
After Goodbye

When she first got a job as a secretary for a handsome lawyer at a well-known law firm, Ameena felt that her future would be bright. But that was then. Long ago, before he knew that his boss, Adam, was the most annoying human species on earth. The narcissistic man is a perfectionist in every way. Not only demanding perfection, Adam is also the type of boss who has no morals who does not hesitate to disturb his subordinates' time whenever he needs it. Ameena felt that working with Adam was the same as being a slave to the invaders or selling souls to the devil. Luckily, her salary is big, so Ameena thinks twice every time she wants to hand over the envelope containing the resignation letter. Ameena had to go through five ‘bloody years’. Now that his finances have improved, he doesn't really need money after his younger brother graduated from college. Ameena is determined to leave her annoying boss, Adam, soon. However, when Ameena finally gave up her singles title because a young man made a mistake dating her, Adam messed everything up. A call from Adam causes misunderstanding, Ameena's boyfriend thinks Ameena is just a married woman who is upset and then claims to be single. Ameena was single again in a matter of hours. A sad Ameena also confides in Gabby about her plan to quit her job and her bad luck that her boyfriend dumped her thanks to Adam's impudent behavior. Ameena's best friend actually gave a crazy idea to take revenge on Adam. According to Gabby, it would be a shame if Ameena just left after being made difficult to sleep, unable to eat, and stressed for five years. Gabby suggested that Ameena just cast a spell on Adam. That way Adam will be crazy about Ameena, and Ameena can crush the boss at will. Ameena, who really has a grudge against Adam, also agrees with Gabby's idea. They order a kind of spell on online market place, in the form of a liquid with a spell, it should be mixed into Adam's coffee. Unfortunately, instead of drinking coffee mixed with liquid spell, Alvin, Adam's best friend who is a rich young entrepreneur and also a celebrity drank that coffee. Ameena didn't know that the spell was on the wrong target. Since then Alvin is crazy about Ameena, Adam becomes jealous and feels wary. Especially when Ameena said she would resign after Adam got a replacement secretary. Adam, who was afraid of losing Ameena, started to burn his beard. He did everything he could to keep Alvin away from Ameena. Adam also began to be sweet to Ameena so that his favorite secretary would not resign. Ameena was getting confused, should choose Alvin or Adam. Her heart leaned towards Adam who was surprisingly warm. He thought his boss was kind to him because of the power of the spell. But gradually Ameena found out that her spells were misdirected at Alvin, so it's no wonder that this one guy kept sticking to Ameena. Knowing that Adam's feelings for her were sincere, not because of an incantation, Ameena finally melted. One problem is solved, the last problem is just asking for an antidote for the spell that have already penetrated into Alvin's body.

ry_santi · Urban
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10 Chs

Part 5

"What are you waiting for?" Adam appeared with his hands on his hips.

"May I come in here, honey?" I asked.


I took off my shoes. Afraid of dirty fur rugs. Hey, what hair is this? How come the ox is really stepped on.

"You failed the first assignment," Adam said.


What kind of tasks? Adam didn't say anything. How can you say I failed the task?

"You're my private secretary, so your first task, wake me up every morning."


This is Adam's fix, he thinks my IQ is really squatting. When you say that, the answer is ha-he-ho-ha-he-ho? Yes, but I'm really confused.

"Okay, now you have to do the second task. Prepare my breakfast," said Adam.

"Wait, honey. We didn't have an agreement like this yesterday," I said, wanting to refuse.

"Why? Want to refuse? Your salary is 7 thousand per months if you forget."

As one year unemployed, I remember that number. I work to earn a salary right. Halal origin is not a problem. Where else can a fresh graduate with no experience like me get paid that much? I have much to be grateful for.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes," I said resignedly. "So Honey, do you want to eat gold or diamonds?"

"I usually eat wheat toast with sunny egg. Drink fruit juice."

"What are sunny eggs?"

"Fried eggs."

Oooohhhh... You Londoner. Just fry all the eggs using sunny egg.

"Fruit juice doesn't use sugar right, just looking at me is already sweet."

Adam looked at me sharply. This is so scary.

"That's the toaster and stove."

Wow, how do you use this? blown? Where's the button? Why are all the stoves flat, where are the LPG cylinders? I pasted the access card in every corner of the stove, but it won't turn on.

"Honey, maybe we need to use fingerprints on this one," I said. That's what sophisticated films say.

Adam advanced, closer, closer, forward again. I brake. Does he want to kiss me?


The sound from the stove startled me. Oh, Adam turned on the stove. I can not stand to see this true cuteness in front of him.

"Why do you close your eyes? Do you want me to kiss you?" asked Adam, strangely now he's not looking at me sharply but smiling.

"It's on."

No blue flames, just a burning icon on the stove. So sophisticated. I am amazed.

"Okay, hurry up and cook. I must attend court hearing this morning," Adam said.

I shook my head. No, I'm afraid the stove will be damaged. If you ask for compensation, selling a kidney may not even cover the price.

"Can't use it yet? I taught you. Hopefully you can cook according to the order."

Adam took a frying pan and a tubular mold that was open on both sides. The mold is placed on the frying pan. It's really complicated, to make fried eggs, all you have to do is break it in the frying pan, why use all the moulds? It is thought to make a sponge this time.

"I'm the one who broke the egg," I said.

Honey, my job is to break chicken eggs, not your 'eggs'. Later it will be your turn to break my virginity on the first night. I wanted to say that, but I was afraid of being fired, so I just had the courage to say it in my heart. It doesn't matter in my heart first, who knows it will come true.

I took an egg that was the size of an ordinary chicken egg but had a light skin color resembling a free-range chicken egg. Do rich people want to eat mixed-breed chicken eggs?

I'm good at breaking chicken eggs, I can use one hand. It's a shame the egg yolk broke when I cracked it.

"I don't want to use it. Throw it away," said Adam.

"Too bad, Baby. I will eat that."

Adam shook his head. "Throw away."

I might be visited by your spirit from nature there. You taught me not to waste food. Here, the egg only breaks the yolk, he doesn't want to eat it.

Adam took an egg from the container, washed it. He breaks eggs with two hands. Then the yolks are pushed using chopsticks so that they fit in the middle. Rich people always be complicated. Don't they know all of food would be mixed inside the stomach? I usually eat it, white rice, peanut with anchovies, balado eggplant, spinach, all mixed in one plate.

"The eggs are cooked for 40 seconds. Set a timer."

Adam actually turned on the 40 second timer. Masha Allah, I often cook instant noodle using half boiled eggs. It's white in the form of an amoeba, sometimes it looks like Samosir Island. The intention is half cooked, sometimes still raw or even overcooked. But I've never been fussy when I eat. All that's left is the 'hap' which is important to be full.

"While waiting for the eggs to cook, heat the bread toaster."

Adam heated the toaster. 40 seconds later, the sunny side up eggs are cooked. Adam lifted the mold.

"Hurray!" I said clapping. Nice shape, perfectly round.

Adam lifted his egg, shifting it to a plate. After that he took two slices of wheat bread which was inserted into the toaster.


Not long after, the buns that had been toasted earlier jumped out. I took a tissue, put it on Adam's chest.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"You know, just like in the movies, when you eat you have to have a napkin tied around your neck. You look like royalty, Honey."

"Old school," Adam waved his hand.

Adam sat at the dining table. I thought he would use a fork and knife. As usual, rich people are complicated and have lots of rules. Everything that is easy is made difficult. But not. Adam ate wheat bread and fried eggs with his hands.

"Pour the orange juice. It's in the fridge."

Hah? What are frits? Brits? What do you mean by bridge? Bridge? The only English I know is I love you.

"Fridge," Adam repeated louder.

I look around. My problem is not in the ear, but in English. Even if I want to shout using loud speaker, if I don't understand, that's the same as lying. But I want to keep trying. I'm a secretary. What else I can do? I looked at the kitchen counter, there was no orange juice box. Not at the dinner table either.

I heard Adam take a deep breath. He stood up, walked over to the fridge and took out a box of orange juice.

"Oooooooh, refrigerator. Refrigerator," I said.