
Chapter - 15

(Mia P.O.V)

Next day I wake up with my phone ringing continuously, I pick up and answered the phone.

"Hello," I said on the phone.

"Miss Mathis this is doctor Malissa here, your reports have come and the reports are the same, you are pregnant, miss Mathis," the doctor said from the other side of the phone and it's fallen down from my hand.

"I don't understand, I am really pregnant but how?" I whisper to myself. The door of my room opens and my mom enters with a breakfast tray in her hand.

"Good morning honey here is your breakfast," she said smiling at me while keeping it at my coffee table.

"Mai, are you okay, why are you crying," she asks getting worried when she saw my crying face.

"I swear I don't know how that happens to me," I said putting my face in my hands breaking down in front of her.

"What happened? please, Mia, tell me, what's going on?" she said while taking me in her arms.

"The doctor called me before for the result," I said still crying in her embrace.

"And? Was it wasn't good?" she asked getting worried.

"I am pregnant," I said while looking at her for her reaction.

"What?" she shouted at me pushing me away from her as if I burned her.

"Mia, you are kidding me right?" she asks while looking angrily at me.

"I swear I have no idea about how that happens," I said and started crying again.

"You have no idea don't tell me you have no idea about how someone can get pregnant," she shouted at me.

"I promise I have no idea how it happens I'm still a virgin," I said while trying to convince her that I am innocent.

"Enough Mia, do you think I'm a fool and you can fool me like that," she shouted at me.

"It's true I promise," I said while crying my heart out.

"Who is the father of the baby Mia?" she asks with her head down in shame because of me.

"I don't know I promise," I said to her.

"If you don't tell me who is the father you have no right to stay here," she said still with her head down in shame.

"You will throw me out of the house?" I asked shocked while looking at her with tears staining the face.

"Who is the father Mia?" she asks once more time ignoring my question.

"I don't know," I said for the last time and walk out of my room.

I walk out of my house still crying not knowing where I am going. I wipe my tears trying to compose my self so that I don't attract any attention on me, it will only create more problem for me.

I can't believe that she thought I can do something like that knowing that I know from how much pain and hardship she had to go throw just to provide money to full fill our needs.

(Jenny P.O.V (Mia's mother))

When she told me that she is pregnant for the first time I thought she was kidding me. How can she do this to me, even knowing what we have gone through to come and stand where we are now.

When I ask her who is the father she didn't tell me. I never ever wanted this to happen with her too. I never ever wanted history to repeat. I have done everything in my control to stop it from happening it with her.

"No Mia this can't be happening to you too," I thought and break down in her room. The flashback of my past started to flash in mind.

* Flashback *

24 years before

That day at our graduation party, we were dancing and celebrating our graduation day. Both of us Alan and I was drunk.

"We are gonna leave guys," our friend said bidding us goodbye and leave.

"I think you that enough Jenny I will drive you home now," Alan said when he saw that I was drunk and started hiccups.

"Alan, I'm feeling dizzy," she slurred.

"You can't go home like that," he said and take me in his arms in bridal style and take me in his room. He opens the door with one hand and closes it by kicking it.

"Jenny are you still feeling dizzy," he asks putting her gently in the bed.

"Yes a little," I slurred and giggles at him.

"Because you are drunk Jenny, better have some sleep before you go home," he said to me.

"Okay," I slurred and giggle at him. He looks at me with lust in his eyes.

"Is something wrong?" she asks in a daze.

"Can I Jenny?" he whispers getting so close to me that we can practically feel each other hot breath.

"A...Alan no we both are d...dr...drunk," I slurred.

"Please Jenny," he pleaded and kissed me passionately.

I kissed him back and it got heated, then from there thinks happened and I got pregnant with Mia after two weeks. When I told him that I was pregnant with his baby and my parents kicked me out of their house, and what he told me broke me into pieces.

"It's not my child Jenny and only god's know whose child it is because you are nothing but a slut who sleeps around with other, " he said while looking at me with disgust.

"Please Alan doesn't say like that, it was your child and I doesn't sleep with anyone because I loved you and I know you love me too," I said at the edge of breaking down.

"Ha, love you are you kidding me? have ever looked at your self in the mirror? I mean who will love an ugly duckling, " he said and started laughing at me.

"Please, Alan doesn't say things like that," I said but he just ignored me and drive away in his car. I can't able to control my tears anymore and broke down in the street.

* Flashback Ends *

"Why Mia, Why? Why did you do this to us?" I said while crying my heart out.

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