1 Chapter 1

As you cried you can here your parents yelling at you, and at each other. "Your a mistake" your mom called. "We did not want you" your dad said. Finaly you broke you started balling and sobing as you rolled yourself into a ball. "I have had enough", you thought. You got up and ran into your room.

Why? Why me, you thought. Why is this happining to me. Why not some one else. I have had enough. "Why why why dont I just die, why dont I just kill myself". Thoughts bursted through your mind. You walked into your bathroom, picked up a razor that was in you cabinet and started cutting yourself.

You finished making little cuts in your wrist, and then you worked yourself down to your


*time skip*

As you lay down you hear a knock at your door, Come in. Your sister was in the door way. "What do you want". "Mom asked me to bring your dinner up here, here you go", she reached out the plate of food. I grabbed it and she walked out, closing the door behind her. I set my plate on my nightstand and rolled over, trying to snuggle deep into slumber.
