
Adventure starting from the World of cheat musou.

A slave worker salary man died because of a milf. yes, the milfs to whom he had dedicated his right hand to after he got the taste of Reality and then indulge in to fantasy. if you understand the word H TV or something on the Moogel.com. He meet the god who said that the milf was supposed to die but she used him as a meat shield and he died in her place and as a apology he is able have some of his wishes fullfilled. And the MC made the wish or his fantasy that he always dreamt of. And god granted it easily. God " Tch..At least wipe the drool of your mouth." But after training in some dimension his goals changed he no longer wanted anything other than piece full life. Is it possible for a protagonist to have a peaceful full life? HELL NOO!! but-but the twist was that the god did fulfilled his wishes but in a way that made the MC work for the god and complete some important errands, in gods term but in human terms he died for umpteen times, he lost the count of his hellish death and pain. Then finally he completed the task of god still thinking it as a training for him for his future but it also had a consiquenses he gradually lost some of his emotions and desires along the way. Then how was he dragged into the madness of Animeverse. Read how his normal yet not so normal journey unfolds with some cliche moments unlike anything he had experience. --------------------- Hello folks, this my first time writing some things other than in exam paper so beautiful people's be kind to the newbie in house, give lots of comment be it blessings or cursing and let your ideas flow as for what you except the story to deliver. English is not my first language but even so, i had tried my best so the grammar area are pretty good so enjoy and don't mind small hiccups here and there. -------------- Last but not the least I don't own any of the worlds or characters other than My OCs, so the entire creadit of world building goes to the original author.

Doremon_Sensei · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter :12

The next morning, I stirred before sunrise, feeling something heavy on my chest. Opening my eyes, I was greeted by the bushy tail of Night. Both Sera and Night were somehow sprawled on my chest instead of their usual spots on the futon. I chuckled, realising they shared the same lazy and clumsy personality traits.

"**Sera, wake up**," I gently nudged her shoulder, but it seemed she had no intention of waking up just yet.

"**Mmm... Dear... let me sleep a little more**," she replied in her sleepy tone, curling closer to Night who seemed equally uninterested in mornings.

Carefully slipping out from under them, I gently resettled them in my place on the futon, covering them with a blanket before stretching my own body.

"**Ahh...**" I let out a contented sigh as I stretched, feeling the tension of sleepiness dissipate, leaving me strangely relaxed.

Not wasting much time, I headed to the bathroom and went through my daily routine. Afterward, I slipped into a simple track pants and jacket, topping it off with a cap before stepping out of the house. Ensuring the door was securely locked, I placed a barrier around the house. Though I trusted Sera's and Night's abilities to handle any situation, the peculiar logic of anime worlds prompted me to take extra precautions.

With the barrier in place, I began my jog, traversing the quiet streets until I reached the public park and garden, where I completed a full circuit of the town. Despite restraining my magic, my body's endurance matched that of an athlete, and I didn't break a sweat.

After concluding my run, I found myself at the base of a small mountain. Hidden among the trees, I spotted a set of stairs weathered by time.

Filled with curiosity, I pressed forward and started climbing the stairs. As I ascended, I cleared away the branches obstructing the path, revealing what appeared to be a shrine at the top of the stairs.

The climb was relatively short, consisting of only about two hundred steps. Despite the apparent abandonment of the place, there was still a faint hint of life lingering in the air.

I consulted the map and noticed a white icon situated on the left side of the shrine structure. After closing the window, I approached the main entry gate of the shrine. The peeling paint and degraded pillars filled me with a strange excitement, resonating with me perhaps because of my appreciation for old objects.

Passing through the gate, I was met with the sight of a makeshift shrine-like structure that resembled more of a home than a place of worship. Skirts and panties hung on a nearby hanger, swaying gently in the morning breeze.

"I wonder who would hang clothes out to dry this early in the morning," I mused aloud.

It was roughly six o'clock. After completing my morning exercise, I had spent some time mapping out the town, and even took the liberty of mapping the entirety of Japan, just in case. If you're wondering how I managed it, the answer lies with Sera. She possessed the remarkable ability of energy mapping, allowing her to create detailed maps with unparalleled precision using any form of energy as a catalyst. If satellites orbiting the Earth knew of her skill, they would surely weep tears of blood.

The place, though not large, sat atop the mountains, its neglected state allowing surrounding trees to flourish, forming a natural barrier. Concealing my presence, I opted to observe first before making my presence known. After all, I couldn't recall anyone like this from the anime.

If Sera were here, she'd likely argue that this isn't the same world, but rather an alternate universe where anything is possible. So, relying solely on anime knowledge for guidance wasn't advisable.

I cautiously made my way to the other side of the building, where the white icon beckoned. I noticed a barrier encasing the cabin and its surroundings in a dome-like sphere, but I easily circumvented it.

Upon reaching the back, I caught sight of a woman in a Priest outfit, her long black hair tied in a ponytail with a ribbon cascading beyond her hips. She was sweeping fallen leaves, unaware of my presence as I moved closer to catch a glimpse of her face.

Despite her appearance suggesting she might be a devout follower living in the shrine, the sight of panties drying on the veranda indicated otherwise. It was evident she wasn't human; rather, she seemed to be some kind of hybrid, possessing two types of mana in her body that, instead of conflicting, strangely coexisted in harmony.

As I approached the front side of the woman, a surge of frustration and anger overwhelmed me, and I couldn't hold back my curses directed at the god responsible for this predicament.

"**Fuckkk!! That bastard god... he definitely played me hard!! Bastard, what kind of fucked up world did he send me to**," I spat out bitterly, each word laced with resentment as I cursed until I felt I had exhausted every possible curse in existence.

The shock of realisation hit me like a bolt of lightning, causing the ground beneath me to tremble as if it might give way at any moment. Despite my seething anger, I couldn't deny the thrill coursing through me. Standing before me was one of the beloved characters from the anime that had captured my heart.

Standing before me was no other than Akeno Himejima, with her signature black hair and violet eyes. The image of her, with her melons jiggling as she uttered her trademark 'Ara~Ara~' had found a permanent place in my heart in the past as a lonely right handed man.

My shock was significant, but not enough to render me speechless. I had suspected the possibility of this world being a crossover, given the hints scattered everywhere, from the news on TV to the abundance of mana saturating the atmosphere. And now, this fucking red string wrapped around Akeno, encasing her in a cocoon-like structure around her heart, neck, and lower body.

As my eyes followed the crimson thread to its origin, I couldn't help but scream out in disbelief.

"**GOD!!! WHY!!!!?..What the hell!!**"

Akeno, who had been focused on her task, was startled by my sudden outburst. With lightning reflexes, she summoned her devil wings and prepared a lightning spear in her hand, ready to defend herself at a moment's notice.

Realising my mistake in the heat of the moment, I swiftly exited the barrier surrounding the shrine and dispelled my invisibility. Then, with determination, I reentered the barrier, ensuring I wouldn't be accused of being a pervert for inadvertently intruding on a girl's privacy.

It seemed Akeno had also sensed my presence, as she wasted no time in unleashing a lightning spear aimed directly at me.

Despite the danger of the attack, I remained surprisingly calm. Compared to facing the Leviathan, the spear seemed sluggish and feeble, slower even than the goblins I encountered in the forest.

With a swift motion, I casually slapped away the lightning strike as if swatting a pesky fly.

As Akeno's eyes widened in realisation, she reached into her cleavage and retrieved a paper, poised to activate it. But before she could react, I flash stepped beside her, snatching the paper from her grasp.

In a swift motion, I produced a rope from my item box and began to bind her in a bondage style. With practised efficiency, I silenced her protests by inserting a mouth plug from my Inventory.

In the blink of an eye, barely thirty seconds had passed, leaving Akeno bewildered and unable to comprehend what had just transpired. As the shock wore off and her thoughts caught up with her, fear seized her heart as she realised the gravity of her predicament.

[ Akeno POV ]

Akeno Himejima, the queen of Rias Gremory's peerage, had chosen an abandoned shrine as her place of residence, opting to live there instead of with her King. The shrine held a special significance for her, reminding her of her mother every time she looked at its familiar structure.

It had only been two weeks since she stumbled upon this place by chance, but after moving in, she made it a routine to clean and maintain the shrine. As she went about her usual tasks, the sudden yell startled her, immediately putting her on high alert. Assuming it was an enemy, she braced herself to strike at a moment's notice.

Sensing an intruder within the barrier, she wasted no time in launching a lightning spear towards the trespasser, fully expecting them to be caught off guard or at least injured by her attack. However, her horror knew no bounds when the man who entered, clad in a track jacket, pants, and cap concealing his features, effortlessly deflected her spell as if it were nothing more than a pesky mosquito.

Akeno was overcome with shock and fear as the unknown man vanished from the sight like a ghost, leaving her hanging from the rope in an embarrassingly compromising position. Desperate to call for help, she attempted to summon her king using a magic circle, but her efforts were in vain.

Trapped in a whirlwind of emotions, her mind raced in turmoil. Fear gripped her heart; she contemplated the mysterious man who had effortlessly subdued her, leaving her feeling vulnerable and defenceless.

But strangely she was also feeling aroused in this humiliating situation, when she tried to move the rope near her pussy tightened. She realised a muffled moan.

" Mnmnnnnn~"

Unable to moan properly due to the mouth plug, she found herself trapped in a conflicting mix of fear and arousal, her thoughts a chaotic jumble as she grappled with the unsettling situation she found herself in.

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