8 No Blessing?

"We will need to wait for an hour, you guys should look if there's water nearby, Klaine you can stay with me" said Pirius

"Alright" replied Ren as he walked on one direction.

Vicar said nothing as he walked the opposite direction from Ren

"Anyways Klaine don't mind Vicar too much he just don't like the small guts that you showed him earlier."

Klaine just nodded and said nothing, as he wanted to take a closer look to the snake, he suddenly heard Pirius saying "Don't go closer just yet, it can still be dangerous for you"

So Klaine suddenly halted and decided not to check anymore, but he was wondering why did the voice not come out yet? *Where's that strange Voice? Well I might have to wait until it's really dead?, yeah patience patience*

"So Klaine how did you get lost anyways?" suddenly asked Pirius

Now came what Klaine feared, the question of why he is here.

*Damn, what do I say now, fuck, I guess I'll say I forgot? No that's shit, maybe I got kidnapped and raped in the woods?, No shit, fucking hell what do I say now*

Pirius seeing that Klaine was taking his time to answer, suddenly said "No need to talk about it if you don't want to"

Klaine then let out a sigh of relief as he said "Sorry Pirius, it's not that I don't want to talk about it, but it's really complicated, sorry" as he lowered his head.

"No problem, I understand everyone has a secret after all" suddenly said Pirius while looking up.

Klaine did not say anything as he just let silence take over them.

Soon Ren came back while saying "I found a small Lake"

"Really? That's nice then, now we just need to wait a little bit, until Vicar comes back" said Pirius

Soon after what seems like 5 minute, Klaine suddenly heard the Strange Voice once again!

This time saying "Congratulations Party killed a Brown Deep Woods Snake, Please choose between

[+75 to Strength/Agility/Vitality/Endurance/Intelligence/Soul]


[+15 to everything]"

*Huh? Is the Snake finally dead?* thought Klaine as he gazed at the Snake which was no longer moving as he suddenly thought *It's really dead, and did the choice just got bigger?, is the Snake stronger than the Tiger before? Doesn't that mean Vicar was too strong to actually decapitate it in one SLASH!? But that doesn't matter now, what do I pick? The 75 or the 15?, fuck it, I'll choose the 75!*

Then he heard the voice saying "Please choose between Strength/Agility/Vitality/Endurance/Intelligence/Soul"

*Huh, fuck now which one do I pick? Strength is obviously power, and agility? That must be my speed right? What's with vitality though? And Endurance? That's like stamina probably? Intelligence? I wonder does that increase my IQ or Soul? The fuck does that do? I guess I'll pick Strength for now!*

Soon came what he expected to come, the strange thing that always appear in his body after hearing the voice, like always it disappeared after 5 seconds.

Then silence.

*Huh? No snake blessing or something? Fuck, are those kinds of blessings rare or something?, fuck, anyways it's already good to have something like this in a dream, probably a reality anyways that's good enough, but did I really become stronger?, I guess I'll have to try when I have the chance* thought Klaine as he waited patiently for Vicar

"Man where did Vicar go" suddenly said Ren as he scratched his head.

"Who knows" replied Pirius with a shrug

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