
Ace of Diamond: Return of the Pitcher

Sawamura Eijun, a Relief Pitcher in the Pro League after 10 years of hard work and still couldn’t achieve his dreams, woke up back at the time of his youth. Can he achieve his dreams this time? This is a translation and I don’t own anything.

Cold_Colt · Anime & Comics
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675 Chs

Chapter 18: A Kindly Reminder

On the third day of the training camp, Sawamura clearly felt that the training atmosphere was different.

Speaking of which, he was not surprised by this situation.

For example, in the training of Furuya and Kominato, the intensity was a bit less. It's not like yesterday's training, where the goal is to squeeze the physical limit of the human body.

Furuya's training is very simple, except for covering positions, he is just practicing swinging.

Although he himself was annoyed at this, all the senior students of Seidou High School knew that this was exactly what Coach Kataoka expected of him.

There is such an unspoken rule in Seidou High School, that is, when the superintendent asks you to practice a certain item, you must not refuse.

Superintendent Kataoka is in charge of the training of the one hundred and ten player. He doesn't have that much time to waste, and every order he gives has a purpose. When he deliberately guides a certain player, it is to see that this person has some presence, and will use him in the next game.

This is also the intention of letting Furuya practice swinging.

It seems that Coach Kataoka is not satisfied that there are only Tanpa, Sawamura, and Kawakami on the mound.

Even for a high school team, a three-man pitching squad is a luxury, but Kataoka is still not satisfied, and he wants more.

Either happy to see progress, or full of expectations. In short, in the next practice game, he will definitely give Furuya a chance.

And it seems that the expectations for Furuya are not limited to the terrifying pitching of Furuya.

Even for the batting Furuya, he is also full of expectations.

In fact, it is no wonder that Kataoka would do this. The talent of Furuya is really striking!

Although there is a gem like Sawamura in front, it is possible for Furuya to come in handy in a short time.

After all, the pressure of having these two on the opponent is too much!

The coaching staff of Seidou High School, unless their collective brain is exhausted, it is impossible to make use of the unready Furuya in key situations and send him to the mound! (As for the original book, the situation was completely different. If Tanpa hadn't been injured, it would have been impossible to give Furuya a chance in the critical situations, let alone Sawamura.)

Not only the pressure on Furuya drop but also Kominato's fielding pressure and batting training have eased.

Although it looks like he's still on the field every training session.

The frequency with which the balls come to you directly affects the frequency with which you defend. Then you can control your physical exertion.

After the physical strength was squeezed out from Furuya and Kominato, the coaching staff began to train them in a targeted manner.

It looks like the good days are finally here for these two guys.

Of course, the biggest change is the bullpen.

The partners are still old partners, but the rhythm of the training has been significantly adjusted. For example, Sawamura, has a set of ten balls, with ten sets a complete one hundred balls.

Tanpa is 15 balls a set, and seven sets.

Kawakami has a set of 20 balls, and he has to do five sets.

This difference in rhythm is very interesting, and it's completely distributed according to the individual rhythm.

Because Sawamura likes to fight in the strike zone, he maintains a very good rhythm every time he pitches. The average number of pitches with three Outs will probably remain at ten, eleven, and so on.

In fact, this number is very staggering. Not to mention high school pitchers, even if you searched the major leagues, and the minor leagues, very few pitchers can end the innings with this number of pitches.

Moreover, Tanpa often strikes out because of the sharp break of the ball course, so the average number of balls he needs to win three outs is a lot.

Probably around 15 balls.

The situation with Kawakami is naturally the same.

So seven sets for Tanpa is equivalent to seven innings, where he often has to be substituted. However, it's not that his endurance is worse than Sawamura's.

After two years of rolling and crawling at Seidou High School, Tanpa has also been very steady at his own training.

You can't say who is better than the other, but at least in stamina, he won't lose to Sawamura, a first-year Kohai.

The total number of pitches he and Sawamura threw with all their strength are actually similar.

For example, Sawamura's peak pitching is only about 100 pitches.

After 100 pitches, it was difficult for Sawamura to maintain a relatively good pitching state. Whether it is his ball speed, ball power, and ball control, there are different degrees of decline.

It's just that because he consumes fewer pitches per inning, he rests longer and can throw more pitches. At the same time, because the number of balls consumed in each inning is small, even if it is only 100 balls, Sawamura can pitch for 10 to 11 innings.

On the contrary, with 100 pitches, Tanpa could only maintain 6 or 7 innings.

These things all complement each other.

For example, in Sawamura's previous life, Narumiya Mei pitched 15 innings in the final of Koshien!

Of course, he is indeed a physical madman. But it doesn't mean that his stamina is really that much better than Tanpa or Sawamura.

It's just that because his pitching is sharper, so he uses fewer balls to get Outs, and relatively speaking, in 15 innings he may not necessarily throw that many pitches.

Through these, it is not difficult to see how terrible the Devil Brother, Kominato Ryosuke is.

It doesn't matter that he can only play at bat three or four times, but his consumption of pitches to pitchers is terrifying in the overall ratio.

With three batters like him on a team, they can knock out pretty much any pitcher they will face. (Just thinking about this is scary!)

Not just pitching practice, but in the mode of actual combat.

Even the data are used in the simulated training against the practice match opponents.

Osaka Kiryu, Inashiro Industrial, and Shuuhoku High School.

In response to these three opponents, the catchers also changed their Game calling plans.

For example, the imaginary enemy that goes with Chris is Inashiro Industrial.

After Sawamura and Chris partnered for four sets, Miyuki did three sets of practice with Sawamura using Osaka Kiryu as an imaginary enemy.

"What? Has it been decided on who will we play the practice games against?"

Sawamura is not stupid, looking at the content of their Game calling, the team's next practice games arrangement has almost been determined.

"You're really smart. This Saturday and Sunday. There are practice games, and then it's up to the coach to decide who will play."

The plans for the practice game were announced long ago, and the specific time has not been announced. So Sawamura is really not sure, after all, this memory about this has been very vague.

But the opponent, he still remembers two.

Osaka Kiryu, Inashiro Industries.

In his previous life, it was the first time he had met with Narumiya Mei.

"I'm really looking forward to it."

Just when Sawamura fell into his own thoughts, Tanpa suddenly invited Chris to catch for him.

And Miyuki was asked to go back to Kawakami again.

"And me?"

Sawamura looked around innocently.

"If you don't dislike it, I can also catch for you."

Like an angry bull, Miyauchi Keisuke spit out two air masses from his nose.

Sawamura looked back at Miyauchi and nodded.


Even when they were rotating batteries before, he and Miyauchi hadn't teamed up before.

After all, he has already been determined to be the Ace, and with the sudden emergence of new players in the main string, Miyauchi's chances of getting the main spot are not high.

Everyone knows it, but no one will say it.

However, when training, of course, the main force still has to be with the main force.

So Sawamura's previous partner was either Miyuki or Chris.

It is really the first time to cooperate with Miyauchi.

"You better be careful when catching his pitching, Miyauchi-senpai," said Miyuki.

Although he knew that when he said this sentence, it would definitely make Miyauchi pissed.

But Miyuki still kindly reminded.

T/N: That's it for today. Thank you all for reading, and have a nice day!

You also can check my Patre0n for extra Chapters.


There are +70 Chapters there.

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