
Birth of an Angel

Her mother held her looking intently at the little soul she had been carrying do mine and a half months. Abytha was ALWAYS late it seemed. The gaze from this infant was unlike any of a child. Her gaze was the one of a Queen looking upon her maidservants with dissatisfaction. Yes, this child was truly an old soul as if an emperess' had somehow gotten into the wrong body. Her mother knew she held a change in the world. When a person who's destined for greatness is born it is said that people near the child will feel an uneasy happiness and almost like royalty themselves. Needless to say there was many smiles and a great deal of pride in that room. Her mother gave her a long glance and said "hail to Abytha Queen of the New World bow before her Majesty"and kissed her forehead as she nursed her to sleep with love in her eyes and her heart they both drifted into Dreamland.