
I woke up

"FUCK! Fuck! Fuck."

I sit suddenly hyperventilating, still processing the fact that I died. After a few minutes, now calm, I look around me.

On my left I see my brother's old bed, apparently he didn't hear my screams.

'Wait… ..Old bed?'

Incredulous, I quickly look down and see that I too am lying in my old bed.

'Okay, this is weird'. I think stunned.

I get up to watch the bed and make sure I'm not crazy, but when I stand up and look at the bed, I feel awkward.

Why do I feel so small?

I quickly look at my body and see my new small, thin arms and legs.

"I do not believe…"

Still unable to believe it, I run to the metal window and open it. I look to the right and am surprised by what I see.

"Where are the houses that were there !? What is the chicken coop doing there !?"

I try to calm down and take a deep breath, putting all these ridiculous remarks together I come to a conclusion.

"I traveled back in time… .. this…. it's insane"

Now calmly I try to think about what happened. I died and went back in time. What year am I in? I look back at the window and try to estimate the year.

The land next to it is still used by my family, my cousin's house doesn't exist yet and it's just a bunch of trees behind my aunt's house. Definitely before 2012. I decide to go to the living room to look for a calendar.

Once there, I take the calendar from the wall and look at the year. 2010, and it's the month of January.

"I'm glad I don't have to go to school yet"

I say relieved, it would be strange to wake up after dying and having to go to school.

"But…. and now? What do I do? Do I live normally? It wouldn't change my choices much since I died at 17 "

Suddenly, as if answering me, I hear a familiar noise.

[EA Sports, It's in game]

In front of me, I don't know how, the EA symbol appears and a voice says the iconic slogan. After that, the FIFA 16 start screen appears, asking me to start.

"Holy shit… ..I-I don't… fuck what's going on !?"

A system! Or a game? We will see.


The game started and entered the menu, I mentally wish to switch to the 'Play' page. Looking at the options, I smile as I think of an interesting idea.

'What if I start a Career Mode?'

Save my dogs, well, sorry for yesterday, the laziness monster got me, but i'am back! Have a good night

Pimbadeirocreators' thoughts
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