
Only a needle and thread

Shuji woke up after a good night's rest and was ready to go to Floating Cloud City. He disappeared in a flash before reappearing in a forest near Floating Cloud City with the use of Hiraishin. He wore the clothes that he had been using during training, which consisted of a black Uchiha shirt with its symbol on the back. He wore dark blue anbu pants with bandages tied up to his left thigh which held a pouch for Shuriken and Kunai. He wore traditional black shinobi sandals as well. He had a weasel anbu mask on which his dream tapir Woozle thought looked very good.

Speaking of Woozle after a short punishment for pooping on his clothes last time they had been working together very well. It seems that he is one of the few intelligent Dream Tapirs that also does not focus on brute strength. When shown in the anime by Danzo they looked quite odd but he was like a little weasel that easily wrapped around his neck like a scarf. Woozle had also taken it upon himself to begin training apparently because he had found a master worthy of his "greatness".

Shuji at first was quite annoyed with his attitude but happy that he was training them to become better partners. Little did Shuji know that Woozle's training consisted of him eating Shuji's already strained mental energy due to shadow clones. When confronted, Woozle simply said that Shuji should be honored that he was training as hard as he was. This turned into them yelling at each other and Shuji trying to punish him once again before Woozle unsummoned himself.

So now we had Shuji trying to remember where the Purple Veined Crystal mine was. Suddenly he remembered that the Sky Poison Pearl could detect treasure so he decided to walk around the city until it detected something. He was quite confident at first but after 3 hours of walking around like an idiot, he still found nothing. "Sh*t! 3 hours and I still can't find it?! Isn't this pearl a f*cking heavenly treasure?!" he said while gritting his teeth. He kept searching for about 4 more hours and he still had found nothing.

"F*CK! I'M DONE WITH THIS! I'LL TAKE IT WHEN THE PHOENIX EMPIRE FINDS IT!" he thought angrily. Just as he was about to Hiraishin away he felt a pulse in his hand. He looked down to see that the Sky Poison Pearl had found something.

"Hmph… Of course, this big daddy found something. After all, how could someone as smart and handsome as me not find some little crystal?! HAHAHA," he said while laughing. He looked quite smug for someone who did nothing but walk around for 7 hours but he was happy. He also seemed to forget that it was the Sky Poison Pearl that found it and that it had nothing to do with how smart or handsome he was but I digress.

So after following the Sky Poison Pearl for 15 minutes he arrived at a small mountain. After looking around and doing some checks he confirmed that the crystals were indeed here. After a second he went towards the center and began using his Doton to open the floor and reveal the crystals. Without any surprises, he found what he came for. Inside the mine, there seemed to be an endless amount of crystals that were all very large in size! After looking around a bit he absorbed it all into the Sky Poison Pearl.

He did not leave even a single crystal but after thinking he decided to leave one thing in its place. So within the mind that he had made that now had not even a single spot of dust remained a single needle with some thread on a small part of the floor that was completely polished and cleaned. "Hehehe… just like that one novel… Ultimate Scheming System thank you for the idea!" he thought as he walked out of the mine. In the future, many people would often see their treasuries empty with only a needle and thread as well. But that was for another day.


Inside of the Sky Poison Pearl Jasmine was nourishing her soul when she suddenly felt something large enter the pearl. She turned her head to see what appeared only to be overcome with shock. In front of her was a small mountain of Purple Veined Crystals! Suddenly she heard Itachi speaking to her from outside the pearl. "Is that enough for you? There should be 50 kg here," he said calmly. Jasmine, who was still surprised, quickly responded by saying "It's enough! It's enough! Where did you even find it!? How did you even find it so soon?!"

"If you wish to know, it is quite a long story… I spent several hours fighting several cultivators who were also vampires that could influence the scope of time. I fought extremely hard and almost died to get these. At one point I thought it was worth it but when I thought back to our deal and how sad you would be, I knew I had to get them…" Itachi said dramatically. Jasmine was in shock! She had no idea what a vampire was but she knew that anything able to influence the scope of time must be strong! Time-related skills were regarded as myths in the God Realm! The fact that he did this all for her made her heart very warm.

"Thank you very much for this Itachi. Did you kill the v-vampire?" she asked shyly, not knowing how to pronounce vampire. He let out a sigh "The vampire I fought was actually something I thought to be a legend." he said seriously. "He got away after we fought but he did tell me his name… It was Dio!" he said dramatically. Jasmine had no idea what to think but she was happy he was okay. After they talked a bit Shuji went back to training


2 months later

It had been 2 months and his body strength had increased tremendously. He now had a body strength comparable to a 1st stage Sky Profound Realm cultivator which said a lot considering he was still 2nd stage Spirit Profound. He now had a solid base of haki and had recently started training with heavy gravity type seals that he got from the system. Only at this point did he realize that he had massively underestimated the physical strength of characters in anime. Physical strength in Naruto didn't really do much but in Hunter x Hunter and One Piece? Yun Che had a 50-ton arm strength with The Great way of the Buddha and Killua had a 72-ton arm strength at the age of 12! For those curious towards the end of the anime, he had opened all the doors for the gate of testing! Let's not even talk about Zoro who trained with 20 tons. Even when he trains with 5x gravity it was still insanely difficult let alone 20 tons.

He had also recently trained his reflexes and speed as he had begun to wear weights on his legs that Rock Lee wore. While he trained he also mastered several abilities of the Cursed Chains. He had easily learned the judgment chain by practicing on animals. The only problem was that he couldn't set conditions because they couldn't understand him. Another chain he learned was the Holy Chain which can heal wounds! The Chain Jail which can wrap around a target and seal Profound Qi also worked really well. This worked by forcibly sealing their Profound Entrances leaving them with no Profound Qi making the only way to escape through pure physical strength. The Dowsing chain worked as a lie detector and was also useful when trying to determine someone's location. The last ability he worked on was the Steal Chain which had a syringe-type end that would stab the target and drain their Profound Qi. With this Shuji can then Siphon this Profound Qi and use it for himself.

Shuji was really happy with these abilities. I mean can you name someone who uses chains as a weapon and doesn't look bada**?! What was even better about the Chain Jail was that the chain's strength increased as his soul strengthened! He had also tried training Dragon Dive slightly but could not due to how much Profound Qi it took. This made sense because it allowed him to ride on top of a dragon and make a meteor shower of dragon heads. He also tried accessing Divine Dividing but his system informed him that he had to become a 5th Stage Earth Profound cultivator to use its wing state.

Over the past 2 months, he also had gotten closer to Jasmine. They ate a lot together and she was no longer so angry and cold to him. She still had a bit of a princess complex but he often shut her up but fed her sweets he made. He thought she was quite cute and he thought of her as a bit of a little sister. She would even make starry eyes when looking at his sweets.

"Itachi! It's time to eat! I want to try this cake… what do you call it? Chocolate e-eclor?" she said cheerfully but a little doubtfully at the name. Shuji chuckled at Jasmine which caused her to blush and ask "W-why are you laughing?!" Shuji chuckled a bit more before saying lightly "It's Chocolate Eclair." to which he was shouted at in return.

"T-that's what I said! Baka!" she said. This caused Shuji to suddenly start staring at her like she was his nemesis again. She was just too cute! "Alright alright, I understand now enjoy your sweets. I'm going to head out, I'll see you later," he said before leaving the Sky Poison Pearl. As he was leaving he thought of the kids he used to take care of when he was older at the orphanage. He smiled when remembering the time he spent there.


When Itachi left Jasmine sat there thinking about the past two months while eating her sweets. Time after time Itachi never failed to surprise her. The first time she saw him training she was in shock. The use of the gravity seals as he called it made body exercises much faster. And that Profound Art that he practiced… That chain was deadly, she admitted. Each finger possessed abilities that were basically cheating. Especially the Chain Jail, Judgment Chain, and the Steal Chain. These three chains almost went against the laws of the universe. Forcing someone's Profound entrances to be closed? Forcing your will on someone and if they refuse? Death. Stealing and siphoning someone's Profound Qi?

She understood that abilities like this had to come with prices or conditions but, she also knew that these chains grew stronger with his soul! Just thinking about if he reached the divine realm with these chains made her shudder. Who could even fight against that? This question left her with no answer but also made her slightly happy. After all, he has been incredibly nice to her. She made amazing food for her whenever she wanted and was always nice and gentle with her but sometimes made snarky comments that made her giggle.

He also had amazing recipes for food she had never heard of before like "Pizza" or "Hamburgers" which tasted amazing! What made her really start to like him though is that he reminded her of her brother. He always made sure to care for her and never ignored her but it looked like he was carrying a big burden on his shoulders at times. The more she talked with him the more she felt his past was not simple.

1956 words. Hope you guys enjoyed please leave a comment and review!


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