
Accidental Transmigration to Another world

*Thaaaaaaaannnnnng* Such a metallic clanging sound was heard the moment Mino collided into the lamp post, smack dab. The violent collision was enough to leave a dent in the post while Mino was sent sprawling backwards. "Ah shit... this is not gonna end well..." A splitting pain in the forehead greeted him. He realised he was bleeding profusely. "Damn... I need help... and quick...." As he was lying down, helpless, a person came forward. Before Mino lost consciousness, he heard a few words accompanied by a warm gentle feel on his forehead. "[Light Conjuration] Heal".... Mino didn't know who saved him or how he was saved, but he knew one thing. The one who healed him definitely didn't belong to earth. And there were more people like him present. Just after that incident, more bizarre happenings started to pop up. All of them had one thing in common. The events were caused by them. Just who are they? And for what reason are they here? Apparently, all of them were not united. Mino got himself and his friends caught up in their enmity, and in an attempt to save his and his friends' lives, got themselves transmigrated to another world. Thus began their journey in the alternate world, to find out a way to home, and the truth of those strange people.

BlazedSigma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

A miserable school life

However, life didn't intend to go easy on him. It apparently wanted to make him suffer as much as possible. Several jovial yet annoying voices rang out, irking him to his very end.

"Oh wait... didn't that Mushy-Mino run into an accident? How come he's still alive with that fragile body of his hahahaha!"

"How careless and stupid does one have to be to collide into a lamp post in the first place? It's not like this prick was riding a motorcycle! What am I even saying...this worthless trash can't even ride a bicycle and I'm talking about bikes! Pffft....!"

"Hey guys... I guess he's so trashy that even mother earth refuses to swallow and kill him! This is all because of the all-nighters he pulls. He watches all those perverted stuff, plays all those x-rated games and then imagines about those stuff while heading to school and collides with everything while lost in his rampant fantasies and imaginations. The lack of sleep doesn't help either! Yuck! I feel sorry for every girl present in his locality, they probably aren't even aware that they are living in the same neighborhood as a terribly perverted boy."

Three voices started laughing in unison. Just at that time, another guy came out of his bench and walked right over to Mino. He had blackish brown hair in contrast to Mino's soot-black hair. Upon directing his hazel eyes at the boy approaching him, he could clearly sense ridicule contained in those caramel eyes.

"AH! You are back it seems Mino! Too bad, I guess nobody misses you... well enjoy your introverted life and your fantasies all you want. I can't do anything to change your thoughts, neither will I do anything to change the thoughts of an insignificant piece of trash like you. Pfft... it's just as you said Nesson. He's a lost cause whom even this planet refuses to accept, But this guy still persistently pulls through everything just like those brown cockroaches you see fleeing into the drains. Heh."

Finishing his caustic words with a smug snort, he finally went back to his seat. His lackeys, especially the one named Nesson started laughing uproariously.

[What did I even do to deserve such a treatment huh? Fuhhhh....]

Asking himself the same question for the second time in the day, he let out a sigh of exasperation. This was the daily drama for almost two years. He found himself being bullied by the group of that four boys each and everyday the moment he entered the premises. He didn't know why he was bullied, though.

Mino was a boy born to the family of a game developer and a professor of Physics. Wondering how the hell a person pursuing a career in entertainment can possibly come across one in studies, he understood that he had inherited the interests and passions of both of his parents. His frequent discussions with his parents has taught him only one thing.

"Follow what you want. We will be there to support you. Aim to excel in it, so you can call yourself to be 'the master of your sea'."

This is the advice from his dad, the game developer. A really jovial and easy-going person, but extremely responsible at the same time.

On the other hand, his mon was a bit more cautious. "Be good at maths and physics. No one will be able to stop yourself from achieving what you want then. If you want to go for a non-academic career, first feel free to consult counsellors on the event you need help,since I am not much knowledgeable about this topic, and I'm sure your dad won't be able to explain you properly, his explanation power is very low."

They were liberal and supportive. Even though their thought processes were much different.

[The real winners in this world are those who earn a lot okay? Nobody gonna respect you for knowledge]

[There is a lot to think about you know? But surprisingly, the biggest innovations arise when you are not thinking.]

These were the thought processes of his father and mother respectively.

After thinking about it deeply for quite some amount of time, he finally decided to follow his father's footsteps. He loved video games and played them quite a lot. His life was filled with mathematics, physics, computer science and video games. Pays minimal attention to other things like exercise, making friends and hanging out. Only when restricted from the gadgets he quite goes out, and only with his friend Ashu.

Ashu is extremely accommodating, because even though he is a guy with an active mindset, he supports him and does not pester him to go out when they meet. His grades in other subjects are generally average and below average.

But he always scored a cent percent in physics and computer and 98 or 99 in maths. However, people only believe and judge what they see outside ( and tend to ignore actual qualities by cooking up paper thin justifications). They don't even bother to probe inside. This poor one is a victim of such judgment. Even then, Mino doesn't bother to hide his interest and fascination with video games which could be said to be a borderline addiction.

Other look down upon him, believing he is a nerd (which he actually was) and a hopelessly unfit game addict. Well, it was actually they didn't want to acknowledge the fact that someone is better than them in 'subjects which require brainstorming' while also enjoying frivolous activities like gaming. This train of thought of course isn't justified at all, but even if anybody doesn't dislike Mino they won't speak up for him.

Herd mentality you see, nobody wants to be cast out of the group.

He does not mind these a bit. If he has to be bothered about every single small thing like this, then he was better off not living.

Because of this, nearly nobody is interested to talk to him except a few. But that is somewhat acceptable since at least they were 'neutral'. What he does not understand that why he is being bullied. That hurts him, really so. He didn't do anything to them to earn their ire. Nor did he interfere in their activities. But those caustic words have a limit.

They cross all limits. Their words bite into him. But he pretends to remain unbothered. Any kind of reaction would be appreciated by them and would encourage them to continue. Something he doesn't want to happen at all costs, because that's just encouragement to them. Those bastards just at that. They have every intention to beat him into a pulp. For testimony ---- once he lost himself and lashed out. The thrashing that followed was enough to stop him from trying to lash out again. They used him as a literal punching bag, rendering him incapable of coming to school for a couple of days.

Yes, he was weak and got beat up. From that event onwards, everytime this happens, he calms himself down by asking himself this same question all the time. "Why do i get bullied?" It is a supremely stupid and cowardly method to heal and protect himself --- but beggars can't be choosers. Just being looked down upon doesn't invite bullying. There has to be some other reason for the unfair treatment meted out to him. Mino has a gut feeling regarding the cause though.

Pure Jealousy. Why? Due to his good grades in subjects everybody wants to excel in? Due to his skill in video games?

Oh well not. The answer was obvious to him. Still he asked this question because it helps him everytime.

Speaking of the devil ----- the answer of his question was heading out to him. A soothing voice filled his ears once more.

"Are you alright Clair?? Don't pay attention to them okay, meanies must be avoided at all costs."

Yes, that very same girl from the earlier. She stood beside Mino outside his desk, and placed her physics textbook (of course the same one as Mino's) on his desk.

This girl's name was M.N. It stands for Mfcking nuisance... er... no! She's Maina Nameno. All the girls in the school affectionately call her Mai. 'Big-Sis Mai', 'Mai-cutie' and just plainly 'Mai', she's got a whole bunch of nicknames. She's one of the most adorable 'cutie-pies' of this school. 19 year old girl with jet black hair. Eyes with honey coloured irises. Average height for a girl (5'5'').

Her appearance was that of a cute girl, but her arms were packed with quite some strength. (Mino can say this quite confidently because he speaks from experience.) A face as beautiful as if sculpted by a master sculptor. Of course, Mino was a healthy adolescent boy too. Upon seeing her for the first time, his eyes were not the only ones which were drawn into her sweet smile bound by peach lips. Just by taking a deep look into her eyes from afar, he found himself swimming in those pools of honey.

But he knew that he shouldn't aim for the forbidden fruit, because it'll only lead to dissatisfaction. Someone of his caliber shouldn't even dream of approaching her, let alone chat with her or sit beside her. But what is he supposed to do if that person herself approaches him! Since the beginning of this year, this was the routine. Unsurprisingly, the bullying intensified shortly after.

Maina was interested in him, too much interested. Mino himself doesn't know the cause... but he is fully aware of the fact that she does not approach him every time with every computer, math or physics related problem just for a clarification.

"Hey Mino... mu! Just ignore them! Here explain me this problem!"

[Damn... even though you are the reason for all this... the irony...]

He couldn't help but smile wryly, thinking how to get himself out of this mess and advance through the path towards salvation...

"Umu! Why aren't you listening to me?! C'mon! This shouldn't be a problem at all for you isn't it? A piece of cake right... Answer me!!!"

[Uhh... this is not the problem, if there's a problem then undoubtedly it's you...]

Not that he could say it right in her face though. She would be hurt, and he couldn't bring himself to do that since she isn't aware that she's the cause of this bullying. Innocent and a airhead, quite a devastating combination.

But that was just half the cause though. A lot of dagger like eyes were boring into him, the glare enough to root him to the spot. The whole class was glaring at him. Even though he can't hear anything, he can make out everyone's thoughts clearly. They were roughly divided into to two.

The boys: [Just who does this guy think he is huh? Why the fuck is even Mia talking to him!!! Unforgivable... absolutely unforgivable!!!!!]

The girls: [Just who does this guy think he is huh? She's come here to ask for help and he is ignoring her!!! Unforgivable... absolutely unforgivable!!!!]

The feelings of hatred were on the same level, just the causes are different.

Mino helplessly sent his sights over Ashu's desk, hoping for some timely assistance from his bestie (though his only friend lol).

His friend however, just winked at him!

"Et tu Ashu... (Brute)"

This is a bit of introduction, explaining Mino's situation.

BlazedSigmacreators' thoughts