
I Won't Let Her Leave

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Chi Ze and Nie Yi knew Leng Mu had always been hiding someone in his heart.

More importantly, this person had accidentally become his nephew's fiancée!

Now that the marriage certificate was in hand, Mu Mu gave them a positive answer, "She's my legal wife now!" As he spoke, he solemnly took two marriage certificates from his suit pocket and opened them on the table!

Nie Yi only found it unbelievable. Before he could touch it, Leng Mu pushed him away as he reached out to take a look.

Nie Yi was speechless.

"Don't touch my marriage certificate with your dirty hands." Leng Mu warned. Then, he picked up the two red marriage certificates like treasures. He opened one of them and showed it to the two of them.

Then, he put it away like a treasure.

"Is it necessary?" Nie Yi rolled his eyes and nudged Chi Ze with his elbow. "Hey, Chi, don't you think this is too unreal? How did he do it? I thought he would never have the chance to get married!"

Chi Ze blew out a smoke ring calmly, "I expected it, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly. It was impossible for Leng Mu's sister-in-law to fancy Jiang Piaopiao. After all, what did the Jiang family have?

Moreover, she was the least favored daughter in the family. She was of no help at all! This matter, perhaps Elder Sister-in-law Leng Mu single-handedly made it happen."

"You're right." Leng Mu raised his eyebrows. Then, he briefly explained the process.

"Your sister-in-law bribed your opponent to drug you?" Was there something wrong with her brain? The Li family was rich. How did they raise such a stupid daughter? Did she want everyone to know that the Leng family was not on good terms? What good does that do her?"

Leng Mu raised his eyebrows. He couldn't understand either.

"That's not right. Aren't you very resistant to those drugs? It wasn't the first time. This time, you slept with her after taking the drugs." Nie Yi raised his voice.

Leng Mu smiled self-mockingly, "I couldn't control myself when I touched her."

Nie Yi had never loved anyone, so he didn't know what it meant to be uncontrollable!

However, he patted his shoulder and said, "I won't say anything else. Brother, I thought you would be a bachelor for the rest of your life! I didn't expect you to be the first to get married among the three of us! I wish you a happy wedding!"

Chi Ze also raised his wine glass and said, "Congratulations!"

"Thanks." Leng Mu drank it all in one gulp with a happy expression. Then, he said with a serious expression, "The red packet cannot be less. Today is the marriage certificate. You'll have to give us a big one when the wedding is held."

"You don't lack money either! Do you have to be so concerned about our money?" Nie Yi had the temperament of a miser. When he thought of giving two red packets, his heart ached. 

"I don't lack it, but I'm happy." Leng Mu took off his glasses, revealing a pair of aggressive eyes.

"How much is suitable?" Nie Yi asked tentatively. After all, it couldn't be more or less. Who knew what kind of standard Boss had?

"Eight thousand eight hundred, nine thousand eight hundred." Thinking of Jiang Piaopiao's expression when she received the red packet, Leng Mu couldn't help but feel happy. 

"Alright, I'll pay 8,800. Brother Chi, you'll give 9800." Nie Yi quickly asked his assistant to bring the cash over. 

Chi Ze also asked his assistant to prepare some cash.

Nie Yi handed over the red packet, "That... Does Sister-in-law know about your leg?"

"You guess?" Leng Mu took the red packet and looked at him with a faint smile.

"Madam doesn't know yet," Gu Ye said. "In front of Madam, Second Master was still a sickly person who coughed frequently and could not do hard work. In addition, he had lost his power. In the future, if you meet outside, please act with me."

Nie Yi blinked his peach blossom eyes, "Aren't you afraid that Sister-in-law will find out and think that you're lying to her? Aren't you afraid that she'll divorce you?"

After saying that, Nie Yi also knew that he was speaking without thinking, so he quickly shut up.

Leng Mu's face darkened when he heard about the divorce, "That day won't come!"

Chi Ze agreed with Leng Mu's way of doing things. If he wanted something, he had to snatch it. If he gave it to someone else, how could it be worth his hard work? "How can I let the prey that fell into my hands escape?!" he said with a cold smile.

When Leng Mu heard this, his expression softened a little. He would never let Jiang Piaopiao leave!

Dongting Lake Villa.

When Jiang Piaopiao arrived at the house, she couldn't help but exclaim. A natural scenic spot surrounded the living environment. The greenery was done well and very suitable for Leng Mu's recovery.

Jiang Piaopiao didn't stay idle for the entire afternoon. She started decorating the house, buying flowers and some succulent plants she liked. She even made soup. She wasn't sure if Leng Mu would come back.

They had just married, so she didn't have his contact information yet.

However, Leng Mu didn't let her wait for too long before Gu Ye sent her back.

As soon as he entered, Leng Mu was stunned.

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