
Chapter 416- Sean escaped

A few days went by. Declan thought it had been a year. He missed Yasmin, despite the fact that he spoke to her every day. He was desperate to see her, hug her, and kiss her. Hearing her voice on the phone did not make him feel any better. It only increased his desire to see her.

He started working from the office again and worked until late at night. It was the only way he could keep his mind from racing toward her. As soon as he got home, he couldn't stop thinking about her and couldn't sleep.

He was not able to sleep that night either. He thought he would call her. But it was midnight. He put the phone back on the side table, reasoning that it was inappropriate to wake her up.

"I will call her first thing in the morning," he murmured, hugging her pillow and inhaling deeply.

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