
abyss system

Zenith, an average office worker, finds himself trapped in a relentless cycle of bullying and exploitation from his colleagues, pushing him to the brink of despair. Contemplating an end to his life, he reaches his darkest moment. However, in this bleakness, a mysterious figure materializes, presenting him with an alternative: a chance to embark on a new existence in another world. Fueled by a yearning for redemption and strength, Zenith reluctantly embraces the enigmatic person's proposition. Transported to a fantastical realm brimming with magic and mythical creatures, he discovers a unique system that aids him in gaining strength and unraveling the true purpose of his newfound journey.

AverageJoe2 · Fantasy
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20 Chs


"Sit here while I make the food," Sara instructed.

 Zenith replied with a simple "okay" and settled into a chair by the table. Sara disappeared into the kitchen, gathering the necessary ingredients for her dish. The rhythmic sounds of cooking filled the air as Sara skillfully prepared the meal, a process that took about an hour.

"All done," Sara announced, emerging from the kitchen with two steaming plates of food. Placing them on the table.

 Upon seeing the dish, Zenith exclaimed, "Fettuccine," appreciating the culinary creation before him.

"What's that?" Sara inquired.

Zenith explained, "It's a type of food that looks exactly like this."

"Is it? I made this recipe by hand; I guess someone has already made it," Sara said with a disappointed face.

Zenith reassured her, "No, no one has made this dish before, so you are the first."

"But you just said someone else made this food exactly like this," Sara asked, confused.

Zenith found himself in a sticky situation and admitted, "I saw it in a dream, and they called it fettuccine," inadvertently making himself look like an idiot.

"Aw, really? I haven't thought about a name for it; maybe fettuccine might be a good name. But taste it before deciding," Sara suggested.

'How did that excuse work?' Zenith wondered while he took a mouthful of fettuccine. "Woah, it's quite good, but it could use a bit more pepper to enhance the flavor," Zenith critiqued the food.

Sara jotted down the feedback on her notepad and said, "Will do next time."

"Won't you eat?" Zenith asked.

Sara explained, "I will eat after you finish."

"Why don't you want to eat with me?" Zenith inquired.

Sara replied, "No, it's nothing like that; guests usually don't like servers to eat with them."

"I don't think of you as a server, so eat with me," Zenith insisted.

Sara agreed, "Okay," and joined Zenith at the table, savoring the fettuccine. After both of them finished eating, Zenith announced, "I'll head back to my room."

"Okay, but before you go, could you tell me your name if it is not too much to ask?" Sara asked shyly.

Zenith shared, "It's Zenith," and headed back to the room.

"Zenith, what a nice name," Sara muttered to herself.

"You're finally back," Kurogane said as Zenith entered the room.

Zenith replied, "Yeah," and sat down on the bed.

"How was the training ground?" Kurogane inquired.

Zenith replied, "The training ground was quite old, but I did get some good practice in, and I had a spar."

"Who did you spar with?" Kurogane asked.

"Did you see the person wearing the cloak when we entered the inn?" Zenith questioned.

"Yes," Kurogane answered.

"It was him," Zenith revealed.

"You shouldn't accept spars so easily because they could accidentally kill you if you are too weak compared to them," Kurogane warned.

Zenith asked, "Did you just indirectly call me weak?"

"Maybe. Who won the spar?" Kurogane inquired.

"I did," Zenith said proudly, even though he knew it was a lucky win.

"Congrats, your first win," Kurogane acknowledged.

"I even won a movement book," Zenith added.

"A movement book?" Kurogane questioned, and said, "Pass it to me."

Zenith took out the book and handed it to Kurogane. As Kurogane examined it, he was astonished and remarked, "Whoever gave you this comes from the Telver family."

"Is that something important to know?" Zenith asked.

Kurogane explained, "Yes, the Telver family is a very important family in the four kingdoms, known for their special power in telekinesis."

'Telekinesis, so that's how he made the daggers float,' Zenith thought.

Kurogane suggested, "This book is probably stolen, so we should probably return it to the Telver family."

"It isn't stolen," Zenith said.

Kurogane questioned, "How do you know?"

"Because he has the telekinesis ability," Zenith replied.

Kurogane thought, 'If what Zenith is saying is true, then what is a Telver family person doing here? It doesn't matter anyway; there's no point in me getting worked up over it.' He then said, "Make sure to make good use of it; there is no better beginner guide on movement than this."

"Okay, I will," Zenith said and took the book back, starting to read it. The information in the book was very detailed, providing guidance based on the user's position, the weapon they were facing, and their stamina levels. Zenith absorbed as much as he could before heading to sleep.

The next day, Zenith woke up, freshened up, and after him, Kurogane did the same. Both of them headed downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Good morning, Zenith and Mister," Sara greeted.

"Good morning, Sara," Zenith replied.

Kurogane said, "Good morning, we would like to eat breakfast now."

"Okay, you can sit here while I prepare your breakfast," Sara said and headed to the kitchen.

After ten minutes, Sara came out with two plates of French toast with a side of eggs. "Here," Sara said as she placed the food on the table.

Both of them thanked her and enjoyed the French toast and eggs. After Kurogane finished, he remarked, "That was probably one of the best dishes I've had in a while."

"Thank you," Sara said.

"Same for me; it's the second-best dish I've had in a while," Zenith added.

Kurogane asked, "What was the first, then?"

"The fettuccine she made for me yesterday," Zenith answered, making Sara blush.

Kurogane asked, "What's that?"

"It's a dish Sara made," Zenith replied.

"Guess I won't get to try it out," Kurogane remarked.

Sara offered, "I can make it if you want."

"It's not about that; we are leaving today," Kurogane stated.

Sara expressed, "You're leaving so quickly. I thought you would at least stay for a few days."

"We have work to tend to," Kurogane explained.

Sara said, "I understand."

"Where is the owner? I would like to say goodbye," Kurogane inquired.

Sara responded, "I will call him."

"Okay," Kurogane said and waited for the elderly man to come.

"I heard you called for me," the elderly man said.

Kurogane said, "Yes, I did. I would like to say goodbye before I leave."

"Oh, you're leaving so soon?" the elderly man asked.

Kurogane responded, "Yes, I have work to tend to."

"Where are you heading?" the elderly man inquired.

Kurogane replied, "Eclipscya Kingdom."

"To the kingdom? You must have big ambitions," the elderly man remarked.

Kurogane said, "Who doesn't?"

The mysterious man, who overheard this conversation, asked, "Would you also take me to Eclipscya?"