Once upon a time, in a small town in Edo there lived a couple who had no child and prayed to God desperately for a child Kunna was a priest and had brought many souls to his God yet his wife could bear no child. He prayed and begged God for a child for his wife was reaching her infertile years. One day in a dream God came to him and told him, if he could go into the wilderness and withstand all the trials set before him he will bestow him with a child. Thus with a heavy heart Kunna left for the woods as God bade him.

The wilderness was filled with man devouring beasts of all kinds, the sun never rises there. Just pitch black darkness. In there Kunna faced life threatening trials and tribulations. The souls devouring creatures made him see illusions of people he loves getting eaten his disciples, his beloved wife. The beasts of the wilderness tasted like tar and sulphur, Kunna was unable to ea, for fear of starving to death Kunna made a difficult choice. He cut off his fingers that night and roasted it and ate it. Kunna felt despair and disgust for the creature he had become. Not more than an animal forced into self mutilation for survival. Every day ferocious beast attacks him. He manages to scare them of and with their departure they take a little piece of him with them.

Meanwhile, back at Kunna's residence his wife, Sae with the arrival of winter felt the loneliness of the cold empty house that day Kinte, Kunna's younger brother returned from his journey to the south. Saw welcomes him with a huge supper and a lot of wine. When Saw was in her room alone at night, the silence became deafening. She walks steadily down the corridor to Kinte's room, and there he later drunk and naked and oh so mascular. Sae couldn't resist anymore, it had been six months since her husband left she mounted him and in his confused state he obliged and they made love. Kinte never remembered what had happened. A few weeks later Sae conceived a child she was so frightened about what people might say, so she went up a mountain to an old cottage and there she stayed for eight months. The night before the birth Sae Had a dream, in it she saw the anger of God and a curse was put upon her child for God felt oity for her husband his servant who had been wronged. The next night Sae was in labour the midwives were delivering the baby there was a cry and Mae came into the world with her little black eyes and flaming red hair. Which was peculiar, She had never met anyone with red hair. Sae forgot about the dream she had.

She knew she would have to go back home to quel the rumours. She left her daughter with an old woman nearby and gave her three pieces of silver with the promise of her return.

On the night of her arrival home she heared a light knocking on her door. She opened the door and what she saw shook her to the core. There was Kunna or better yet what was left of him his beard reached his chest and his clothes where tattered and dirty. His left arm was no longer there. If not for the crucifix on his chest Sae wouldn't have recognized him. She screamed and rushed to support him and Took him inside. As she was bathing him he said,"won't you look at me, you haven't met my eye once" she remained silent as the lay on the mat Kunna put his hand in her under garments and grabbed her breasts. "Why no reaction. Don't you see me as a man anymore" Kunna said in a gruff voice. "No, that's not it,my love I just wanted u to rest." Kunna took of his wife's clothes and made love to her.

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