

Jacob looked at Samantha's face hoping she'd at least come up with an idea better than his, his hopes deflated as soon as she shrugged, when he arched a questioning brow at her.

He murmured, "we are in deep shit." For the past week since Sam announced her pregnancy to him, he had had sleepless nights, thinking how he was going to tell Analisa the truth, he broke out in cold sweat and felt sick everytime the thought came to mind, he could only hide it for so long. 

Samantha was also feeling the same way, a phone call disrupted her thoughts, but as soon as she saw the caller, her mouth twitched and she had a panicked look on her face, it was Analisa, her best friend since elementary school, and for now her tormentor. How was she going to tell Ana, that she's pregnant with Jacob's child, she never had a father, hence she was going to make sure her child had one even if it meant ruining fifteen years of friendship with Ana. 

Jacob swallowed hard, when Sam showed him the dialer, consumed by guilt, shame and remorse, he shook his head motioning Sam not to answer the call. "We must tell her tomorrow, I can't keep lying to her face, my heart burns every time I see her, thinking she sees right through me, my betrayal". Sam said. 

"You think I don't feel the same way? "

Jacob retorted, "what do you want me to do? walk up to and tell her I cheated on her with her best friend and now she's pregnant? I can't even look her in the eye these days. Every smile, hug and kiss from her, feels like a stab to the heart and it worsens my guilt. 

Sighing, Sam sat on the couch, she was at Jacob's. She stared dreamily at the chandelier glued to the ceiling for a while, decided this must be karma, how could she let this happen, she let her feelings get in her head, got carried away and now she's pregnant with her best friend's boyfriend. 

This was supposed to be a one time thing, but they both got carried away and now they're in deep shit. She still remembers that night when it all started, Ana had accompanied her granny on one of her trips and was out of town for about a week, that was when she and Jacob grew closer, she had always admired him, but kept her feelings to herself because Jacob was Ana's man, however with her best friend 's absence, her admiration for Jacob grew into attraction, this was the same for Jacob as well. One night Jacob invited her over for dinner, one thing led to another to another and they passionately made love,then it happen again and again even after Ana's return and she eventually fell in-love with Jacob and when she found out she was pregnant, she wanted more, a complete family something she never had, she was raised by a single mother, without knowing whom her father was, but it's going to be different for her child, she thought, she was going get Jacob for herself and her child, even if it meant hurting Ana. 

Deciding to tell her at tomorrow's date, which marked Jacob Ana's two years dating anniversary, they each got lost in their thoughts and didn't notice chloe, Jac's younger sister enter the hall, she was a bit surprised when she saw Sam there, she heard conversations and thought Ana was around, didn't expect to find Sam instead, but that's been going on for a while now, Sam visiting her brother without Ana. She wanted to question her brother about it but decided to keep her peace, since asking her brother could ignite his rage. He doesn't like talking about sensitive issues with her because she is still a teenager. 

She adored her brother, but loved Ana even more, she was sweet and understanding and hoped her brother would settle down soon with her. Ana helped her cope with puberty, the body changes, mental health issues and boy problems that come with the rite of passage, Ana is truly the only person who understands her. 

Flashing Sam a smile, she asked Jac for his car keys, she had to get some groceries from the mall, he gave it to her and she left the hall staring at Sam, who avoided her gaze the entire time. 

Jacob shut his eyes contemplating how he was going to confront the one whom he had betrayed, who was supposed to be his forever, but he got lost mid- way. 

He didn't realise when his feelings for Sam started, all he knew was that he kept getting more and more drawn into her. Memories of Ana kept spiralling in his head, their first date, their first kiss and when they first made love, promising each other an eternity. But he broke that promise, he drifted away, clenching his fist, he shut his eyes bracing himself for tomorrow. If only he knew how that decision was going to change their lives forever.

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