
Lost And Found.

The moment Brad and Brenna arrived at the orphanage home, they were informed that Sister Priscilla was attending to an issue, so they were directed to Sister Mary's office instead. 

Brad looked around Sister Mary's office with casual interest. It looked like it had undergone renovation, and it also looked really well-furnished too.

He took note of the car key, which was sitting on her desk, and made a mental note to bring that up in their discussion later. 

"I take it you're Brenna? And this is your brother, the successful Jockey?" Sister Mary asked, referring to Brenna since Brad seemed occupied with surveying the office. 

"Yes, ma'am. You don't look like you aged a year," Brenna said in admiration, but Brad picked up on that and narrowed his eyes at her, giving her a closer look. Even her clothes looked more expensive than they should be for someone working there. 

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