
Logical scenario

As Adam typed in his mother's number, his heart was pounding with tension and anxiety. Previous calls had frustrated him, as there were strange voices on the other end of the line. But hope wasn't dead yet, as he pressed his mother's phone number.

- Ring~Ring~Ring~

The voice echoed on the other end: "Hello? Who is this?"

Hearing the unfamiliar voice on the other end, Adam's heart dropped in despair, but he asked despite his nervousness and anticipation of the answer he would get: "Hello, can you speak to Ms. Mary Wilson, please?"

The other party replied: "Go ahead, it's me."

"Well, I'm sorry - what are you, Mrs. Mary?" Adam thought he had misheard as he repeated his question again.

The other party responded with confusion: "Yes, how can I help you?"

 Adam couldn't believe his ears, although his mother's voice was a little different from what he knew, but he attributed it to a lot of reasons.

Adam said happily: "Hi mom, it's me, Adam, your son."

He was shocked by the next response, which was the same one he had received from the previous calls: "Sorry, you seem to be talking to the wrong person."

Adam's face turned tense, not wanting to lose the hope he had just clung to: "Wait, it's me mom, Adam. Now is not the time for jokes."

But the reply came quickly, cutting off his last hopes: "Boy, enough kidding, I'm not your mom, I'm not even married yet, bye."

Adam felt despair creeping into his heart, he wanted to stop her before she ended the call: "No, wait-" but before he could finish his sentence, she had already hung up.

The officer looked at him with pity, even though he was becoming more skeptical of Adam, he couldn't believe that Adam's reaction now was artificial.

The officer tried to calm the situation, saying: "It's okay Mr. Adam, it could be a coincidence, didn't you tell me you have a brother who is a doctor, try calling him."

Adam realized that the officer was trying to console him, but he was right, he still had one last chance and it wouldn't hurt to try: "Thank you sir, yes my older brother Max is a doctor at Princeton Hospital."

The outcome of this call was no different than the previous calls.

When Officer Christopher saw how this call was no different from the previous calls, he couldn't help but believe the facts in front of him and disbelieve his intuition that this was just Adam's attempt to get him to let his guard down and run away.

 Officer Christopher said: "You must have a very bad memory Mr. Adam for forgetting the numbers of all your family members, also for your information there is no hospital by that name here, the hospital you are in is the only one in this city."

Adam had nothing to say except to repeat the same phrase that had been repeated since he woke up: "There must be a misunderstanding."

Officer Christopher voiced his skepticism again, "There seems to be a lot of misunderstandings here, sir..." he paused after seeing Adam's expression and decided to give him one last chance:

"... I will take some steps to verify your claims. In the meantime, you should stay here until we clear things up." Christopher decided to look for information on Adam's family in the city records as a last ditch effort to clear his name.

Adam responded in frustration: "Well, it's not like I have anything else to do."

As the officer prepared to get up, the door opened a third time and this time it was the same nurse as before, coming in with food.

The nurse apologized as soon as she walked in: "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, but it's lunchtime."

Adam looked bewilderedly at the nearly setting sun through the only window in the room.

Time passed quickly from the moment Adam woke up as it was almost dark as he took a moment to reflect on his situation and slowly regained his ability to move and talk to the officer.

 'You mean dinner,' Adam thought after hearing the nurse's bizarre argument.

Adam understood perfectly well that she just wanted to use the officer's presence here to bring him food, it was obvious to him that she was afraid of him as a murderous criminal who had escaped from prison, and Adam didn't care much about that, he had more important things to think about right now.

Officer Christopher looked at the nurse, clearly recognizing her intent but not revealing it: "It's okay, I'm done and I was just about to leave."

The nurse brought the food to Adam, avoiding his gaze as much as possible.

"Thank you Ms. Nurse, but where is the doctor you went to get?" Adam asked the nurse, knowing full well that she didn't go to get the doctor but to tell the officer that he was awake. But seeing her cautious movements as she put the food down, he couldn't help but tease her a little.

"This... he's busy right now... yes, and he'll come after he finishes what's in his hand." The nurse froze at Adam's sudden question and stammered in response.

"Well, it's okay, I'm waiting for him." Adam smiled, appearing to believe her.

"Okay, Mr. Adam... I'm going to go now and I'll let you know soon." Officer Christopher, watching this play from the sidelines, announced his departure.

"Wait for me, Mr. Officer, I'll go with you." Seeing that the officer was about to leave, the nurse hurriedly finished what was in her hands in order to leave with the officer.

As the nurse followed Officer Maddie Adam over to her: "Ms. Nurse, a moment."

The nurse froze at Adam's sudden call, saying, "Yes... Mr. Adam, do you need anything?"

"Thank you very much for the food." Adam thanked the nurse with a smile, not that he wanted to tease her but he was sincere in his thanks as it had been more than a day since his last meal and he was very hungry now.

"You're welcome Mr. Adam, it's my job." Seeing that Adam just wanted to thank her, the nurse breathed a sigh of relief and quickly exited, closing the door behind her.

"Hahaha..." Seeing the nurse's funny expression and hearing her sigh as she closed the door, Adam couldn't help but laugh, easing a bit of his current frustration.

It wasn't long after Officer Christopher and the nurse had left and Adam had finished his meal that a specialized doctor came to examine him, and it was clear that the nurse hadn't lied this time.

He was an older, professional doctor who examined Adam thoroughly, not caring about his status as a criminal suspect.

After Adam inquired about his condition and asked him about the severe pain he had, he told him that it was just a few bruises that would soon disappear in the coming days, as for the severe pain he had, he had no explanation for it, according to his condition it was possible to have some pain but not as severe as Adam described to him.

Adam wasn't too surprised by his explanation, and added this to the list of strange things he's been experiencing since he woke up.

After giving him some medication, the doctor left, leaving Adam alone.

Adam sat alone thinking about what had just happened, after a wave of sadness, confusion, stress and many mixed emotions, Adam gradually regained his composure, using the quiet of the night to organize his thoughts and what had happened since the moment he woke up at noon.

 'Something's definitely not right,' Adam thought, recalling what had happened since he woke up. 

 'All that happened was that a truck hit me, there's no way it could have sent me flying to another country just by hitting me, and that also doesn't explain why I can't communicate with my family.'

There was only one explanation for this situation but Adam wouldn't have believed it under normal circumstances, but what is normal now is...

being transported to another world.

Although he had thought of this when he woke up, it was just a sarcastic thought, who would believe that traveling to another world is possible, but there is no other explanation for his current situation.

But looking at it ironically, he realized that he had fulfilled the prerequisite for going to another world, dying in a rush to save a little girl from being hit by a truck... more importantly, it was a truck. 

 'How can I doubt Truck-kun's abilities,' he thought, thinking how obvious things were since Truck-kun had taken it upon herself to send him to another world.

How could he not believe in the Truck-kun; the master ticket for all transients, the key to going to other worlds, and the head of the agency for traveling across worlds for transients.

One of the reasons why Adam doesn't doubt going to the other world is because he hasn't noticed any strange memories or any difference in his body even though he's unable to check his appearance in the mirror because of those handcuffs.


 'This is really strange... what a bad start.'

Adam has always been a well-behaved young man, not even getting a traffic ticket let alone going to jail or the police station, so being questioned for the first time by a police officer in such a strange situation was very stressful for him.

'It's a good thing they didn't handcuff both my arms at least.' Adam lay back on the bed with his free arm behind his head.

 'Let's calm down now and try to extricate ourselves from the situation we're in... as I've said so many times today.'

Adam had no choice in the matter, stress and fear was not an option right now. He can only accept his reality and remain calm.

 'Well, there are two main directions now; either I've really moved to another world, or I'm still in my world...'

 Adam sat back down, placing his free hand on his chin now that the pain had subsided, lucky for him that his arm was restrained by the side of the bed and the handcuffs were not too short, providing some freedom of movement.

 'The first direction is the most logical explanation for my current situation even though there is no logic to it'

 'Somehow I was transported to another world with my full memories and the same body, so the possibility that I suddenly regained memories of my past life and enjoy the same body without any memories of my current life is unlikely.'

 'My situation is similar to anime and novels in which the protagonist is transported with his body and memories to another world... but before that, shouldn't I wake up in a completely white room and meet a being of incredible power or a beautiful woman like no one I've ever seen... who gives me some special abilities or lets me choose which world I'll be transported to?'

 'Or staying in a dark void for a few years or millions of years and then gaining abilities that allow me to be transported to another world, or accidentally meeting a being of incredible power and being transported to another world...'

'A third but less likely option is to be summoned and there are plenty of reasons why I wouldn't consider that possibility.'

 'But if I'm really transported to another world, I'm happy because I didn't go the route of being reborn with my memories and going through childhood all over again, it would be strange to treat a woman I don't know and the same age as my mother and even breastfeed from her.'

'Looking at it from a positive point of view, it's good that I have my own body, although it's unfortunate that I didn't get any special abilities like the other main characters.'

 'So, to summarize what we talked about earlier, in a way, when I was hit by the truck, I was transported to another world with my own body. That explains why they found me unconscious and covered in my own blood in a dark alley...'

'... What could prove this is whether or not I was wearing the same clothes I was wearing before I passed out, although they didn't find anything on me, not even my phone, which I don't go out without but could have been stolen while I was unconscious. But that doesn't explain why I didn't have severe injuries or fractures from the accident.'

 '... but it does explain why they don't have an identity for me; after all, I'm not from this world.'

 'I would appreciate it if they would give me some time to recover; even if I don't have fractures, I still feel severe pain all over my body. Just moving my arm is a challenge for me.'

 'Well, now it's time to test the thing I've delayed trying until now, which could greatly explain my current situation.'

 'The golden finger or the main cheat, call it what you will, for many of the main characters in various novels and anime, is...'

'The system.' Adam thought to himself.

[Ding! System detected]

[System activation prerequisites met]

[Do you want to link to the system?]

He didn't know what the system meant by the question or what secrets it held, but he felt himself at a crossroads, his heart beating faster and faster with each passing minute that brought him closer to his decision.



This is the third chapter, I wasn't planning to upload it today but that's what happened, sorry if I'm dragging out the chapters, it's my first time writing and trying to make it realistic, if anyone has any comments to improve the writing style or plot please let me know, events will start to take shape starting from the next chapter. See you in the next chapter.

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