8 Chapter 7 Battle of the Strongest

Hearing the answer and laughter, the brothers nod to each other and look at their mother.

- Hagoroma, Homura - After looking and saying the names of her children, she activated the byakugan.

When she activated the byakugan, Acnologia copied it, Acnologia's eyes itched as he activated the byakugan, Acnologia looked at Kaguya and saw tenketsu chakra channels - Hmph - he chuckled.

Acnologia's body began to become covered with scales, wings grew on his back, horns grew on his head, a tail grew on the lower part, Acnologia took the partial form of a dragon, he realizes that if he becomes a full dragon, then Kaguya will attack with ash bones, which are destroyed at the molecular level ...

The brothers were surprised at this, but did not attach any importance to it.

- What's the plan? Homura asked.

- We need to defeat her somehow. - Said Hagoroma.

- I take the ten-tails, and you deal with her - Said Acnologia

- Good - Answered brothers

The Ten-Tails attacked with their tails, Acnologia leaped towards him and dodged the attacks with his tails in the air and hit him in the head.


The blow came to the Eye, a substance similar to blood comes out of the eye, the tailed one directed its hand at the person, but instead of hitting him, he hit himself.

Aknologia punched the tailed beast in the head, his body staggered violently, Acnologia jumped off the ten-tailed's head and hovered next to his head and kicked him in the head.

The head of the ten-tails flew away with the body.

Aknalogiya landed on the ground and looked around, and neither saw nor felt nor Kaguya's brothers. - Where are they?

[Somewhere in the lava world]

The huge Susano brandished a katana, Kaguya dodged all attacks and approached, then delivered several chakra blows.

Susano was destroyed, Homura appeared behind Kaguya and when he wanted to touch her, he got hit in the head and almost fell into the lava, Hagoroma grabbed Homura.

- How are you? - Asked Hagoroma looking at his mother

- More or less okay. - Homura answered, and began to hover in the air.

Ashen bones came out on both of Kaguya's palms, Hagoroma and Homura became alert as she shot them at their children.

- Shinra Tensei - The gravity wave destroyed the bones.

But a lava ball flew at them, Hagoroma did not have time to defend himself when suddenly Homura was repelled by a Lava Boulder, his hands were covered with green chakra.

[Meanwhile, Acnalogia and the Ten-Walled]

Bijuu bombs flew directly at the dragon that was in the sky, the dragon dodged all shots, and after a while he attacked with balls.

The Ten-Tails defended with their tails, a pillar of dust rose, Aknalogia took advantage of the fact that the enemy closed, teleported to him, the dust scattered and the Ten-Tails was waiting for him with a biju bomb and fired directly at him.

"It won't work for me the second time! - Extending his hand with an open palm, he caught the bomb and swallowed it, the ten-tailed one was shocked, but the dragon swelled a little and fired a beam of energy.


The beam hit right in the head, his head began to smoke, but before the ten-tailed regained consciousness, he was grabbed by the tail, and he was lifted into the sky, Acnologia decided to end him, and began to climb, they flew into the sky.

10km, 30km, 40km, 80km, 100km.

Acnologia realizing that this was enough to let go of the ten-tails, and at high speed crashed into the back of the ten-tails, and they headed towards the ground at great speed, the body of the ten-tails began to burn.

Acnologia and the Ten-Tails fell to the ground like a meteor and crashed to the ground.

* BOOM * * BOOM *

A huge crater of 20 km was formed, the shock wave destroyed everything within a radius of 60 km.

The dragon climbed out of the crater and grabbed his head. - oh, oh, my head, - Only 20% of the body remained from the ten-tailed one, it did not recover anymore.

After Acnologia recovered, he remembered that Kaguya could open portals to another world.

- And so, into what world they went. - Acnologia opened a portal to the world of ice, and entered there, and tried to feel hot kavo. - They are not here, so we are looking for something else.

[Back to tsutsuki]

Homura and Hagoroma, dodged the vacuum fists.

Kaguya cornered them, Homura used the True Seek Balls to distract Kaguya.

- For a long time, Brother, if not then hurry up - Said Homura.

"Give me your hand." Hagoroma held out his hand to Homura.

* PShSh *

- What is it? - Asked Homura Looking at the sign in his hand.

"This is what will help us defeat her. - Said Hagoroma, it Surprised Homura.

- Homura, distract her! - Shouted Hagoroma and disappeared.

- Yes! - Homura entered Tenseigan Mode and started attacking Kaguya.

Kaguya dodged and grabbed Homura by the throat and sucked out his chakra, she suddenly felt danger behind her, and looked at him and his hand, there was a sign of the sun.

Homura disappeared and reappeared next to her, and held out his hand with the sign of the moon.

She felt the danger from these signs, and again she moved everyone to another world, to the ice world.

Hagoroma and Homura, along with Kaguya, are stuck in the ice.

Kaguya opened the portal and entered it, Hagoroma and Homura surprised by this.

- Shinra Tensei - Hagoroma said in his mind, the wave of gravity destroyed the ice.

Kaguya opened a portal beside her and behind her children.

No sooner had the brothers come to their senses as a black substance immobilized them.

- Hagoroma, Homura. Kaguya said tears began to flow from her white eyes. - I DO NOT ON VI ZHU YOU MY CHILDREN.

She began to absorb their chakra, but before she could absorb their chakra, she was kicked in the head.

Hagoroma and Homura freed themselves from their shackles and looked at Acnologia in surprise.

- Heh, so I made the right choice. - Said Aknalogia.

- You! She looked at him angrily.

- Yes, I am - said Achnalogy imperturbably.

Kaguya wanted to recover and moved them to the red wasteland,

Acnologia copied her movement between worlds and changed the world back to earth, it was deep night on the earth. \

The brethren were not surprised at the strength of the King.

Hagoroma attacked Kaguya first, she repelled his attack and sent him flying with a blow to the face.

Homura attacked from behind, but Kaguya used Rine's sharingan technique and pushed Homura away, Acnologia was about to attack when he was grabbed by the tail of the ten-tails.

- So you recovered, wooden freak - said Acnologia teleporting to Kaguya, she did not expect this and received - Magical Dragon's Hammer - on the head and crashed her face on the ground.

When the Tree recovered, the first thing he wanted was to kill Acnologia, but after he saw Kaguya get hit he wanted to protect her, but before he could do something, the brothers began to seal him.

Hagoroma sealed it into himself.

Acnologia literally trampled on her, he continued to beat the weakened Kaguya, she wanted to restore her strength, but Acnologia did not allow her to do this, the operkot blow sent her flying, but she did not fly in debt, as she received another blow and she flew even higher.

- Hey, seal it faster! - Shouted at the Acnologia brothers.

They, without wasting time, flew with all their might to Kaguya, she did not have time to leave, as the brothers touched her --- Catastrophic Planetary Destruction --- gathering the last strength, Kaguya, created or gave birth to Black Zetsu, Acnologia noticed him, but did not bother him ...
