
Adventures Of The Fateweaver (Dropped)

When Eden, a child confined within a corrupt hospital for his entire life, finally takes his last breath, Fate takes pity on him and transports him into a world somewhat resembling his own. But, naturally, this world includes devils, dragons, and gods living alongside humanity. Fate, being a "benevolent goddess", provides her new champion with tools to defend himself, such as a magical sword with a sinister and violent history, and a magical house that conceals wondrous secrets spanning the multiverse.

Vex_900 · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 25

After they finished tidying up, it was almost lunchtime. "Want to have lunch together? I had plans to meet up with some friends," Eden suggested.

"Sounds good," Ryoko responded in a soft voice, still somewhat embarrassed by their recent activities.

"Was that your first time?" she asked, looking at Eden.

"No, not really," he answered in a rather monotone voice. Simultaneously, he messaged Himani, telling her to join them in the room she had mentioned. Following that, she started playfully hitting Eden on the arm. "You're my first girlfriend. Doesn't that mean anything?"

"Really?" she replied, seeming surprised.

"Really, really," Eden assured her. After that, she seemed to calm down. While Eden was a bit concerned about someone entering the room just after their intimate moment, he reasoned that it should be alright. He had used magic to eliminate any lingering odors and had employed spells to clean the space. However, he remained more concerned about the lingering Allure, although Ryoko appeared satisfied and it didn't seem to affect her as much.

As he gazed at Ryoko, he realized that their relationship might have more potential than he initially thought. Like a good chromancer, he began pondering the future. The sole external obstacle to their relationship would likely be her mother, Hiroko. There were several ways to handle this situation. Hiroko was a garden-variety bad mother – not particularly supportive and excessively distrustful of men. This was something Eden could easily envision becoming a problem.

He had a straightforward solution in mind, which he intended to carry out after lunch. He would blend two spells – Clairvoyance, which would allow him to observe anyone he was knew off with, and Personality Change, a spell that, as its name suggested, altered personalities at a rate determined by the caster. His intention was to use the spell to make Hiroko more relaxed and supportive of their relationship.

Just then, the door opened, and three individuals walked in: Asia, his ward and friend; Tomozaki, one of his closest and longest friends; and Aoi Himami, an acquaintance who had informed him about the room's location. After glancing around the room, they all turned their attention to Ryoko.

"Welcome to the spot, guys. Let me introduce you. This is my girlfriend, Ryoko Kaji. Ryoko, these are my friends …" Eden introduced Ryoko to the three individuals. After a quick greeting, Ryoko faced the new acquaintances.

Tomozaki and Himami appeared nonchalant about Eden having a girlfriend, probably assuming either the relationship wouldn't endure or that she would just be one among many. Meanwhile, Asia's expression was one of curiosity. "How did you manage to bring all this stuff in here without anyone noticing?" Himami inquired, taking a seat on the couch.

"Yeah, I was there when Himami-chan mentioned this place," Asia chimed in.

"A magician never reveals their secrets. Anyway, did you guys come here to play Atafami?" Eden asked as he began setting up for the game. He fetched the controllers and other necessary items while engaging in conversation. Himami seemed to be attempting to chat with Ryoko, who appeared a bit shy, likely due to a mix of embarrassment and her social isolation at school. Talking to one of the most popular girls in her year could feel a bit strange.

"Asia, are you okay?" Eden checked, noting that Asia had been standing near the door, seemingly hesitant to speak.

"Yes, Eden, everything's fine," she assured before taking a seat on the couch.

First, Eden played against Himami and managed to dominate the game. Next, he faced Tomozaki, who put up a better fight but still fell short. Afterward, they all engaged in a multiplayer game, with Tomozaki ultimately claiming victory, albeit not by a significant margin. "Perhaps some people are simply born better," Himami muttered while glancing at Eden after their second duel.

While the trio enjoyed their gaming session, Asia and Ryoko were involved in an interaction that appeared slightly awkward, yet they seemed to be getting along. When they grew tired of playing, they utilized the microwave to warm up some cup ramen and enjoyed a meal before heading off to class. Ryoko was the last to leave. "Are you going to class?" she inquired.

"Nah," Eden replied. He planned to deal with Ryoko's mother first and then read the novel he had stored in his inventory. "Do you want to have lunch with me and my friends tomorrow?"

"You have friends?"

"Yes, why would I not have friends."

"Alright sounds good, I hadn't planned on lunch tomorrow," Ryoko responded before leaning in for a chaste kiss and departing.

Now alone, Eden focused on his tasks. First, he conjured an image of Ryoko's mother in his mind. He had obtained the image from Hisato after asking her to investigate Ryoko. With the image clear, he proceeded to cast the first spell, Clairvoyance. His vision shifted to a distant location – a decent-looking mall clothing store, where he observed Ryoko's mother, a woman wearing an excess of makeup and sporting short hair.

The second spell, {Personality Change: Revelation/Positive and Loving}was cast. The incantation included details about the transformation – the reason behind the change and its effect. "Revelation" indicated that a life-altering event triggered the change, while "Positive and Loving" described the resulting personality. The woman's expression turned blank for a moment, as if her mind had been switched off. After about a minute, she appeared rejuvenated.

Satisfied that the spell had taken effect, Eden ended Clairvoyance. Most spells couldn't be cast over such distances due to the challenges of managing mana across vast gaps. However, the secondary ability of his Magi Eye enabled him to cast specific spells as long as the target was within sight. With the assurance that a potential future issue had been addressed, Eden retrieved the novel he had been given and began reading.