1 Junction 1

"Stophen, come on, we can't be late for Orientation. We hafta get our asses over to The Hall! I don't even think you realize how far it is!"

Stophen is my brother, he is extremely slow and doesn't understand the concept of the world around him. We're not biologically related by blood, but from the bond of comradery.

"Well the world doesn't revolve around you Jrue, there's a lot to this world then more than meets the eye." replies Stophen. I pick up a key like object glimmering in a powerful blue sheen, as my fingers connect to it, the ridges glow a cyan outline, apparently it's called a Tofen but I'm not too good with tech related mumbo jumbo.

"Yeah, keep talking smack and I'll cast your dumb Tofen into the Praznina". The Praznina is big ravine that surrounds The Hall. And The Hall is a giant and luxurious building that holds the aristocrats of the society and the Orientation. However, this so called Tofen is a peculiar object, not sure what it does, but Stophen clings to it a lot.

Stophen glares at me, only relaying bloodlust, the last time I saw it was when we first met, the situation was similar. He takes it from my hand as we walk out the door and we start heading out to The Hall.

The Hall's entrance rests just before a bottomless ravine, the door is approximately 15 feet tall with adjacent quartz pillars and sparkling gold inscribements on the walls. Just the entrance makes a person feel insignificant.

Besides that though, the reason we're here is to become Defenders, I just want the cool fur-lined jackets to be fair. It's said to be a tough challenge though, the Orientation is just a test for skills so we can be admitted into the academy.

"Ah shit! I really need to cut my hair." I glance back and it's just Stophen complaining about his golden blonde hair getting caught in front of his eyes. Honestly he needs to get it cut, but he's a lazy sack of potatoes so that won't happen soon.

"Jrue, you know anyone here?" says Stophen.

We enter the main area and I'm overwhelmed by the amount of people there are, they all look around the same age as Stophen and I, 18. It's not peculiar, if you're above the age of 30, you aren't needed anymore.

That's why Stophen and I are the only family to each other, we both fill the empty gap left in our hearts ever since we woke up without our parents being home to show us love. However, it looks like we made it in time because it looks like things are about to start. I'll explain everything soon, don't worry because I, Jrue, am the most ambitious and trustworthy lad ever!
