
Chapter One

Somewhere in the skies of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, a commercial flight was cruising, the weather was cool and the skies were clear. It was going to be a great flight. They were already halfway through and nothing had happened to cause any fear yet.

Inside the plane, the passengers were chatting amiably among themselves, some were lost in the music playing from their headphones, others were engrossed in novels or their phones or laptops. There were those who were not doing anything at all. They just sat still and were looking out the windows. While their physical bodies were in the planes, their minds were far away.

And Adaeze Onuoha was one of them.

She was reclined in the seat, her legs raised in front of her as she looked out the window at the emptiness of the evening sky. She could see the sun as it began it’s descent into the clouds. It was closing for the day.

Soon, another chapter would be closing for it. The same could not be said about her though, she was on her way to open not just a new chapter of her life, but an entire book. One that was very different from the one everyone that knew her back home in Owerri, the Imo State capital.

She had grown up in a wealthy home, always had the basics of life at her fingertips all her life. Matter of fact, she had never lacked a thing. Even the things she had wanted had been granted to her without question.

But she had also lived a sheltered life, her father had been strict in that regard. He had filtered her friends, limited the way she moved about until she came of age.

She had schooled in a private university, one that her father was a major shareholder in, and that had meant that her life was still under his watchful gaze. She had tried getting away from him but that had been a bit impossible. He held all the money and gave her monthly allowances instead of letting her get a job.

And then, when he had been ready to start dating for marriage, he filtered the men mercilessly. Eventually, there was one she fell, for his name was Echefuna. It had taken a lot of strong-headedness on her part and begging before her father finally agreed.

It had not been easy, they had been dating for over a year. And now, they were getting married in two weeks.

Adaeze let out a deep breath as the thought resounded in her head. Fifteen days from today she would already be a Mrs. She loved Eche, she knew that for a fact. But she could also see that he was just like her father.

He was a boring man who had no time for fun and was always thinking of business and money. When she did get married she would be really lonely when he was busy with work. To counter that though, she already had plans in place to open up a supermarket once she returned to Owerri.

She shifted in her seat, looking away from the window at long last. She was in the Business Class of the flight, ever since she had started flying, she had always used Business Class. She had no idea how bad or how good the Economy was. And she was not interested in finding out.

Here the floor was covered with rugs that were soft, your feet sort of sank into them when you walked. The air hostesses were beautiful girls who looked like they were barely twenty-five, their uniforms were starched white shirts that had been ironed neatly and a dark blue skirt that stopped just above their knees. Some of them were wearing jackets and the rest just worked with ordinary shirts.

They would appear from time to time, smiling at the passengers asking them if they would like anything at all. It could be anything from wine to snacks. Your fare had already covered it all.

Here, the seats were evenly spaced and it was not filled up with passengers. Most of them were seated beside the window, not as if there was much to look out beside a sea of clouds.

When one of the young girls approached her asking if she would like anything to eat or drink, she shook her head. She was not sure she would be able to eat anything at all. With how she was planning her week ahead, it was no wonder she had no appetite at all.

She was on her way to the wedding of one of her childhood friends, they had attended the same secondary school back then and had managed to keep in touch since then. She was one of the few people that had escaped her father’s scrutiny.

Although the wedding was scheduled to take place on Saturday, she was going on a Monday.

“What?” Eche had gasped when she had told him her plans, “that is so early, are you the one that is getting married? Or is she your sister?”

“She is like a sister to me,” Adaeze had told him, she was relaxed on the bed, naked from the waist down as he walked about wearing his clothes. They had just finished having sex.

At least that was what Eche thought because she did not consider what happened to be sex at all.

He bent down and picked up his trousers, then began to push his legs through them, “I still do not get why you have to go so early? We are getting married in two weeks, baby, I need you here with me.”

“I have been with you for two years, if you spend a week without me you won’t die.”

“Why are you talking like that?” He belted the trouser and picked up his shirt, then he sat beside her on the bed. “You know I am going to miss you badly, every moment you are gone.”

“That is good, it will add spice to the sex on our wedding night.”

“Wedding night? What are you talking about?”

“Babe…” she said as she caressed his cheek, he was just so sweet. “We are not having sex again until we get married. If not that day will not be as memorable as we want it to be.”

“What?” His eyes widened.

“That is not necessary!”

“It is, we are not even supposed to see each other until we are on the altar.”

“That is not fair at all, so I will stay one week without seeing you and two weeks without having sex with you. Why don’t you just tell me to die, huh?”

That had ruined his mood for the rest of the time he was there, he had not said much soon after as he focused on wearing his clothes. Once he was done, he wore his shoes as well and picked up his briefcase, he was about to leave when she stopped him at the door.

“Are you mad at me?” She asked, her voice was low.

He said nothing, but he didn’t pull his hand from her grip. She walked closer to him and hugged him, “please don’t be mad. I just thought I will make this memorable for us. At least I should be able to have a say there right? With my Mom in charge of planning the entire wedding, I am only required to wear my white dress and show up on that day. If you do not want me to do anything as well, no problem. I will just seat here in my house and count my ceiling.”

“What are you talking about?” He cooed, pulling her away from him so he could look at her face, “I understand why you are doing this, and I really appreciate the thought. I guess I did not consider your point previously. Before meeting you, I was a virgin and I did not die. Two weeks without touching you should not kill me.”

She smiled then, so sweet and guilelessly, “I love you so much. I also met you as a virgin so there is a lot we do not know just yet. We just have to take things step by step.”

He pulled her closer to him and kissed her. The kiss lasted for about a minute, she had run her hand through his head and pulled him close as she sucked on his tongue. He was a good kisser.

He left not long after that, promising to call once he was done with work.

Before she had met Eche and fallen for him, she had been a virgin. He had been willing to wait until marriage, but she had pressured him until he had succumbed. They had sex one time and he could not stop after that. Now they did it at least four to five times a week. And each time, she was never satisfied. She did not know what sexual satisfaction was, but she was certain that when she experienced it she would know.

And so far, she was yet to experience it with Eche. For someone with high libido, he tapped out pretty quickly.

Their sex was never long enough to be thoroughly enjoyed by her, the styles were always missionary. A few strokes and he would release at once. After that, he would be up long enough to whip the condom off his cock before he would be fast asleep. Or like now when he would have to return to work.

Was this the kind of life she was planning to have as a wife? Could she cope with this for the rest of her life?

She was about to find out.

After that time, she kept her word and they never had sex again. She even reduced the time they spent together, limiting their contact to only voice and video calls.

Most of the time when she was horny and needed relief, she would masturbate multiple times to give herself the orgasm he kept denying her.

She could not go on like that forever, something had to be done.

And it was all going to happen in Lagos, which was where she was headed.

And as the plane flew through the air, getting closer and closer to Lagos, she found that she was jittery with nerves. What she was planning was something she had never done before in her entire life. Since she had started dating, and after.

This was something that was huge, she knew that once she started there would be no going back. If it went bad at first, she would abandon the whole thing. But if it went great, beyond her expectations, then she would have to go through with it till the very end.

She was planning to stay in Lagos for one week, leave on Monday and return the next Monday. And her adventure was scheduled to begin this same Monday.

She looked around once more and her eye caught one of the air hostesses, she signaled and she rushed to her.

 “I think I need that champagne,” she said. She needed that drink after all. She could only hope she did not throw it up.

The air hostess walked to the bar, her hips swaying as she walked the length of the aisle drawing the eyes of many of the men there. All the hostesses were drawing the eyes of many of the men. But Adaeze just did not care about that.

The young lady returned soon after with a tray bearing a flute that was filled with the golden drink. She picked it up and took a sip.

“Thank you,” she muttered, closing her eyes as she savored the taste.

“You are welcome.” And the hostess returned to her station.

This journey that Adaeze was going on was not just for the wedding. Nah, the wedding was just the excuse she was using to fool everyone. She was hiding the real reason from everyone because if she told even a single soul about it, her life could be ruined totally. Her father could disown her because of the shame it would bring, her fiancée could break up with her because off… well duh. Even her friends and her mother would be shocked because they had no idea she could be that kind of person.

But she was not that kind of person. She wanted to be that kind of person.

She was on a journey of discovery; she wanted to find out about herself. There were some questions she needed some answers to and she just had to find them out herself. She could not ask anyone because she honestly did not really know the questions that set her on fire each time, burning to be solved.

All she knew was that she had a burning desire to find this out.

It was risky, but that was part of the thrill. She had so much to lose that it was even insane for her to consider this. But as far as this was concerned, logic had flown out the window. For the next seven days, her life in Owerri would be behind her and she would focus on her next adventures in Lagos.

This was going to change her; she knew that for a fact. It could change her for the worst or for the better, there was only one way to find out. And she would never know for sure if she did not try.

This was not a split-second decision, it had been simmering somewhere in her head for months. Just there, she had never actively thought about it, but it had been there alright. And the moment her friend had invited her to her wedding which was going to hold a week from hers, she had seen it as a sign from the heavens. A way to finally go on this journey.

She would give it all she got, she had no choice. Give it her all and her very best and by the time it was over, she would return to her husband and get married to him. Being the faithful and dutiful wife she had always wanted to be to him.

But what she learned from this trip was what was going to help her be that wife, things like these were not taught in the classroom or in marriage class at church. The only way these things could be found out was if one did it herself.

She finished her wine and was about to look for the hostess when she materialized in front of her with her smile.

“Seriously…” Adaeze groaned as she gave her the glass, that was the thing with rug floors, they masked the footsteps when someone was approaching. “How long before we get to Ikeja?”

The lady checked her watch, “any time now. I would advise you to buckle your seatbelt, we would begin our descent soon.”

Even as the lady returned to her station, the announcement came on the speakers. They were already in Lagos skies.

Feeling her heartbeat race with trepidation, she swallowed saliva.

She was going to cheat on her fiancée.

Next chapter