1 The End of the Beginning

"Why was I born in this world?"

The sky that should normally be blue to most people look so empty to me. The grass and trees that sway with the wind, dull and grey. Food that should be brimming with various flavors, bland and flavorless. Why does such a lifeless world exist? I see no point in interacting with people that enjoy living in such a place.

When was there ever a day that I was not beat or treated like a human? How can such cruel things be done to someone by their own kin? Was I supposed to be alive? Should I just end it all?

Various questions kept spinning in my head. It hurt to think, it hurt to even feel emotions.

Why am I empty? Why should I live in such a cruel world?

The scars that I received from all the torture I got throughout the years started hurting in unison. I screamed in agony.

"Huh, tears?"

It has been 3 years since I last cried, it was a refreshing feeling. I wonder why I stopped crying in the first place... Pain, the only thing that I have received in this life. I thought I have grown immune to this feeling, I thought that by sealing my emotions I would be able to live a happy life. I was wrong.

"Hey bastard we're not done yet!"

A deep and intimidating voice, a voice all too familiar to me. Has he not had enough? He has been torturing me for 5 hours now... I don't even remember why I was forced to stay in this place. The place I could call my home, the place that resembled a cell used for locking up criminals. Now that I think about it how did I end up in this situation? All I remember is I was taken here when I was young, I never did find out why.

"I wish this life would just end."

The world ended just like that. No one would ever know how, no one would ever know why and no one would even remember such an event...
