
Chapter 31 After Fight

Hi guys, this is the next chapter.


After the battle finished, everyone come inside the chalet and meet with the sci-fi club members there where they already move away from the battlefield. The maids except for Sarah and Maya start to clean up all the post-war damage between them and enemies outside the chalet.

==Inside the chalet==

Kanda sits on one of the couches in the living room where Eris sits at his right and Aoi at his left in the same couch.

"So, how is the battle, everyone?" Kio asks to the people that involved in the battle outside.

"So so, I guess." Kanda just answer him casually before he glances at Antonia and asks her, "Antonia-chan, how about our casualties?"

"I don't really know but let me ask my subordinate first, Kanda-niisan." She said that before orders Maya to answer his inquiry.

"Our only casualties are light injuries for 3 maids from the battle maids where others doesn't injured at all. Due to Kanda-sama's active participation in the battle, its provides some time for the our maids to retreat especially when that giant robot has arrived." Maya gives the post-battle detail to Kanda which Kanda nods at her explanation.

"Kanda, is it your strength have increase again?" Manami questions him.

"That's true...I can see that your speed become even more faster compare to our last battle at the park. I couldn't see your hand movement when you attack had been stroked towards that giant robot." Aoi joins the conversation.

"How you usually have trained your body to get that powerful, Pervert Brat?" Sarah also questions him.

"Well..." He stopped for a while before continues, "I have trained using a gravity-controlled room inside the Catia's ship where it give the sense of weight increasing when someone stay inside that room. You can try using it as the training under intense weight allowing you to unlock your body potential especially when you can controlled how much weight your body need to endure. My increase in speed also due to the training inside that room." Kanda explains to them the reason behind his sudden increase in strength.

"I can vouch for his claim as I'm also with him during his training where I want to see what is the limit for his body" Durel interjected the conversation to give her support for his statement.

"So...can see you his limit, Durel?" Kuune curiously asks to Durel about Kanda.

"Not at all." Durel shakes her head before continues, "I can see that his body have unlimited potential which not yet been fully unlocked so he can increase his strength even more."

"What is your body really made of, Brat?" Sarah had a sceptical look on her face as she questions him after hearing Durel's statement.

"I'm still the same like all of you here but a bit different here and there." Kanda gives vague answer to Sarah.

"Humph! If you don't want to answer, don't give us that half-assed answer." Sarah crosses her arms while spat at his answer.

"Ano...may I know who really are all of you here? Do you know who is the one behind those robots attack?" Aiko suddenly speaks up after the tense atmosphere between Kanda and Sarah.

"Well...if you want to know" Eris speaks up to Aiko inquiry before she continues, "We're an alien and we trying to make a relationship with the planet here while having some fun. For the one behind this today's attack, we call her as Madam J and she also an alien like us too though we still don't know what alien race is she?"

So, Kanda here also an alien like you, Eris." Asked Aiko to Eris.

"Technically, I'm a human but I'm a bit different from all of you here, so you can call me as an alien too." Kanda explained it to Aiko.

"Where are you from, Kanda-niisan?" Antonia asks him curiously.

"From different time and from different dimensions, Antonia-chan" Replied him to her while rubs her head gently which she just smiles from his caressing.

"Tch...You just trying to be mysterious." Sarah clicks her tongue from his remark.

They continue talking around where sometimes about their identity or Madam J's intention behind tonight's attack. They go to their own room after finishing the conversation and the maids at the outside already done cleaning the chalet. Kanda spends his night by cuddling with his girlfriends at his room.

==At Madam J's room==

[Our forces for the tonight's attack already had been obliterated by those people. Even our trial giant-size robot had been easily destroyed by Ichijou Kanda.] Muttley gives the battle report to the woman inside the room which is Madam J or Jens. He is talking with the support of translation device where he only wheezing as his trademark.


A table had been hit by a fist where Jens is the one who hitting it and she had furious look in her face.

"I know that our forces tonight are disposable but I still feel angry when they easily had been destroyed by 'those' people." She said that while holding the furious feeling inside her heart.

She turns his body from the window and looks at Muttley before talks to him.

"Muttley, are you getting the information that we will need to increase our chance defeating 'those' people?" Asked Jens.

[Of course] Replied short by him before continues, [I already receive it from one of the those disposable robots especially the information about Ichijou Kanda's last attack on the giant robot.]

"Good, Muttley. By getting the information from his attack, we can trying to make a similar attack like him." Jens said that delightful when hearing one of the good news from Muttley.

[However, we only can replicate his attack about 60% percent similar as we don't have the capability to fully use his attack potential.] Muttley quickly interrupted her delights by stating the probability to create Kanda's attack.

"It's already sufficient, Muttley. As long as we can recreate half of his attack, our firepower will increase greatly." Jens said that while she had resolute expression on her face.

She walking at her table and pouring some wine into a glass before she holding it in her hand.

"Anyway, we can assure that our next attack will become more dangerous for them to resist and the only one who can rival us is Ichijou Kanda only. I will use the plan that specially had been made for him later on." She said that while a smile appears on her face.

==Back to Kanda==

The next morning, everyone in the chalet wake up and getting their breakfast before they start to pack up as they will go back to their respective home later on.

~1 hour later

They enters the cars before the convoy start to move away from the chalet and going home. Their journey took 4 hours as they stops for a while to eat some food for their lunch along the way to their home.

When they have arrived in front of Kio's house, Itokazu separates from everyone where she takes Aiko and Arisa to their house. The two boys in sci-fi club also going to their home by walking after saying their farewell to everyone.

Antonia also said farewell to Kanda and the rest before she going home with the maids before letting Maya to stay behind at Kio's house so she can respond quickly when Kanda need any of her help. Kanda just patting her head while thanked her for her concern before she going home.

Jack starts her car and quickly drives away from the house after blowing some kisses to others which Kanda just sweats a little from her action.

Kuune, Chaika and Durel also going back to their ship as they need to give some souvenirs to their crew mates.

After saying goodbye to Kuune and Durel, Kanda and the rest coming inside the house. Maya had been shown her room in the house which she really appreciated their kindness.

Everyone going to their own room to place their belongings there. They also take some shower to refresh their body before going for their dinner.

The dinner had been prepare by the cooperation between Kanda a d Maya where both of them make a sumptuous meal which may make Chaika furiously drools when she look at the food.

"What are you planning for next, Kanda?" Manami asks him while having dinner.

"We need to train our body more as I think that the next attack from Madam J will be more intense. I don't want to risk any of us to receive any serious damage later on" Replied Kanda seriously to Manami.

"Alright, I think that we need to use the room that you have been used to train your body, Kanda." Aoi supports his statement by giving her idea.

"I will guide any of use of you want to use that room later." Eris said that when listening to the computer conversation.

"Thank you, Eris, we appreciate it very much." Manami and Aoi said it together.

"Maya, can you find any strongest material that you can find in this world?" Kanda talks to Maya while looking at her.

"What do you want to do with that material, Kanda-sama? If you feel right to tell us." Maya said that while trying to hear his reasons.

"Well..." Kanda ponders for a while before he talks, "I want to create a weapon. Although I can try using this earring's technology to make a weapon, I couldn't materialize the object without knowing its structures so I need those materials to assist me in creating my weapon." Kanda explains to everyone at the house.

"I will ask Antonia-sama about your request, Kanda-sama. I think that she will try her best to fulfill your request." Maya gives her promise by asking to her master later on.

"Give her my thanks later, Maya." Said Kanda to Maya which she just nods her head.

They finished the dinner and go to the room where Kanda's room full of people as his girlfriends spends their night in his room which make a daily habit for them.

They quickly go to the dreamland after spending some cuddle together where Kanda had been felt that his life became more bright after they came into his life.


Next chapter