
A Surprise Visit

It was the feeling of something soft coming in contact with her forehead right before sweet tingles erupted all over her body, that pulled Roselyn out of the dreamless slumber she had fallen into hours ago.

Her eyes fluttered open and she had to blink multiple times before her gaze finally adjusted to the brightness that was filling the bedroom. As soon as she was able to see clearly, she found herself looking at a freshly showered and dressed Prince River who was standing right next to the bed with his gaze fixed on her and a barely noticeable twitch on his lips.

It took her brain quite a lot of time to process things and her current situation, and as soon as she realized where she was at the moment, her first instinct was to look behind her at the man who was still fast asleep.

A smile broke out on her lips as her eyes traced Felix's face which looked even more handsome in the morning sunlight. There was a peaceful look on his face. 

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