he a reborn like me? So who is his father? It's probably my father? What is its name? What kind of person he is ? When will he be born? Does he love me? Should I teach my brother magic? Maybe my brother wants to be a swordsman? Maybe my brother will learn both magic and swordsmanship and become a magical swordsman?

"Yuto! Talk to me ! Can you hear me?"

Since I am a reincarnated individual, will we be full siblings when my brother is born? Maybe we can be stepsisters?

" Yutooooooooo! "

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