

Syklar's POV


His neck is clawed clean off after ripping his bleeding, beating heart from between his rib cage. I transform into my human form, standing up I take in the scene around me. They are becoming sloppy in their more recent attacks lately. Ever since our alliance with the Grand Coven, these hunters have tried any and everything they could think of to break through our defenses. The noise they make has become so irritating that we decided to cross the barrier today and take them down. We took out the leader a long time ago, but a new one always pops up! They're like parasites or pests. You destroy one and many sprouts up behind them.

Trevor runs up to me with a suit of my clothing in his hands. I shake my head.

"No, I need to shower first."

His face turns red as his eyes pass over me and takes in the blood that I'm drenched in.

"I'll join you." Joseph says with a wide grin on his face as he approaches us.

"AAaahhh….you…filthy mongrel!"

I look down at the trash in his hand. He's dragging one of those obnoxious hunters.

"Is it necessary to keep on alive these days?" I say. Just the mere sight of them annoys me.

"Hmmumm…I'd like to know who's sponsoring their little operations to where they are able to get all these little toys of theirs." He says, lifting a 45' caliber with silver nitrate bullets inside the chamber.

"Well, it's no big improvement." I start to walk to the mansion that I share with my husband and our children, about two meters from the packhouse.

Joseph hands the hunter over to Trevor. They take him down to the dungeon/prison where we keep wolves that break the laws of our species.

"I really don't see the use in interrogating them anymore."

"Mmm….you may be right."

I massage his scalp with shampoo. We switched from a cool shower to a warm one, removing all traces of human remains from our bodies.

"You can do as you please, Alpha. But I don't want that human left on the premises while we're in Canada."

"Yea, I will make sure to get rid of him soon. I just want to ask where the center of their operation is for them to travel globally and invade our packs."

"Hmm…that's right. The one in the States was a decoy." He rinses his hair and I grab my body wash and body scrubber to begin washing myself.

"I really do wonder, where it could be." Lost in his thoughts, I take the initiative to grab his body wash and scrubber to help him wash. I rub along his chest as our eyes lock.

He turns around and lets me cleanse his back. I turn around when I'm done for him to do mine.

We don't even put our clothes on when we finish bathing. We just lotion up and hop in the bed for a quick nap after that exhausting battle. I wrap him in my arms and nuzzle his scent gland at the nap of his neck, licking my mark. He moans and I feel his lips turn up into a smile against my chest.

While the pups are in school this is the time we like to use to relax after morning duties are complete. Those hunters interrupted our morning routine. We will have to use our afternoon meeting to make up for it. Our Beta Trevor and Gamma Ray can take care of the aftermath.


"I ain't telling you shit! You fuckin' mutt!"

Information from torture is not that reliable. They only tell you what you want to hear when they can no longer take the physical pain. I find that it's much better and wiser to use the mental approach. I stand in front of him with Trevor at my back, the hunter is chained with iron to a metal chair. We haven't even said two words to him and he's already foaming at the mouth. …And I'm the mutt? I laugh at his statement.

"You know, no one is coming to save you. If anything, they would probably kill you sooner than rescue you. That is of course…if you know anything worth knowing." He bites his lips, his eyes wavering.

"If it were me or Trevor here. We would rather kill a fellow in arms instead of letting him get caught should he have vital information that could be detrimental to our existence in the wrong hands." I lift my left brow, my eyes sharp as they stare into his. "Tell me, how much do you think you are worth to your hunter friends, Tim?"

He looks up at me in shock. I got his name during the battle as the idiots continued throwing their names around to warn them of incoming attacks. Morons.

He lowers his eyes, practically chewing the skin off his lower lip.

"Sioux Falls, South Dakota. 521 N Duluth Ave, 57104." He says in a low voice, almost a murmur.

A large grin graces my face. "See, wasn't that much easier?" I turn to leave and give a nod to Trevor.

He extends one of his nails into his wolf's nail and slices Tim's throat in one swift movement.

I finished with that hunter in time for dinner. Once I arrive home I enter the kitchen and gather up the ingredients for a beautiful tortelli maremmani. My boys love their pasta. I use zucchini pasta with mozzarella made from scratch. I enjoy cooking, cutting up the fresh herbs and veggies gives me a sense of euphoria. The aroma caught their attention as they sniffed the air and turned their heads away from the television. The kitchen is opposite the living and is an open space, so the smells and sounds of knives chopping are more distinct from those in the other room.

"Mmmmm….ravioli!" Joshua shouts.

"Yay!! I can't wait until it's done!" Joseph says.

"Do you need any help dad?" Jacob says. He starts to get up.

"No, babe. I got it. You can help me tomorrow night." I say avoiding the impeding frown and pouty face.

As we eat dinner, we begin to talk about my baby brother's wedding.

"So we will be in Canada for a week?" Joshua says.

"Mmhmm…" Joseph mutters through chewing.

"I can't wait to see granddad and grandpa again! And our uncles!" Jacob says.

"Yes, it will be great to have you spend time with them. They were upset with us for not bringing you to Dean's birthday party. But now that school will be on break soon, you can go with us this time."

They both beam those beautiful smiles my way. I love these two little pups of mine. Seeing the sparkle in their eyes is all I need to keep me going.



The wedding went off without a hitch! Even after Skylar told us about the attack on their pack last week, it didn't dampen the mood.

During the reception I spot Xavier talking to a few nymphs and other fae that I've seen a couple of times at most events.

"Amazing! I never knew that!" He exclaims.

As I approach I notice a few differences among the faes that make some of them stand out above the others. I never really noticed before until I'm up close. There are two Nymphs wearing sky blue linen dresses with linen pants to match, gold dust-like specks etched throughout. There are designs along the chest that are very intricate. The third one is wearing a similar garb only it's like an off-white or ivory color and his tiara is five-tier on his forehead. The tiaras are like ropes and the gold ropes hanging around the crown of their heads make it look even more like ropes. This guy is gorgeous….all of them are. But this one is like out of this world! His deep dark eyes are so clear that I can see my own reflection! The darkness of his hair is a deep contrast to his stark pale skin. The curls go on for days and his skin looks like rubber. I think I'm staring too long because the grip on my hand becomes painful. Really painful! I almost scream out loud.

"Dean. Um…you can let go of his hand now." I hear Xavier's voice that sounds like it's a million miles away.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!"

He chuckles softly, it's like ripples of water through my body.

"Have you met Lady Samarah yet?" Xavier says to me. I look around and finally see the other fae that I've never seen before.

They are just as beautiful! How can this be?! Where do they come from?!

"It's good to meet you. All of you." I say to all of them but I'm embrace by Lady Samarah.

Mmmmm….she smells like a breezy sandy beach under the first light of the day in the horizon. Looking at her and the other three that are with her I see the seashells in their accessories now. Her crown even has a large clamshell with pearl insets. Wow! Their outfits have specks of sand that look ingrained into the clothing! I'm lost for words at these people.

Just then I hear a soft, melodic voice….but it's inside my head! Saying Hello! Now I hear other voices!

"Huh?" I blink and gape like a kid.

"Hahaha…that's the way they communicate Dean! They also know sign language in all the languages around the world." Xavier lifts his left brow and brings his glass to his lips. "I just met them too and found this out."

"Oh…wow…" I would ask why but I don't want to be insensitive.

"They were born without vocal cords." The Nymph with the navy dress and five-tiered tiara says to me.

I nod and take a drink of vodka from Xavier's hand.

"They were explaining to me that silver never used to hurt werewolves before. They're not too sure what happened."

"As I was explaining to your husband. It might have to do with being half-human." He pauses as though he is thinking about something. But I think he is talking to one of the mute faes.

"She is right. Scott is half-human and never got the enhancements like the others." The woman to his right says to him in a hushed tone. But our ears pick it up.

That name sounds familiar, even though there are a ton of Scotts in the world, the only one I know is the one in our historical records.

"Hmm…." He seems puzzled over this and tilts his head while taking a sip of his drink.

We will have to discuss this with the Council. And see how we can solve this problem. A masculine and deep voice intrudes my mind. Xavier looks to have heard it too.

"Ah, that is Thero speaking." The leader of the Nymphs nods and gestures towards the tall, pale blonde man wearing a teal Chinese dress with pants standing next to Lady Samarah.

…Well…all of the faes are tall. Taller than the ones with wings flying around us.

"I agree. Even though they are no longer in this galaxy. Your species are still their descendants, so of course, it makes sense for them to intervene where needed." He winks at me and I think I moan. For some reason, I feel like I will have an orgasm at any moment the longer I talk to him.

We head to Xavier's Alpha Suite or…our Alpha Suite now. This isn't our honeymoon. We decided that we will go to Bora Bora for that. We will leave in two days. I want to stick around as long as I can to help oversee the transition of our two packs merging as one. Our dads and the Lunas are pissed at me for that but Xavier is the same way so he takes most of the stern words about it.

As we go to lay down I can't help but think about what I learned tonight. I'm stuck in a semi-state of shock. But Xavier seems to be taking it well…or he's just better at hiding it than me.

The leader of the Nymphs, Cisla, told us an ear full. I did not know that mermaids existed? At least that's what we call them. They made it clear that their species is called Walings. But it's pleasant all the same to know they exist. They also explained that the 'other galaxy' is where all of the supernaturals have lived for the last 500 or so years! They were originally from Earth but decided to move as their populations grew. Some wanted to remain here though that's why there are still groups of Vamps, werewolves, & fae around. The dragons were near extinction so none of them stayed on this planet. They just visit from time to time like he and the four Walings that were there do.

"What are you thinking about?" He whispers in my ear gently, his breath tickling the tiny hairs around it.

"...Just what King Cisla and the others told us."

"Mmn…it's a lot to take in."

I nod.

"I wonder what made them tell us. All the times that they've come around…they never said this."

"Or they did…and no one has ever thought to tell the younger generation." I wonder if my dad and papa know these things?


Xavier nuzzles my scent gland and exhales. I know that he's done talking about it for now. So we just doze off in each other's arms.

Next chapter