
Chapter 17

Durring the rest of school he just read and texted Ryoko and learned more about herself she probably had been texting him so much during class because she wanted to make sure he did not come off as a easy girl after kissing him the frist time they met. She also told him how she got cigarettes and how the dude sold them to her tripled the price. Thinking about how scumy that was he teaxted Himato to send some people to deal with him not kill hi mbut just break his legs since he was just some lowlife he also told her to have them take his phone since Ryoko was complaining about how old hers was. He also got texted from both Mia and Yuki and Yuki had put them all into a LINE group together. Other text he got was from his other sister Yuna complaining to him about how he did not come and see her and him saying it was because he did not know where she was which then she demanded he eat lunch with her. After class had came to a end he quickly made his way to the sewing room to exclaim his victory.

When he entered the room, he saw that Hinami-chan and Tomozaki were already there. "My Lady Hinami, I come bearing news of my victory," he declared, bowing as he handed his phone to Hinami. With that matter attended to, she proceeded to brief both Tomozaki and him on the day's events.

"Hinami, didn't you say that base stats aren't everything?" Tomozaki questioned after Eden had finished recounting his story.

"To be honest, I said that as a joke. But this is actually quite impressive, in a 'you're a huge scumbag' kind of way," Hinami responded.

"So, Lady Hinami, what reward does this lowly knight earn?" Eden inquired.

"Knight Eden, for your acts of tomfoolery and womanizing, I shall grant thee a castle," she announced.

"What?" Eden exclaimed, bewildered.

"You know, this school is way too big for the number of students we have, right?" Hinami pointed out.

"I've noticed."

"Well, there are a bunch of club rooms and spaces that aren't being used by anyone."

"Yeah, I guess."

"While I was searching for places to, you know, do my thing alone, I found some rooms that were empty but locked up. But Tomozaki told me that you're a bit of a delinquent, so I'm suggesting that if someone were to unlock the doors, nobody would suspect a break-in. I mean, those rooms have never been used."

"What a useful piece of information my lady has so graciously shared," Eden acknowledged. After she provided him with the room number and returned his phone, he had one more inquiry. "Are you going to join the gamer group? We have a meeting this Sunday."

"Are there any other girls in it?" Hinami asked.

"No, but I could try to invite some."

"If you do, then I might consider it. I just don't want to be stuck in a room full of guys staring at me like I'm some kind of alien."

"I understand. I can..."

Before he could finish, she interjected, "I already put my number in your phone." Looking at his phone, he indeed found a new contact.

"You're almost as smooth as me," Eden remarked, and with that, he exited the room.

Eden then proceeded to the room, which didn't take him long as Hinami's directions were accurate. Standing in front of the classroom, he tested the door. It was locked, and though he had several methods to open it, he believed he shouldn't waste any resources since this room would become his secondary space.

{True Awakening}, a spell that bestowed sentience upon objects, was what he cast. Placing his hand on the door, he instructed, "Open." As a result, the door swung open. Surveying the room, he noticed it was fully furnished but covered in dust. Employing {Mage Hands} and {Gust}, he used magic to clear the dust away with a gust of wind. He contemplated converting this room into an extension of Mansion Infinitas, much like the condo he planned to show the girls this weekend. However, he knew that would take time, so he postponed it for tomorrow.

Before departing, he enacted one last spell: {Impart Knowledge; Mana Manipulation (Master 0%), Enchantment Magic (Expert 0%), Illusion Magic (Novice 0%)}. He shared his understanding with the door, now transformed into a mimic, hoping it would confound anyone attempting to enter the room.

With that done, it was time to head home. Today's agenda included conquering a dungeon and studying Illusion magic to master the art of skipping school without detection, especially now that his presence was known. As he exited, he spotted someone near the gates – an older woman with long black hair adorned in a lab coat. It was his guidance counselor, Aunt Shizuka. However, now she played the role of his guidance counselor. Upon locking eyes with him, he sensed the anger in her gaze.

Any strong feelings about Rias being in the Harem or not I'm leaning no but My thoughts might be able to be changed

Vex_900creators' thoughts
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