
Chapter 1: Time to Shine

It was a beautiful morning in the Land of Dawn. The sun was shining down The City of Scholars. It's streets were all filled with people and vehicles going point to point for their everyday routines. Women and men were rushing to stores to buy materials and supplies for their latest projects, cars and flying machines were zooming past one another, while the children were playing on the streets with their advanced gadgets. What a beautiful day indeed but we are not here to focus on that.

In a small house, could be seen a young lady sleeping soundly in her bed. Her blanket was all messed up like her hair was frizzy. Her head was on the other side of the bed where her feet are suppose to be. A mess to put simple. Beside her bed was her obsessively large cannon that emitted a blue ring of light near the base of it's handle. This girl's name was Layla. She is currently only sixteen years old, alone without anyone to guide her but herself and her instincts. She was a pretty girl but do not be fooled by her looks. Even though she might look innocent, she could gun down a whole pack of Creeps in her way with her trusted Malefic Cannon.

An owl-shaped alarmclock on the bedside table rang through the room. Layla was reluctant to get up out of bed. She felt her way to the clock with her foot, smashing it off with a hard kick. She sat up, a flock of hair in her face.

She yawned, "Good morning."

She prepared herself a quick and easy breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast. Her hair was tied into two long ponytails. Between them were a set of goggles worn out throughout the years from fights, creation mishaps and other stuff. After devouring her meal, she quickly ran to the the door. Near it was a picture of a little girl with the same blonde hair as hers. Along beside her were her mother and father. She caressed the frame letting out a smile, "See you guys." With a sprint she hurried outside the house and into the streets bumping into people along the way.

"Sorry!" ,she shouted as she ran outside towards the city gates.

She arrived at the exit of the city. The gates were gigantic. They towered over the tallest building and for good reason to. The wall serves as protection from the outside forces like natural disasters, raids and monster attacks. Even though the city was filled with scholars smarter than anyone in the land, only few were skilled in combat. They weren't that big to start but because of the last incident that happened, the mayor decided to take some precautions and build it up more.

Layla was about to run off into the forests when a guard stopped her. "Good morning , Layla" the guard spoke with a deep, growly voice.

"Good morning, sir!" she jokingly saluted.

"Where you off to?" he said examining the weapon she was carrying.

"I'm going to the Magic Academy to visit a friend."

"Oh, are you now?"

"Yah, so if you don't mind-" Layla took a step but the guard stook his hand out blocking her way.

"Oh, no you don't. There's been news around the Land of Dawn that there's been a monster outbreak in the forest causing massive chaos and destruction and for someone like you to go out there", he looked at Layla once more ", let's just say the city we'll be having one less citizen to worry about." The guard smirked.

Layla chuckled to what she heard. She wrapped her hand around the handle of her cannon. She put on a childish voice, "Oh, thank you so much Mr. Gaurd for taking care of little-o-me but-" , she suddenly fired her cannon to the nearest wall beside her leaving a massive hole. If you would to peer through it you could see the forest and trees with holes in them as well ", I think I'll be okay."

She patted the chest of the guard, still shocked, and skipped off into the forest shouting, "Keep it up!"

The guard still looking at the hole, grabbed his radio and called out to someone, "Sir, Sector twelve needs repairing."

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