
Chapter 4: Budding Addiction

Looking at my 3 gacha rolls, I got excited but quickly stopped myself before I could press the figurative 'big red button'. Right now I have something important first. And so I packed my stuff and walked back to my hut, which now looked a little less crappy.

I walked over to the food storage and my valuables (which wasn't much.) Staring at the smoked and dried pieces of meat and fish. I used my newest system function; my inventory.

'Uriel placed all the meat, fish and money in my inventory.'

And in a flash of light everything in the pile was gone as if it was deleted. Opening my inventory, I checked what was inside.


[Cooked Fish (E Grade )] x 50

[Dried Meat (F+ Grade )] x 20

[Valis] x 1500

[Iron Survival Knife (F- Grade )]

Looking through my stuff I noticed that the grade of my food was fairly high considering raw meat was barely G Grade. Probably due to my [Cooking] skill. Now thinking about it, all the meals I've had so far have been better than the food I had in my last life by a large margin. That too being with only C- [Cooking], 'I wonder how good my cooking really is.'

[In terms of cooking with the [Cooking (C-)] skill host is equivalent to the greatest chefs in your previous world, even surpassing some by a large margin.]

'Wait really!?'


'I mean it does taste good, but not 'that' good.'

[That is due to the host body being accustomed to food in this world.]

'What does that mean?'

[Due to the nature of this world the meat is far more rich and even the water you drink from the water tastes of fresh spring waters from the arctic. In other words Your pallet is just too accustomed to delicious food. However if you are able to advance your skill by even 1 grade you could make even more delicious food.]

'So it's because even the shitty food in this world tastes better than some of the best food in my previous life.'

[Yes, basically.]


Laying down in my bed I let my body rest and reminisce on the past month and sort out everything that's happened today. Only to jolt back up because I forgot my gacha rolls and [Mission] function unlock.

Despite it becoming late soon I chose to stay awake. I open the [Gacha] function with the big roll button, which isn't really necessary since I can ask Uriel to roll it. But just is more fun, as I'm about to press the roll button my breathing quickness, my eyebrows twitch, and my body tenses up due to the suspense.

'Huh… I'm definitely gonna get addicted.' I inwardly lamented, as I press 'roll x3'

[Rolling Gacha…]

[Plot armor is reacting… Increasing your luck]

[Harem protag is reacting…Increasing your luck]

As 2 beautiful sounding notifications sound, I start to get my hopes up. As the rolls finish I'm presented with 3 items.

A Roll of paper

[Promise keeper (E-)]

A Black orb

[Swordsmen Starter Set (D-)]

And a monocle.

[Potential Scanner Glass (S)]

Not knowing what they are or recognizing them from any anime, I do the smartest thing in this situation.

'Uriel, what do these things do'

[Displaying item information now…]

[Item: Promise keeper (E-)

A piece of paper used in ancient times for people to meet weight lose goals or gym gains.

Effect: after making a promise to oneself and tearing it, the paper will cause you to subconsciously want to keep that promise. Does not affect people with strong minds or mental resistance skills Note* it isn't strong enough to bend fate but can help with addiction or keeping self goals.]

Although not the greatest, it is extremely useful for building a positive mindset and training. I noticed it, but as I've automated most of my food systems I've started to become lazier, it may also help with my budding gacha addiction (hopefully). Looking over to the black orbs my eyes ignited and I felt as if I could finally get somewhere in this world.

[Item: Swordsmen Starter Set (D-)

An ancient set used by the children of a sword clan to train themselves in the sword.

Comes with…[Steel Sword (E-)], [Sword Talent (E-), [Swordsmanship (I)] and [Swordsmanship Basic Manual (F-)]

To use simply shatter orb to receive all cataloged items, skills, and abilities]

Most likely the thing I need the most as of now, it will help me grow, and I can finally start hunting monsters in this world.

It was the start of my adventure, feeling happy I got such a helpful item while also thanking the [Plot Armor] ability, I look at the next and last item as well as the only and first S Grade item I have ever got and…

''I take back everything I just said.'' 'I take back everything I just said.' I say both in my head and out loud, because of the god-like item in front of me…

[Item: Potential Scanner Glass (S)

Made and used by a legendary Sage to find a disciple, to pass on his techniques and teachings.


Eyes of the Sage I

effect: allows the wearer to see the potentials of another in regards to talent in types of magic, swords, bows, and other weapons. (Only works on females)

Eyes of the Sage II

effect: allows the wearer to see a beauty grading both now and in the future (at their peak.) (Only works on females)

Eyes of the Sage III

effect: allows the wearer to take pictures of someone by blinking. (Only works on females)

Eyes of the Sage IV

effect: allows the wearer to see any kinks of the target. (Only works on females with high enough favorability to you.)

Eyes of the Sage V

effect: allows the wearer to see the favorability value of the target. (Only works on females)


effects: allows an appraisal ability, showing a grading for an object, it's description, and any effects or enchants.


effect : allows for the wearer to change to the form of the glass from different forms [sunglass], [goggles], [monocal], [contact lenses], [normal glasses], etc.

Soul Bound X [Izumi]

effect: no matter the location or time, you can summon them to you (unless in another world). It will also not work for others nor will they be able to pick it up.


effect: can not break


effect: all enchantments are undetectable to any form of magic, appraisal, or instinct. will always appear normal and go unnoticed.]

Wordlessly, I drop down to my knees and pray to the [Harem Protag] title for 10 minutes. Then again without a single sound, I hold my breath. Gently, holding the item with more tender care and devotion than a mother to her newborn (even though it's unbreakable), I brought it to my face and equipped it, while changing it to the [Contact Lenses] form.

Without a sense of shame I took in the world with my new 'eyes' with renewed vigor and gusto.

Throughout the process undeterred with Uriel's prolonged silence, for not even that could shame him at this moment.



After what seemed like hours of silence (approximately 2 minutes and 15 seconds), Uriel was the first to break the concrete silence.

[As you are done with your little…this, I would like to remind you that the [Mission] function has been unlocked and you are recommended to see it as it may be beneficial.]

'Oh ya, I forgot about that.'

Realizing I forgot about the thing I had spent agonizing over for the past over I looked at the system main frame and at the bed to my side. Alternating between the two, I finally made up my mind.

'I'll check it out tomorrow,' I said as I fell onto my bed. Not forgetting to ask Uriel to wake me up at 8 am as I always do.

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