

Immature-looking writing lay sprawled out on the walls they once called their lovely home, but Amari more than anyone else still alive in the world recognized that handwriting.

Memories of when Felaud had tried to teach him how to read and write in the Demon Beast language temporarily filled his mind.

" 'Look for a demon called Tamasir'Alfera and he will help you on your journey.' "

Belat cocked his head, puzzled but later rationalized the words. He had stopped asking as many questions, but it wasn't like he had completely lost his personality. Well, that was what Amari hoped.

"We need to leave the Pit, Belat. He's still alive, and we'll find him."

The adorable pup let out a determined grunt and left the cave.

"Where does the map say to go Big Brother?"

Amari froze as he didn't expect the question, but he still managed to pull out the map, albeit awkwardly.

He paused in front of the map, his eyebrows gradually furrowing up into a frown. How was there a map of the Pit? It was said to be very unstable, there should be no way to map it. But evidently, he was wrong.

'This Lamart family is stronger than I thought. That's going to be a problem when I need to eliminate them-'

"Big bro, can you hear me?" Belat's said, interrupting his spiralling train of thought.

"Uh, yeah." He muttered, directing his attention back to the map.

He wasn't sure how to read one, but he managed.

"We're in the light zone of the pit. In one of the forests. We're a long way from leaving, but we'll manage. It says here that we're heading east, till we get to a huge wall."

Belat nodded and began walking independently. Only one thing…

"That's north, baby bro."

The pup froze awkwardly and then turned in another direction as if nothing had happened.

"Erm, that's west now."

Belat tripped over a dead branch in shock.

"Why don't you just lead the way." The pup mumbled then shuffled over to Amari's side.

Amari laughed. Ed was gone. Jaz was gone. Reida was gone. Felaud was missing. Yet, somehow whether by luck or a higher power he hadn't lost it all yet.

He still had Belat. He still had his sanity and mind. And that meant he could still claim revenge!

"Do you want to race?" Amari asked out of the blue, after walking through the forest slowly.

The pup looked confused but agreed nonetheless.




The force accumulated in his body burst out all at once, splintering the ground into dozens of pieces.

Each step he took was ten steps for a normal person and had enough force to kill the average human. If he punched someone with that speed, they wouldn't know what hit them.

Strangely enough, Belat kept up with him!

He looked at the wolf pup with wide eyes. How?! Yesterday, the young wolf could not keep up with him at all. Now, even with the recent boost he got after fighting Lamart Palenia, he could suddenly keep up with Amari.

"Wait wait wait," Amari said, slowing to a halt.

"What's wrong Big bro? Do you sense danger?" Belat stopped and bared his fangs dangerously.

"No not that. Can you stay still for a second? I need to check something out."

The pup cocked his head and did as he was told. "Oh, okay, sure."


[Name: Belat the Avenger]

[Species: Shadow Dweller Wolf]

[Race: Demon Beast]

[Rank: Lesser Demon Beast]


[STR: 100]

[AGI: 120]

[STA: 90]

[INT: 80]

[Skills: Innate- (Shadow Movement, Dark Tendrils, Shadow Manipulation), Soul Bond- (Star Claw, Rush, Force Claw)]

[MP: 160/160]

[Remark: Young wolf pup orphaned at the hands of humans. With the help of his demon brother, he seeks revenge]

'System can you explain?'

A familiar voice and screen appeared soon enough.

[Certainly. Soul Bonds are connected on different levels. A basic understanding of each other's feelings and needs is the most common effect. While the most advanced effect is the transfer of attributes and new skills learned. Of course, this has its caveats too. Belat the Avenger gains a small portion of your attributes, making him stronger than he was originally.]

Amari looked at Belat differently. He now noticed the fire burning within the pup's eyes. He wanted to kill.

'The Avenger, huh?'

"Let's go," Amari muttered in deep thought and resumed running.

He recognized that look. Belat would need to learn to control the fire alone. He did not forgive what that bastard did to Edward or Jasmyn, but he understood. There was no right or wrong, only opposing viewpoints.

If given the chance, he would gut that motherfucker out and leave him out to dry. For the vultures and the crows to feed on his dead body. However, he had learned after all this time that there was no point in such actions especially if everything was already done.

Belat would get his revenge... and Amari would make sure the perpetrators of this invasion suffered.

After about an hour of running, they finally made it out of the forest and entered a vast wasteland.

There were several beasts wandering aimlessly. Some killed their prey and fed while others moved around lifelessly. This was the Pit's reality. Most places weren't like the forest they lived in. It says a lot that these beasts who may be natural predators couldn't even care to hunt.

At that moment, both siblings realized they had not eaten in a day.

Amari looked at Belat and both nodded simultaneously.

'Dark Tendrils!'


They both cast spells and skills, aiming for the monsters closest to them. Suffice it to say, after a little more than an hour, they were stuffed to the brim.

Amari also kept some extra food in a corner of the spatial bracelet. He sat down and thought. Belat did the same.

'What the fuck am I even doing? I'm tired of all of this. Why should I have to run away from those jerks?'

Those were only some of their thoughts, but the reality was different.

"Heyyy!" A cheery voice quickly drew them out though.

Amari quickly entered an improvised battle stance that greatly resembled a wolf's stalking form. Belat did the same and bared his teeth and sharp, grimy nails that had substituted for claws for a long time.

"Wait, we're not enemies! Don't attack." The voice yelled as it got closer.

The speaker was female, but there were more people with her.

Amari stood straight, but maintained vigilance. After a while, his fellow people appeared in front of him.

They were not the rugged, travel-worn adventurers or mercenaries he expected. These people were clean, well-fed and healthy.

In fact, their uniforms and clear skins were perfect indications of this. (AN: Clear skin referring to without blemish)

"Woah, are you also a student?"

Amari furrowed his brows, channelling mana to cast his Dark Tendrils spell.


"Yeah, at the Faustian School For Demons?"

'What the hell is that?'

Next chapter