
Chapter 1

I can only say that not remembering being reborn/rebirthed was so far the biggest blessing of my new life. The second blessing was being reborn before my new father went insane and started burning people, I was reborn as Aegon the fifth child of Aerys and Rhaella Targaryen. The third blessing was that Rhaella almost never left me alone, I was constantly worried that the maester would poison me to weaken the Targaryen bloodline.

Being reborn in 272 AC meant that I would be 9-10 when Robert rebelled with Ned and Jon, this gave me a number of years to plan and prepare for this inevitable event. I know that nothing I do would be able to stop Aerys from going insane and then making everyone in the kingdoms our enemies. But that doesn't mean that I wont be able to make some contingency plans.

My first priority would be making it to the rebellion, I'm fairly certain that the Maesters have been plotting against the Targaryens since we came to Westeros. The dragons themselves were my biggest evidence, records show that they kept getting smaller and smaller. Yet Danaerys' dragons became fairly large after just a couple years, some would say that this was because the blood sacrifice of Drogo but I disagree.

But enough about that, I need to focus on eating and moving around as much as possible. Normally babies speak after 10-14 months and walk around 12 months, I have decided to talk at 9 months and walk at 8-9 months. I want to be seen as a genius or blessed by the gods so that people don't question my advanced maturity.

10 Months have passed since I was reborn and my plan is going apace, I have shown to be able to walk and talk and even show plenty of affection to my new family. Convincing the maester to begin my education after that was fairly simple, luckily the alphabet used in Westeros is english so I "learned" to read in only 2 months which caused Pycelle to boast about me to everyone around.

With my genius mind established I could start my plan to set things up for me to survive our coming problems. The first step of my plan was to get an allowance and then to turn that into a fortune that I could use to my advantage in Essos in the future. Step 1a is to learn what technologies the people of Westeros have access to, this is where I can gain not only money but also good will from the people and nobles of this fine country.

The technology level of Westeros leaves me with a lot of options to make money and allies, my first invention will be for the North and the Vale though the other kingdoms will benefit from it's creation as well. I've decided to build the heavy plow and seed drill first, I will give them to our noble houses and sell them to Essos.

Step 2 starts with me using some of my wealth to ensure the people of Kings Landing love me, I plan to give out some money and food to the people of Flea Bottom. I also plan to recruit my "Personal Guard" from the people of Flea Bottom, with Barristan Selmy and the master of arms of the Red Keep they could be trained up and ready to keep me and my younger siblings safe in Essos.

At the age of 4 I finally convinced Aerys to give me an allowance and thank goodness for kings with no idea what a suitable allowance would be. Mine was a full 20 thousand a year, that was more than enough to ensure my plans could go forth.

I spent 1000 dragons earning some goodwill with the people of Flea Bottom, and another 200 working with a smith and wood worker to make the heavy plow and seed drill. The High Septon proclaimed me blessed by the Seven right after that. I had one made for each lord and a set of plans drawn up so they could make more themselves, then I sold the design to a representative of the Iron Bank of Braavos for 15 thousand a-piece.

With my new excess wealth I hired my first servant to be my proxy in purchasing the inns, brothels and taverns of the city. All told Kings Landing has 60 taverns 122 brothels and 77 inns throughout the whole city, together they made me over 12 thousand dragons a year. Buying all of them set me back about 4000 dragons, by the end of the year I had about 34 thousand left by the end of the year.

When I turned 5 I begged Aerys to allow me to recruit my own guards and servants, by now I had pretty much learned that he would agree to anything to shut me up as he wasn't the most attentive father. He even increased my allowance to 50 thousand just to stop bothering him with my "unimportant matters".

A peasant family tends to make about 3-5 gold dragons a year if they had a farm and sold their produce, a guard would typically make between 7-10 dragons simply because they were considered more important that farmers or ranchers, a hedge knight could earn about 20-40 gold on average hunting down bandits on the road and being paid by local lords.

Most landed knights had incomes of about 50-70 dragons depending on how many peasants lived on their land and how they had developed the land. A minor noble had an income of 200-400 dragons or so. This was after taxes of course, though that didn't stop many of them from spending more than they made and then raising the taxes of their peasants higher to break even.

My guards were to be given 3 meals a day plus get paid 15 dragons a year, in exchange they would fight for me and defend me in any situation. I decided to hire 200 guards from Flea Bottom, outfitting them would cost me 5 gold each, training them with the house guards would cost another 5 for the first year, plus feeding them and arming them would be another 5 or so.

All told for the first year I would be spending 30 gold per guard and the years after that would cost 20. 6000 for the first year and 4000 for the years after that, with Aerys increasing my allowance so much I took every advantage that I could. I figured that eventually mother or Rhaegar would convince Aerys that 50000 was too much and that my allowance would be lowered, so I figured that by making investments now to make more money later would be the way to go.

I opened more brothels and taverns in the city which brought my income up to 17 thousand per year. I didn't want to make printing presses or blast furnaces that would be lost to me and help Robert when he took over. I had to limit myself until I made it to Essos, I couldn't leave without my younger siblings, I owed Rhaella that much no matter what.

After Jaehaerys died Rhaella needed the comfort and she had taken such good care of me I couldn't help but love her. when Viserys was born I made a promise to myself that for Rhaella I would take care of Viserys and Daenaerys when she was born.

My ultimate goal at this point was to have enough money to create an army in Essos and then come back and retake the throne. Now this goal is not locked in just yet, I have also thought about staying in Essos and just taking some territory there but I know that taking Westeros would be easier.

I hate slavery which is one of the biggest reasons I both do and don't want to conquer Essos, I do because I would put an end to slavery, I don't because in truth I don't really want to stay in Essos forever.

During my free time I try and find all of the secret rooms and passages of the Red Keep, so far I've found dozens of passageways and plenty of old storerooms. It was during the Defiance of Duskendale that I found what i had been hoping to find all along, I found an old vault likely built by one of my ancestors to store valuable goods. Inside I found dozens of Valyrian Steel knives and entire sets of Valyrian Steel forks and spoons.

I figure I had enough Valyrian Steel to make 4 maybe 5 longswords, I also found piles of old gold coins printed with the Stark Wolf, and the Lannister Lion as well as others. But the best find were the 2 dragon eggs just sitting there. One was black with gold veins running around it and the other was red with silver veins.

I set up a meeting in Braavos with the Iron Bank, since I couldn't go myself I sent my Sworn Sword Ser Raymund Storm. Raymund was a hedge knight I recruited and I knew he wouldn't betray me, I gave 3 of his children great futures. His oldest son became a landed knight to house Rosby and 2 of his sisters were given good marriages to good lords.

When he came back the Defiance was over and the Iron Bank confirmed that I had deposited 1,438,988 gold coins into my account. I knew this was enough to start my plans for when we fled, but something just kept telling me to keep preparing and get more. Since entering this world I have made sure to listen to my feelings and so far they haven't steered me wrong.

When father returned I knew the old Aerys was dead, he was always touched and this just made it much worse. The first time he forced himself onto Rhaella, 3 of the kingsguard had to hold me back, when I saw my mother covered in scratches and bite marks I almost lost it again, it was only Rhaella's calm voice and soft touch that held me back.

In 279 AC Rhaegar and Elia Martell were married, Elia was truly too good for my brother. This was also the year that my training in combat was taken over by Ser Barristan Selmy himself. The training was intense, I couldn't remember how many times Barristan rang my bell, every time I'd drop my guard. Boom!!!! Right in the noggin.

For the next few years I trained my butt off until I at the age of 10 I defeated Ser Barristan, he might have been going easy on me but I count that as a win. After that I had to start sparring with multiple opponents, I thought to try my hand at wielding twin swords much like Ser Artur Dayne. I decided 1 was enough for me.

Join us next time for another exciting adventure of Aegon in Westeros/Essos.

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