
The Ultimate Ice User

Lucas took Grey away from the Dawson manor. Given what might happen, he didn't want to take the risk of Grey breaking through while they were in the manor.

Grey was a very important figure right now. At the moment, Grey represented hope, not just for himself, but the entire Aurora Continent as a whole. A person who can get to the God Plane would change the trajectory of the upcoming war. As long as they could hold on for a year or two, Grey should be able to get to the God Plane at that time.

This was the rise of a God, and with a God Plane Elementalist, the Gnomes wouldn't dare to attack them anymore. Not just that, but Grey would open the way for other Gods to emerge, making the Continent to have more Gods given the large amount of people that were already at the very peak, like Lucas and the other top powerhouses in the Continent that has been alive for hundreds of years, some even thousands of years.


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