

"During a fierce battle during the Second Ninja War, a young man with red eyes fought bravely against a group of Sand Village ninjas on his own. Exhaustion had taken its toll, and as enemy attacks closed in from all sides, he seemed on the brink of losing consciousness. Suddenly, just as he was about to fall, his eyes glowed with an unusual light, though he didn't notice it. When he regained consciousness, he found himself in a strange world, now in the body of a small child. He quickly discovered that he had been transported to the world of 'Doulu,' a place filled with secrets and challenges that required him to adapt to his new situation. In the meantime, he's also trying to figure out why he's moved to another world.

Starless00 · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Plan Success

I spent the rest of the day tracking the prince, waiting for the right moment when he would be away from his guards.The opportunity came sooner than expected when the prince entered a clothing store.

I entered the store as an ordinary customer and then quietly approached the changing room.Where I noticed the Prince entering there.

When one guard noticed me, I used an illusion technique to confuse him, making him think he had seen someone by mistake. This ensured he wouldn't notice anything unusual once the illusion ended.

I entered the changing room and, fortunately; the prince had just finished changing and was about to leave. I moved quickly to position myself in front of him before he could exit.

"Who are you?" the prince demanded, his voice laced with confusion and an edge of arrogance, as though he couldn't fathom anyone daring to corner him. His eyes flickered with panic, but his chin remained raised in defiance, refusing to bow to fear.

Before the prince could scream, I lunged forward, covering his mouth with one hand while the kunai in the other plunged deep into his chest. His eyes widened in shock, then dimmed as his body went limp against mine. I lowered him silently to the floor, not a single sound escaping his lips.

The prince was weak, and I didn't feel much emotion about killing him, as I was accustomed to witnessing death and bloodshed in my previous life. Afterward, I began removing all traces of the murder.

I used the skill of Illusionary Transformation to alter my appearance completely, making me look like the prince. I also took his storage ring and felt a sense of satisfaction because previously I wanted a high-quality storage ring but I didn't have the money 

I searched its contents and found a lot of money, treasures, clothes, and some other strange items that I planned to dispose of later.

After disposing of the body, I left quickly before the guards became suspicious. I continued exploring the city and enjoyed the feeling of being a prince, with people looking at me in awe. After finishing my exploration, I returned to the private palace, making sure the guards didn't notice anything unusual. I waited until midnight and left the palace quietly, without anyone noticing.

Returning to the hotel, I saw Qian Renxue, who looked worried. When she saw me, her expression relaxed, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hello, did you manage to kill the prince?" Qian Renxu asked in a low voice, her eyes reflecting her concern.

I replied calmly, "Yes, the job is done."

Qian Renxue asked cautiously, "Did everything go smoothly?"

I reassured her, "No issues. I handled it calmly, and the guards didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Now you can easily take on the role of the prince."

"Thank you, Enlil. You've been a tremendous help," she said gratefully.

"Don't mention it," I responded quietly.

I then took her to the palace and returned to the inn alone, where I spent time analyzing my situation.

I knew I needed to focus on strengthening myself. My primary goal was to advance my Sharingan to Mangekyo, I'm sure I'll be much stronger than.

However, I remained cautious about the potential side effects of using the eye technique, as it could cause blindness. I wasn't sure if this was the case in this world or if I could resolve the problem.

As for increasing my spiritual power, that isn't a problem since I have magical herbs that can rapidly enhance my spirit's strength, though I need to wait between uses to avoid adverse effects on my body.

As I reflected on my other fighting spirit, I couldn't help but remember the Uchiha fan, the gunbai. "Absorbing and reflecting attacks," I muttered to myself. "That's a familiar ability, but mine… mine is different. It retains the energy." I lifted the fan in front of me, frowning as I examined it. "Why? There's no record of this ability. Did someone hide this knowledge? Or… am I the first to discover it?"

I wasn't sure if someone had hidden this information or if it was indeed a special feature of my fighting spirit But this is not so important. 

I would set this matter aside for now, as I wouldn't use the gunbai frequently, at least not before starting to absorb spirit rings. This means it will take time before I can begin using it.

For now, I will start learning ninjutsu. There is a technique created by a friend of Jiraiya called the electromagnetic cannon or something like that. It is a very powerful skill based on the element of thunder. I don't know the principle behind it, but he gave me some advice on how to activate the skill when he was drunk. Given his stinginess, he wouldn't have given me any explanation if he had been sober.

In my previous life, I tried to copy it without success, and I will try again in this life, as I only had one year to attempt it before I died. I believe I have a good chance of succeeding this time.