34 Class 2

"Alright students Settle Down".

The voice of a rather tall and skinny man filled the room. He looked youthful, but his voice was filled with an unknown amount of wisdom. The room had no windows, and was dimly lit by candle light.

"My name is Yvonne Arion, and I will be taking over this class starting from today. Unfortunately, your former teacher has met with some family issues and was forced to retire."

His words brought whispers to the class. The 10 students from my previous class had joined in with 3 other groups for a total of 35 students. These groups consisted of all categories, and had beastmen such as our group, humans, and vampires.

It only took one look for me to notice that the teacher was a vampire himself. It was rather strange looking at him, a got a vague feeling that in my past life I would have been afraid of him. The feeling was mute though, as the vampire would now be instructing us.

"I do not know where your old teacher left off, nor do I care. From this moment on you are my students, and this means you will be learning what I see fit."

The man spoke while carrying one of those folding hand fans. As his words stopped snapped the fan shut, causing a bang to echo through the silent classroom.

"Humanity has lost." He spoke into the darkness.

"Humanity has lost. We have failed to recover from our own failures. There is no coming back. We will never again have the world we had before."

The man spoke as he stared off into the distance. His face seemed filled with memories as he continued.

"Never again will humanity be able to enjoy a night of debauchery in the woods, or have the luxury of a cruise."

"For most of you these words are foreign. You have no idea what humanity could do at its peak. You will never understand the feeling of watching a movie in a theater, or being stuck in traffic. The simple enjoyment of fishing by a lake side."

"These things and many others will forever be out of your reach, we cannot go back. Our world has evolved and it is time that we do as well."

I found myself nodding at his words, they mirrored my own thoughts. Even if his words sounded foreign to my ears there was still a sense of familiarity. These words had meaning to me at one point in time.

"We stand at the end of an Era, when this city falls, and it will, Humanity will become no more."

The class let out a collective gasp at his words. The topic had always been at the back of every person's minds, but no one had dared to speak the words out loud.

"Let me repeat myself. My name is Yvon Arion And I am a vampire. I have lived for over 500 years. I have witnessed the rise of industry, and the explosive growth it has caused among humanity. I have witnessed it at the very peak, and now I am witnessing its fall."

"But this does not mean that the world will end. We are already there. Monsters have taken control, and it is only a matter of time before the world is completly ruled by them. Because of this, humanity has fallen from the apex. The age of humanity has passed, but that does not mean we will fall the sidelines."

"It is up to us to continue forward. To find a way to survive once this city falls. To find a way to survive when our backs are to the wall and we have no path left to take."

"The class you are in is a survival class. We will learn to survive outside of this city. From this moment on you will become students of the world, and every thing in existence will be your teacher. I will be your guide.'

"You will be happy to know that there will be no passing or failing my class. There are only 2 available paths. You live, or you die. I will teach you the minimum you need to know to survive, and at the end of the semester you will need to survive for a month outside of the city."

The man looked around the room. Not even the sound of breathing could be heard as the students listened to him speak. The man lifted his hand, and books appeared in front of each of the students.

"Now open your books to Chapter 1. Let us begin today's lesson. I would listen carefully class, as the information I teach you today, and every day, could very well what helps you survive."

A cry could be heard from the back of the room. It was not a surprise for me that the cry came from a male. Men often teased women that they were weak, but this was only to cover up there own weakness.

No, what surprised me was that the voice was familiar. It was one of the bearmen from my class. The voice had belonged to a particularly large and obese boy. I could only shake my head as I heard the cry, I knew then that he did not have what it takes to survive this class.
