

The first thing Amari learned about himself and his new body was that demons age faster than humans. Barely four months in, he looked like a one year old baby. He was quite different from one year olds.

He had straight white hair and beady red eyes. Atop his forehead were also two small bumps that looked like horns. Those were barely noticeable though.

And for one, they couldn't kill rabbit creatures nor could they exactly have started learning the alphabet.

'I'm not exactly a normal four-month-old, am I?'

Amari shrugged the question off and continued looking at his prey through squinted eyes. It was pretty difficult to see from the lush canopy of leaves. However, he made do with the vague blur of grey munching on small insects down below.

'Don't be a dumby, you're a wolf pup. Wolfs hide in the shadows, kill, steal and hunt in packs. If you can't hunt in a pack, make sure your prey is weaker than you!' Felaud's voice echoed in his head.

His adoptive father was a grumpy man and Amari could already imagine a stereotypical middle-aged man if he was a human rather than a wolf. He was a good man, though. He had never intentionally made things difficult for Amari.

The baby demon zoned out for a moment, and he lost sight of the prey he was hunting.

'If only humans back on Earth were like that... Right, I'm hunting, need to focus, needtofocus!'

He followed after the prey with the grace of a experienced hunter, rarely making any noises as he jumped from tree to tree. Until finally...

'My chance!'

He leapt down from the building, grinning wildly, forming his small fingers into a fist that crashed down on the creature down below.

Its head exploded without warning, leaving only the lifeless body below his fist.

"That's my third one today. Mom and dad are going to be so proud!"


As he cast the skill, a small panel appeared before him.

[Name: Unnamed]

[Species: Ferocious Vole]

[Race: Demon Beast]

[Rank: Lower Demon Beast]


[STR: 9]

[AGI: 14]

[STA: 7]

[INT: 5]

[MP: 0/10]

[Skills: Lesser Rush, Omnivore]

[Lesser Rush (Active)]

[Effect: User is able to rush opponent with immense speed and force. Effect depends on the Agility and Speed of the user as well as the size and Stamina of the opponent. It is classified as Lesser because of creature's size]

[Omnivore (Active)]

[Effect: User is able to eat anything to replenish. Amount restored depends on the thing consumed and the quantity]

[Remark: This demon beast is at the lower end of the food chain. It is only able to unleash lesser attacks and its most prominent feature is its speed which easily surpasses that of a human or a demon of the same age]

"This Omnivore is still the most interesting I've seen so far. How fascinating..."

Amari really didn't care about the creature's stats in general, but its skills. He himself still hadn't learned any attack skills making him a bit sour.


[Name: Amari Burrows] (Chapter 2)

[Race: Demon]

[Rank: Lesser Demon (Birth Rank) - Evolvable]

[Species: Variant Incubus- Verbum Daemonimum]


[STR: 13]

[AGI: 15]

[STA: 18]

[INT: 60]

[Skills: Observation (Lvl 3)]


[MP: 120/120]

[Titles: Child of the Beasts]

[Remark: Young demon abandoned in every sense of the word.]

Amari had so many questions regarding this system that he didn't know how to answer. For example, how come there were no user levels? How come he has not gotten skill points after so long? What were the conditions for growth?

"I'm definitely not getting those answers today. Welp, time to head home," he muttered then slung the dead body of the Ferocious Vole onto his back where the others were safely tied to.

After a series of eventful greetings from the forest's Demon Beasts, Amari had finally gotten home. Reida was the only one at home. He could tell from the vague scent that Felaud had left three hours before.

"Welcome back, honey," Reida called out from deeper into the cave.

He entered the cave and sat down next to the giant wolf lady he now called his mom.

"Hi, mom. Look what I've caught!" he grinned sheepishly, presenting the three voles he'd caught in front of her face.

"Wow, that's three more than yesterday! I'm sure Felaud would be happy to see it." She put a paw against his head and ruffled it.

"Stahpp!" Amari grunted and the peaceful cave erupted as he struggled with her paws.

Eventually, both stopped the struggle and settled down nicely.

"Raion'shalang, have I ever told you about how your father and I met?" Reida spoke softly, still playing with Amari's hair.

He groaned loudly. If there was anything he always found relieving about not having a parent was the absence of the embarrassing "How I met your father" or "How I met your mother stories"

It looked like he was going to repay his debt after one lifetime.

"Shush, you silly tyke. It's rude to talk while your mom talks. Well -- as I was saying -- your father and I met actually first me outside the Pit,"

Amari sucked in a large breath.

The Pit.

From what Felaud and Reida told him in the past, the Pit was probably one of the scariest places in the Demon Realm. Maps of the place were very rare, and even when available, were pretty outdated, since the locations on it shifted constantly.

It was also populated with demon beasts far stronger than the demon experts in the area. Demons who found their way in here without appropriate protection would be probably get consumed for their essence.

Why was this important? Because that was where Amari found himself in right now.

"Outside the Pit? What'd you go and do there?" He gripped Reida's paw and looked into her eyes.

She ignored his begging stare and rolled her eyes

"That's a secret, boy! Anyway, I met him being chased by some demons who wanted his pelt to make armour. Can you believe that? So, I rescued him and he fell in love with me instantly. Isn't your mom so amazing?"

Amari played along after her series of venomous looks. "Yeah, mom's the best!"

Then a familiar voice interrupted the cheers.

"Reida, why are you telling the boy so many lies? That was not what happened!"

Felaud had entered the cave, holding a large red hog in his mouth. He dropped the hog to the ground and rolled his eyes.

"Stop lying to the boy, I saved you, not the other way around!" he added unhurriedly.

Reida scoffed, "How misogynistic of you to say that. Of course the male saves the female. Why can't it be the other way around?"

"What does that even mean?! Now you're just making words up!"

"Did you just call me a pup-killer, Felaud? I thought we were over this!" she got up and walked towards the cave entrance

"When did I call you-? Fine, I'm sorry, Reida, please don't go!"

"It's too late. You already said what you said."

"I said I'm sorry!"

Amari smiled a little. He had gotten used to their little spats, but he still couldn't believe his eyes.

'My own parents!'

Next chapter