
Chapter 18: Body Tackling an Elf and Crafting Shit.

After making dinner for Coconut, Izumi decided to practice. Stepping into his smithy, after making sure Coconut was busy, Izumi began working on a few swords made of steel. He had decided to polish off some of his skills.

Interesting enough, with blacksmithing being one of the most expensive professions to train the school had an interesting system to balance this. For students they would provide unlimited material, however the higher your abilities and evaluations the more precious the metals you could use. There was also a system in which all failed pieces would be monthly melted down and put up for sale between the younger students at low prices, for the better metals. To conserve money, the school would also have the blacksmithing students reach a quota with certain items that would be used for students of other grades or sold at nearby towns.

The school also provided a method for students to make money, by selling materials and allowing blacksmithing students to sell personally made items or take custom request to the other students or at cities which the school district stop at.

Although students from other division may sometimes have difficulty affording somethings, the other students are given methods to earn money by the school as well. The alchemist classes could sell their potions and the school also bought magic stones from students in the combat classes.

Needless to say the longer you stayed the easier it was for a student to make money and because of this some students stayed in the school district even after graduating, becoming teachers or workers, especially alchemist students, which were always in need of.

Spending about ~70 hours inside the smithy, Izumi had finished working on a few projects and decided to rest. Returning to his room only about 40 minutes had gone by due to the time difference and Izumi was tired to say the least.

Grabbing Coconut he picked her up and took a seat on his sofa, placing coconut on the seat next to him as he fell asleep. Coconut who was still engrossed in her books did not even notice herself being moved and continued to read. Something she had found comfort in and enjoyed dearly, as it allowed her to satiate her growing curiosity to the world.

Izumi fallen asleep later became a pillow for Coconut as she read through the night and fell asleep early in the morning.

Waking up, Izumi found his lap being used as a pillow by a sleepy catgirl. Stroking her hair lightly he began talking to his system.

'Uriel, what time is it?' He asked with a yawn.

[Currently it's 6:12 you have class at 7:30.] Uriel answered curtly.

Izumi well rested decided to indulge and pet Coconut's ears for a little while.

At 6:30 on the dot, Izumi woke up and ready to go to class, after changing he made breakfast for three, ate his share, and jumped out the window after leaving a note for, Coconut.

(Coconut needs at least two servings at every meal due to her rapidly growing body.)

Landing on the ground outside his dormitory, Izumi decided to run to his class. Due to the earliness their weren't many people as it was the beginning of the semester and the sun hadn't even risen yet.

Reaching the school building, turning a corner, he ended up running into someone holding a stack of paper. His instincts kicked in as he quickly grabbed the strangers waist and grabbing a the stack of paper, while breathing heavily.

The person who he had caught, was also caught off guard and took a moment to process what had just happened. While her chest weaved in and out she found herself in Izumi's arms, turning to face him her eye squinted realizing she had dropped her glasse, since she could only make out the boys slightly blurry silhouette.

''Sorry I wasn't looking'' The girl said, getting her footing and removing herself from the younger boy's hold.

''No, no it was my fault! I'm sorry for running into you.'' Izumi said with a genuine tone as he held the papers waiting for her to readjust herself.

''Umm… Ok, your forgiven, thanks for catching me.'' She said with squinted eyes.

''Your welcome, but it was my fault to begin with, so you don't have to apologize. Oh and here, I caught your papers'' Izumi said as he handed her the stack of paper.

''Oh thank goodness, I'd be in a lot of trouble if I lost these.'' She said grabbing the papers, with squinted eyes.

''Is your vision bad?'' Izumi asked as he saw her squint.

''Yes, actually, I think I dropped my glasses.'' She said as she seemed troubled.

''In that case, I'll help you find it!'' Izumi said.

''No, no I couldn't possibly…'' The girl said not wanting to take up Izumi's time.

''I insist, it was my fault to begin with and anyways, I still have an hour till my class.'' Izumi said with complete sincerity.

''Fine, if you insist.'' The girl said.

''Ok, which way did it fa-'' Izumi said before hearing a cracking noise and looking down.

''...'' Izumi froze, as he saw shards of glass under his foot.

''...'' The girl also froze, knowing what that sound meant.

''I'm so sorry!!'' Izumi exclaimed as he apologized again, but this time for the glasses.

''No…you didn't mean too…'' She said, a bit troubled as she knew, she wasn't finding her glasses.

''I don't know how I'm gonna deliver these papers now though.'' She whispered.

''I can help.'' Izumi exclaimed.

''Are you sure? It'll take at least a while and you'll be late for your class'' The girl said.

''I insist, this is my fault, so please let me make it up!'' Izumi said.

''Ok, I can't see anything anyways.'' The girl said.

As Izumi took the stacks of paper, the girl began to explain where everything was going and to who needed what. Izumi listening to her instruction began to deliver the papers…walking the wrong way.

''Wait that's not the right way.'' The girl shouted, freezing Izumi in place.

''S-Sorry, this is my first day and I'm bad at directions…'' Izumi embarrassingly said.

''Then why did you offer to deliver them!?'' The girl deadpanned.

''I thought I could and I wanted to make it up.'' He squeezed out with another sorry as his mood dropped and he some what resembled Coconut.

Feeling bad the girl sighed and rubbed his head, Izumi enjoying it leaned into the headpat. Which the girl thought was cute, even though she couldn't really see him.

''Thanks for offering but I don't think you can help, I'll just do it myself.'' She said as she reached for the papers, but Izumi dodged and resolutely refused.

''Not without being able to see you won't. You might fall or get hurt'' Izumi declared.

''But I have to deliver those papers. And who's fault do you think this is.'' She deadpanned which caused Izumi to once again squeeze out a slightly depressed 'sorry', causing the girl to feel bad.

''It's ok…I'm sorry for saying that, you didn't mean any trouble…'' She said back trying to console the boy. Suddenly the boys face lit up as if he thought of something.

''In that case lets deliver the papers together.'' Izumi said offering an ultimatum, not backing down. Sensing, Izumi wouldn't take no for an answer, the girl gave in.

''In that case thanks, lets go then.'' The girl said.

Throughout the next hour and a half the two went around many of the school district's classrooms and areas, with the girl telling him where to go and Izumi asking at every turn. As the two navigated the academic district, the girl warmed up to Izumi and thought of him as a cute, kind, and helpless little brother, she never had. Throughout this they began to talk a lot.

''So, why are you even delivering these?'' Izumi asked.

''My teacher needed someone to do it and I volunteered, I enjoy doing stuff like this.'' The girl said rather proudly, however Izumi only looked at her weirdly.

''You like doing paper work and being a delivery man?'' Izumi asked.

''No! I enjoy helping people and doing important work.'' The girl stated quite insulted.

''Teachers pet.'' Izumi whispered, but she heard it and smacked him over the head.

The woman also talked about their home town and family.

''My little sister and mother are quite the handful! I swear mother is just so airheaded and useless when around father and my sister, Nina has gotten better now but before she wouldn't do anything unless I did it with her…'' She went off complaining about how much trouble her family caused but smiling even when saying it.

''What about your family?'' She suddenly asked, with her eyes still squinted slightly.

''I don't have one…'' Izumi said not putting to much attention on it, however the girl felt really bad for bringing it up.

''Sorry.'' She said.

''Don't worry it was a while ago.'' He said with a smile.

The two continued delivering important papers getting lost sometime, keeping each other company, as their talks turned to random things.

''So how bad are your eye sight?'' Izumi asked, causing the girl to laugh awkwardly.

''Not that bad, however because I've been helping the teachers with some of his odd jobs, I haven't gotten much sleep. I was actually going to get some sleep after this.'' The girl said, but Izumi was caught off guard with her words and stared at her accusingly.

''When was the last time you got sleep.'' he asked with an accusing stare. The girl scratched the back of head and laughed awkwardly.

''Maybe a week or so…'' She said dismissively.

''A week!?'' Izumi exclaimed in shook.

''It's not that much, I was going to get some rest after this, actually.'' She tried waving off Izumi's concern.

''Nope. That doesn't change the fact that's not good for you.'' Izumi said with a strict tone.

''But-'' She tried to rebuttal but was cut off by Izumi.

''If your working to the point where your eyesight is blurry, your doing to much, end of discussion.'' He said with a serious tone.

''I guess your right.'' She sighed.

''Ok after this, take a break and don't let me catch you overworking your self again.'' Izumi said to the girl.

''Ok.'' she said curtly, slightly embarrassed the boy she began to think of as a younger brother was treating her like a younger sister.

''Perhaps your even more troublesome than your mother and sister.'' He remarked causing the girl to face to go red.

''Haha, maybe it was a good thing I broke your glasses.'' Izumi said with a laugh, however the girl hearing this hit him over the head.

''Sorry'' he said as the girl hmphed and walked forward.

Finishing their task, Izumi and the girl stood in an empty hallway. Both smiling at each other, having become closer and more friendly over their little adventure.

''Thanks a lot, you really saved me.'' The girl said as she rubbed the younger boys head.

''No problem Miss.…'' Izumi spoke as he realized he never asked her name.

''Ah…I never introduced myself! I'm Eina Tulle, I'm in Mimir class in the administrative division. I'm also the new mentee of the teacher and captain, Miss Sigrun.'' Eina introduced, using her clearly practiced and perfected introduction.

''Um. I'm Izumi, a new blacksmith of Ilmarinen Class. Nice to meet you!'' Izumi introduced, with a much more lack luster and childish introduction.

Eina hearing his tone, could only smiled as she rubbed his hair, thinking he was cute. Izumi some how feeling insulted gently pushed her hand away.

''Well, I'm already late, so I got to run! See you around!'' Izumi said as he ran away.

''Bye! Thanks for your help!'' Eina yelled back as he ran into the distance. Of course what she didn't know was that he had gotten lost right after turning the corner and had to spent over half an hour finding his class.

'Uriel, does the system have no map function?' Izumi lamented in his head.

[It does.] Uriel replied.

'Wait, what!? I've been getting lost all this time!' Izumi raged.

[Though you haven't unlocked it, yet.] Uriel finished.

'Oh…ok, my bad. Sorry for that.' Izumi apologized for his earlier outburst.

What Izumi failed to think about, was how Uriel could give him directions every time he had a quest or got lost, as well as all the times Uriel new he was heading the wrong direction.

Entering the room Izumi immediately went into the smithy where he heard the loud clinking of hammers. Walking up to Eitr he tried apologizing for being late, or tried too at least…

''Why the hell are you over an hour late!!'' Eitr shouted at him. Izumi Hearing his yelling immediately bowed and didn't give accuses. The other students didn't stop as they had already seen a few students get yelled at for being late.

''I'm sorry, I have no accuses this was entirely my own fault.'' Izumi said with genuine sincerity. As he felt it was his fault for breaking Eina's glass and was only right he fix his mistakes by at least helping her.

Eitr fuming with anger, cooled down a little bit seeing him not trying to make accuses. As a trained and experienced blacksmith he had a trained eye, he noticed Izumi's cloths where straight, crisp, and neat. This indicating he was not just lazy and woke up late. Instead he had slightly worn out his shoes, indicating he had walked a lot, he also noticed Izumi wasn't trying to make accuses and from his body language didn't seem to be lying about not having an accuse.

From his body language and cloths, Eitr quickly pieced a scenario in his head and deducted. Izumi had been late not because of being tardy but because he had gotten into trouble and genuinely felt responsible for fixing it. However as a teacher Eitr couldn't give special treatment so he gave him instructions and kicked him to his work station.

''You have the remainder of approximately 2 and a half hours to forge me a proper knife. It doesn't have to be fancy just functional, you'll be graded by how well it performs and by it's endurance, sharpness, handling, and a few other components. Value actual utility over appearance, but if you got the time you can make it look pretty for some extra points.'' Eitr said as he walked away after instructing Izumi.

Izumi getting to his work station, quickly switched his [Ghislaine Dedoldia] template with his [Hotaru Haganezaka] template, and familiarize himself with the tools. After that he grabbed some tools and picked out the metal he would be using for his blade.

And so after which Izumi spent the better part of 2 and a half hours perfecting his blade. He was going for a Japanese Tanto with black guard and sheath.

2 hours later Izumi sat satisfied as a a reflective black single-edged Tanto, it's blade a reflective black color with the only color being a teal streak along it's edge. This was done by Izumi using the Innovation skill of [Hotaru Haganezaka] to coat the blades edge with a special teal colored liquid, he had created on the spot. Which reduces friction, drag, and makes the blade resistant to oxidation.

All in all it was a black Tanto, with a teal Ha (blade edge) and black Shinogi-Ji (flat) for the blade. It also had a black Habaki (blade collar) and Munemachi (collar notch). A black Seppa (spacer) and teal Tsuba (hand guard) for the guard. For the Handle it had a black Fuchi (handle collar) and Ito (handle wrap) with a teal Same (rayskin) and Kashira (butt-cap).

It's Saya (scabbard) was of a similar color pallet. The Saya itself mostly black with a a teal Koiguchi (scabbard mouth) and Kurigata (scabbard knob). As an added bonus, Izumi had found a black Sageo (cord) and wrapped it around the Saya to complete the look.

All in all, it was a beautiful black and teal blade. The only thing taking away from it being it's low grade a material, but it could be easily used for a fight or at worst sold as an aesthetic sword due to it's shear beauty.

Finishing his blade Izumi with the others left the smithy and returned to the classroom, looking around Izumi saw subpar knives and ugly daggers, some seemed to have tried their hands on a sword but falling miserably as they had run out of time. From the view of an experienced blacksmith their swords where filled with rookie mistakes. In Eiter's view however, they where all shit, not worth the scraps that made them, all except one that is.

As they all sat down, Eitr along with a handsome man beside him entered the room and took center stage.

The new person, was a tall, handsome young man with golden eyes and hair. His attire was similar to a noble man, a fashion Izumi could both admire and on a smaller scale relate too. The man stepped up and introduced him self.

''Hello I thought I'd introduce myself, I am Leon Vardenburg. I serve as both the captain of Baldr class and head teacher of the school district. Normally I would introduce myself later, but I was asked to come here and test your blades for you by Mr.Eitr.'' Leon introduced himself with a confident and kind smile, as he revealed himself to be the most powerful person at the school district (to the students knowledge) and a living hero from the Leviathan raid. With the looks of excitement and amazement began to spread Eitr calmed everyone down as he explained the testing.

''Come down, I have yet to explain the testing criteria.'' Eitr said gathering everyone's attention. Eitr than pointed at 4 large black pillars that had been their since yesterdays class. The pillars were each thick and spotless.

''Behind me stand four pillars each more dense and harder than the last, they have never been used and our fixed or replaced at the end of everyday by the alchemist division. Sir Leon will be lowering his strength to the peak of a level one adventurer and swinging your sword against the pillars. You will be graded based on how many pillars your blade can slash and not chip or become damaged on. If you can leave a mark on one pillar without any damage on your blade, you pass, two: you pass with a full score, three: you will be given access to the school district auction and be allowed to auction your works there. At the end of test you will be returned your blade and you may keep it tomorrow. Any questions?'' Eitr asked after explaining the test sternly. A few students raised their hands, as Eitr pointed at a male cat person in the front row, ushering him to speak.

''What happens if your blade fractures during the first pillar?'' A student asked.

''In that case, your blade isn't even equivalent to a usable hunting knife for animals and you will be held back or moved to the previous year. In the case of you new students, you will be removed from this program and sent to study under a blacksmith to learn how to properly craft a blade, after a year you will be readmitted to the new cohort. If you still fail to make a decent knife at the level of a semi-decent hunting knife, at that time you will be kicked from the school district.'' Eitr explained as a few students gasped and some had a salome aura, obviously some had been held back the previous year and where among this years cohort. Hearing the gasps Eitr decided to calm the kids down.

''Calm down, this system is extremely forgiving. If you fail to make a decent knife than you shouldn't have been admitted to the school district, and if after a year of training under an actual blacksmith you fail to make a decent knife, you are either not taking it seriously or their is something seriously wrong with you.'' Eitr said trying to calm the students. As another one raised their hand to ask a question.

''Yes, you what is your question?'' Eiter said pointing to the female dwarf who had risen his hand..

''What happens if our blade cuts through the last pillar?'' She asked, however this prompted Eitr to laugh confusing many students. Instead of Eitr explaining Leon did instead.

''That is the hardest pillar, it has only been cut twice in the time this school has been opened. If you somehow manage to even cut it regardless of the state of your blade, then you are free to chose any one item from the school districts treasury. Ranging from the most precious metals, grimoires to drops of the leviathan'' Leon explained.

''Don't get your hopes up though, as we will use this format for every monthly evaluation and exam, with the same penalties during the exams only, we will also have the alchemist division repair the pillars each day and stronger at that. The first pillar is repaired and enhanced by the 2nd year alchemists, the second pillar by the 3rd year alchemists, third by 4th and higher years, the third by an alchemist class teacher, and the fourth, well that is a special case. However as the days go on it becomes harder to cut each pillar, except the fourth pillar, since it is only enhanced and restored during the beginning of the year. For a rough estimate… a passable level one adventurer's sword is good enough to barely pass your year 2 final exam.'' Eitr explained.

Everyone hearing that began to grow nervous of the increased difficulty, but after tempering their wills, they began to feel a sense of challenge and competitions to break the fourth pillar. However Izumi was thinking something different.

'The leviathan drops? Is it useful?' He asked Uriel.

[Yes, it can be used for extremely high class weapons, armors, or potions. However I recommend you go for the Grimoire] Uriel stated.

'Why is that.' Izumi asked.

[Unlike monster drops, that you can receive from the gacha or other worlds, grimoires grant you magic. Normally you cannot tell what magic a grimoire holds until you read and gain it, unless the writer left an indicator of what the magic it holds is or some other message, however with the systems appraisal function you can pick the best magic and no one will even know. On higher levels, grimoire can allows the reader to create their own personalized magic bassed on their own aspirations and dreams.] Uriel explained.

'What if we don't find anything good?' Izumi asked another question.

[In that case you may take a rare material or Leviathan material.] Uriel answered.

Eitr's loud voice woke Izumi up from his conversation with Uriel.

''Now let's begin the first, Ilmarinen class evaluation of your year.'' Etir said in a stern and loud voice, with his voice a sound only Izumi could hear, welcomed a new mission.


[World Mission: [The 4th pillar] has been created.

Info: Within your first year, create a blade capable of damaging the 4th pillar.

Note: The 4th pillar has been enhanced by multiple alchemy specializing gods and several high class alchemist.


Create a bladed weapon capable of damaging the 4th pillar (0/1)

Time limit: 1 year



[(???) Template]

[Template (Shirou Emiya (Basic))]

[??? High Class Material] x1

[Gacha Ticket] x5



Hey guys just released this chapter to met the scdeuale but I haven't edited it yet, so their probably alot of grammer mistakes. I wanted to release this chapter to quickly tell you I'm going to take the next 2-3 days editing and finishing the chapters I've writen after this and am going to semi-mass release the chapters. (I say semi because it'll only be about 4-5 chapters.)

When I finish I will edit and reupload this chapter at the same time. You'll be able to tell it's edited and checked because I'll remove this long AF authors note.

Sorry for the delay but to make up for it the next few chapters are going to be about a thrid longer and have about the most important events and charactor introduction in them befor the first exam.

Thanks for reading! and see you in 2-3 days with the semi-mass release. Thanks ahead of time and it'll be worth it...(I hope.)

Also I'm a new writer and write for fun, but am happily except your ideas and comments on my writing. I also try to replay to as many comments as I can so if you think of something tell me your thoughts. : )

Bye see you tomor- in 2-3 days! BYE~!!!

Kill_it_with_firecreators' thoughts
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