
Adventure starting from the World of cheat musou.

A slave worker salary man died because of a milf. yes, the milfs to whom he had dedicated his right hand to after he got the taste of Reality and then indulge in to fantasy. if you understand the word H TV or something on the Moogel.com. He meet the god who said that the milf was supposed to die but she used him as a meat shield and he died in her place and as a apology he is able have some of his wishes fullfilled. And the MC made the wish or his fantasy that he always dreamt of. And god granted it easily. God " Tch..At least wipe the drool of your mouth." But after training in some dimension his goals changed he no longer wanted anything other than piece full life. Is it possible for a protagonist to have a peaceful full life? HELL NOO!! but-but the twist was that the god did fulfilled his wishes but in a way that made the MC work for the god and complete some important errands, in gods term but in human terms he died for umpteen times, he lost the count of his hellish death and pain. Then finally he completed the task of god still thinking it as a training for him for his future but it also had a consiquenses he gradually lost some of his emotions and desires along the way. Then how was he dragged into the madness of Animeverse. Read how his normal yet not so normal journey unfolds with some cliche moments unlike anything he had experience. --------------------- Hello folks, this my first time writing some things other than in exam paper so beautiful people's be kind to the newbie in house, give lots of comment be it blessings or cursing and let your ideas flow as for what you except the story to deliver. English is not my first language but even so, i had tried my best so the grammar area are pretty good so enjoy and don't mind small hiccups here and there. -------------- Last but not the least I don't own any of the worlds or characters other than My OCs, so the entire creadit of world building goes to the original author.

Doremon_Sensei · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter : 21

The next day, I was contemplating whether or not to go to Kuho.

My original intention in coming here was to live happily ever after, not to go back to school again.

Currently, I was reconstructing my house, and Sera was also helping me.

For the interior, we expanded the space using space and time magic. With space magic, the current size of my house interior is akin to a football field with five floors. We also made the time flow inside faster than outside at a ratio of 1 minute outside to 1 hour inside.

That means one day outside will be one hundred and fifty days inside. Another thing that made my day was that my fate was finally established. Although it can change depending on the situation and outcomes, I now have a connection to reality, and I can travel between worlds without any problem, unlike before when I had no connection to any reality.

I also got my real body back along with Sera. Nothing flashy like a boom or some mind-blowing evolution happened—I just merged with my own soul.

Though my appearance became more pronounced and my stature more like a warrior's.

I have broad shoulders and a hulking figure. My hair length increased a bit, and my eye color became a little more soothing.

Sera didn't change much, but she replaced her dragon horns with kitsune ears and nine tails, which honestly made my blood boil with excitement.

I can also change my body however I want, just like Sera, because I have a body called the Body of Origin which grants me the ability to transform into any kind of life form at their peak.

Sera has the same body as mine, so we are used to experimenting with different kinds of bodies and roles. We even sometimes do role play while changing our appearance.

Now, back to the topic. Now that I am free, I have decided to go to Kuho Academy for a few days and see how things unfold afterward.


After expanding the space in my house, I started building the walls with earth magic. Sera was also busy on the other side, creating rooms and stairs.

Our plan is to make the ground floor our meeting area and living room, complete with a dining room where my future wives and family will gather to discuss our daily lives.

The second floor will be dedicated to entertainment. I'm expanding this space a bit more to include an IMAX theatre and various other forms of entertainment from around the world.

The third floor will house various amenities like a library, drawing room, and study room, encompassing all things related to arts and education.

The fourth floor will be our private sleeping quarters. It will include everything from a dressing room to a swimming pool, and I plan to create a hot spring here as well.

The final floor, the fifth one, will be an underground level where we'll have a training room, a lab, a forge, and other research facilities.

Some might wonder if all these features are necessary when only the two of us will be living here.

While it's not strictly necessary, I plan to use Sera's world travel function to create a door on the fifth floor for interdimensional travel. Additionally, I'm planning to start a company. Although it's not confirmed yet, I'll first create an AI and then focus on the company.


I spent the next two days working on my house, and finally, it was ready.

The interior still needed work, but I planned to use my system's shop for that.

My system had been gathering dust for a while. I should mention that Sera doesn't have a system, but we're both connected. It's a bit complicated, but that's how it is. Therefore, Sera can't give me free points, and I get points by exchanging monsters.

Fortunately, I have thousands of monster cores stored in my inventory.

This morning, I received a phone call. To my surprise, it was from the chairman of Kuho Academy and Kaori's father.

He requested to meet with me, and I agreed. That's why I'm now leaving his office with Kaori.

He thanked me for saving his daughter and invited me to join the academy.

Hearing this, I felt like the plot was finally unfolding, and since I had become the protagonist, why not enjoy it?

After talking with him for about half an hour, someone knocked on the office door.

"Come in."

The one who entered was a woman with slightly pinkish silver hair and eyes.

Rei is a real genius and a young adult woman. Her looks are considered extremely attractive, but her personality and greedy nature tend to turn people away from her, causing her to be single for a very long time.

"Hey, brat, did you just think something rude about me?" What the hell, women's intuition is scary.

"No! Why would I? I just met you right now, Sensei," I replied hurriedly. She puffed her chest up and said,

"Anyways, I am Rei Sawada, and I am the science teacher. You're going to attend my class today and decide whether you want to join or not, right?" she asked.

I nodded. Then she talked to the principal for a moment, and I separated from Kaori, promising to meet her later.


Walking alongside Ms. Rei in the corridor, she asked me some questions about my old school, which I answered from my memories.

Not that it matters to me, or to anyone, to know about that embarrassing past.

"You know, you are a real hero. Not many would help someone in trouble, especially in this day and age," Ms. Rei said, leading the way.

"No, I'm not a hero. But I can't ignore something happening right in front of me that would make me regret my decision later." This was my honest thought.

I agree that some people try not to get involved in others' matters and try to lay low, but I don't give a damn about society or the backlash of my actions.

I had trained like a madman for situations like this. Even if I'm no longer human, the beliefs and teachings I received from my time as a human still keep me in check, preventing me from going down the path of evil.

Ms. Rei suddenly stopped and her eyes locked onto mine. She wanted to say something, but then her ears turned red. She quickly turned and walked ahead.

We reached the classroom of 1-B of the second year after a minute of walking.

She told me to wait for a moment and come in after she called me. Then she proceeded inside.

I could hear the classroom go silent as she explained to them about a new student who came for a trial enrollment. After a moment, she called me in.

"You, come in."

I took a deep breath and entered the room. Unlike what I had expected, the room was utterly silent.

I scanned the entire classroom and recognized some of the students from the anime.

I stood beside Ms. Rei and introduced myself.

"Hello, I am Rudra Amoris. Nice to meet you," I said with a slight bow of my head. I was wearing a white shirt, black pants, and black shoes.

"Oi… what is with this silence? You are making him uncomfortable," Ms. Rei said, but even then, no one spoke a word.

She then directed me to a seat by the window, and I took my seat. Before starting the class, she addressed the girl sitting beside me.

"Hydo, share your textbook with him for today. He doesn't have any books right now." The girl next to me had black hair in a bob cut with some purple streaks, matching her purple shining eyes, and a choker around her neck.

She attached her desk to mine and placed the book in the middle.

"Thanks for lending your book," I said to her.

"Yeah, no problem." Then she became quiet. Even in the anime, she was shown to be the silent type. But in reality, she always has a war going on inside her head, and I'm pretty sure even now she's having a clash of thoughts in her mind.

She's an introvert and tends to overthink things, which makes her speak less, making her seem a little distant from others. She has a small number of friends.

After that, nothing major happened and the classes went smoothly. I didn't feel bored because Rei was a fabulous teacher who explained the concepts in a fun way.

At the lunch break, I was surrounded by a bunch of kids, but I managed to escape with the help of Ryo and went to the cafeteria along with them.

There, I met the glasses boy and enjoyed myself for what seemed like an eternity. It was a nice experience. I finally had some friends to talk to.

We talked about anime and different clubs at the academy.

After lunch, the classes continued and I was waiting in the corridor for Kaori, as she wanted to meet me after classes were over.

"Rudra-san," I turned around after hearing my name being called out. There I saw Kaori with her school bag in her hand.

"Oh... Miss Houjo."

"Mou... I thought we were friends, are we not?"

This girl is dangerous for my heart. She was making absolutely adorable puppy eyes and asking me.

"O-Of course we are."

"Then call me Kaori," she said with a sigh of relief.

"Then you also don't need to attach 'san' or 'kun' to my name. Just call me Rudra or Rudy. That's what my friends and family call me."

"T-then Rudy...," she mumbled. I heard the first part but missed the rest, even with my powers. It's so difficult to understand girls.

"Um... you are going to attend this school, right?" Was that a question or a confirmation?

"I really liked this school, but I need to think for a bit."

"Umm... Rudy, are you free after this?" she asked, a little nervously.


She took me to the stores around the academy. Apparently, it is quite a famous place for students to hang out after school.

She showed me around the stalls and shops. I also learned that she doesn't have many friends because most of the students keep their distance after knowing she is the chairman's daughter and a student council member.

That's why she wasn't able to come here alone, as without any friends, these things can't bring happiness.

And I was also her first male friend, and she saw this as a perfect opportunity to spend some time together.

We stopped at an ice cream truck, which had a variety of flavours. I chose vanilla, and she chose chocolate.

I paid for it, of course. As a man, how could I let a woman pay? We sat on a bench in a less crowded area near the park.

It was evening, and the sky was painted with an orange hue; the sunset was near, and the crows were cawing.

The atmosphere was peaceful, and the students had already started to leave for their homes.

We were enjoying our ice cream in silence, occasionally striking up a conversation. I noticed her sneaking glances at my ice cream, so I asked,

"Want to try mine, Kaori, so that we can complete the menu earlier?" We had made a plan to eat all the flavors of ice cream in the store, which looked really delicious.

"S-sure," she said with a slight blush. She licked my ice cream first, then took a bite, and with a content expression, said,

"So good!" Is she not aware that she is an airhead? Bro, she just licked from the same place I was licking and even took a bite, and now her remark made it sound like she was indirectly saying my saliva tastes good.

I shook my head, vanishing the embarrassing thoughts. Then she offered her own half-eaten ice cream to me with a shy expression.

Seeing her like that, I felt an urge to tease her, so I playfully licked from where she had eaten and took a bite. It was more delicious than I thought; maybe it was her taste.

I noticed some ice cream on the corner of her lips, so I extended my index finger, wiped it off her lips, and put it in my mouth.

"Huh.!!" Woah! It looks like I went too far. There was smoke coming out of her head.

"Are you okay, Kaori?" I asked her.

"Y-yeah, I-I am okay. How was my taste?"

Uff~ she is so adorable with that red face and nervous expression. And I am more than sure that she is a natural airhead type.

"It was so delicious that I want to eat more."

"Me too," she said unconsciously.

"Then let's exchange." I said, and we exchanged our half-eaten ice creams. After that, we enjoyed each other's company, and soon it was time to go home.

It was getting late, so we separated under the dimming sky.

"Then don't forget your promise, Rudy."

"Yeah, I am not someone who goes back on his word. I am looking forward to it," I said, then I escorted her to her ride.

After she left, I also went home in a good mood, feeling the evening air.


Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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