
Ch. 3 - Path to Power

A few days have passed since I cleansed the world of the filth known as Toby Longbottom. The world already seemed more colorful to me.

Ever since the day Toby and his followers didn't return to the orphanage, no one except for Sister Madeline cared. People were more happy than sad to learn that Toby and his crew were missing.

Many rumors had sprouted regarding Toby and his followers' disappearance. Many thought that they had finally decided to run away from the orphanage. Others believed that they were killed by a gang they had offended in the past. Nonetheless, a few days later, and it was as if Toby and his followers never existed.

However, I knew that my work was not finished, not by a long shot. Toby represented only the tip of the iceberg. Out there crawled thousands upon thousands upon thousands of scums way worse than Toby, and it was my duty to get rid of them. Until I have purged their kind, I cannot rest.

The announcement speakers in the orphanage suddenly blared.

"Azrail World, please come to the head sister's office. Azrail World, please come to the head sister's office. Az--"

The sudden announcement unsettled me. The orphanage couldn't have discovered it was I who killed Toby, right? It can't be. I made sure to leave no tracks behind. I burned the clothes I had worn and buried the bat in the forest nearby. It was midnight when I did that. No one could have seen me. Even if they saw me, they wouldn't have been able to recognize me.

While still deep in my thoughts, the speakers sounded again.

"Azrail World, please come to the head sister's office, NOW. Your presence is required this instant."

I contemplated whether I should escape and hide somewhere. In the end, I rationalized that even if the orphanage did have evidence of the murder, it was near impossible to connect it to me. I eventually made my way to the head sister's office located on the other side of the orphanage.

—In front of the office—

I pushed open the doors of the head sister's office, prepared for the worst. Inside the head sister's office, the head sister was conversing with an older woman. It was apparent that time had started to take a toll on the woman's body. Her skin was a little loose, and her hair was graying.

"Azrail, I want you to meet Mrs. Kimberly. She has exciting news for you." (Head Sister Maronica)

I nodded towards Mrs. Kimberly, and she nodded back.

"Mr. World, I would like to inform you that you have been invited to Winterville Boarding School with a full scholarship." (Mrs. Kimberly)

My face displayed confusion.

"Could you leave us alone momentarily, Sister Maronica?" (Mrs. Kimberly)

The head sister politely nodded and walked out of the room.

With only the two of us in the room, Mrs. Kimberly suddenly revealed a weird-looking stick before waving it in the air while mumbling some incomprehensible words.

"Now, no one would be able to hear our conversation now." (Mrs. Kimberly)


"Azrail. Let me ask you a question. Do you believe in magic?" (Mrs. Kimberly)


Mrs. Kimberly lifted her wand and started murmuring again. From the tip of the wand, streams of orange light flowed out, forming floating characters that spelled out the word Magic.

I was blown away. Mrs. Kimberly seemed to have enjoyed my bewildered expression as she twirled her wand again, causing the floating letters to morph into the outline of a dog about the size of my head. The dog proceeded to run around me while yapping at the same time.

"Is magic really real?"

"It is child. It is." (Mrs. Kimberly)

"Am I capable of learning magic?"

"Let me ask you this, have you ever witnessed... supernatural events while growing up here?" (Mrs. Kimberly)

"What kinds of supernatural events?"

"Like objects moving their own, fires randomly bursting around you, hearing mysterious voices in the wind, things like that." (Mrs. Kimberly)

Now that she mentioned it, I do recall seeing some objects move slightly on their own. At the time, I didn't put much thought into it. I just assumed that it was either the other orphans' work or the result of the wind pushing against the objects.

Seeing my look of realization, Mrs. Kimberly continued, "Those supernatural events are the result of your magic. Since you do not yet know how to control your magic, you unconsciously release your magic into your surroundings which is the cause of those supernatural events. Now let me sincerely invite you to the Winterville Boarding School of Wizardry and Witchery once again. Do you accept?" (Mrs. Kimberly)


"Thanks again, Sister Maronica. Azrail is an aspiring young boy. I'll be back in two weeks to pick him up."

"It's my pleasure, Mrs. Kimberly. I pray for your safe travels." (Head Sister Maronica)

After saying so, Mrs. Kimberly left the orphanage and disappeared around the corner of the street. I had already returned to my room and still felt high from my earlier experience.

When Mrs. Kimberly invited me to her school of magic, I accepted without hesitation. Before today, I thought magic only existed within the mind of immature children, something that one could only find in books and films. Little did I know then how mistaken I was. Magic was very much real, and I can master it!

The path to my being's purpose has just been revealed in front of me. I now know that I must become proficient in magic to cleanse this world of sin. My path of power begins here.

Mrs. Kimberly said that she'll pick me up in two weeks. I asked her if she could leave me a manuscript of magic to study independently during the two weeks. She informed me that she couldn't due to regulations passed by the Citadel of Magic. I see that even the wizarding world has established a hierarchy for itself, like the common world.

With nothing to do for two weeks, I did the only thing I could think of that would directly benefit my strength. I started working out.

I know it's a shorter chapter. I just felt like this was a perfect place to pause. I promise to post another chapter soon. Expect it by the end of this week.

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