

There was a boy sitting at a window with blonde hair and blue eyes, he sighed and said. "Father I hope I can see you again" at this point he knew his father wouldn't come back from this war it was ww1 period and this boy's father was fighting for Germany. World war 1 was coming to an end and Germany's economy was coming crashing down. Most people know Germany lost world war 1.

This bot kept going he joined Germany to get revenge for his father but Germany lost that war again

(Modern time)

"German ww2 vet is arrested for the time he watched Jewish people die," said a news reporter

(Cort Room)

"You are convicted of the murdering of millions of jews," said a judge with sliver hair

"I didn't kill them," He said

" You watched them die and did nothing," Said the judge

"Blame me but the people who dropped the nukes didn't get arrested for killing Japanese citizens," He said

that's when everyone here's a gunshot, and before they know it the man was dead. That when they hear somebody say America fuck yay.

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