

The dust settled around the girls feet as she stood, alone, in a dark, cold room.

Once, a time which seemed so long ago, the room glittered with childhood dreams and sunlight, early mornings when the moon had just gone to sleep and all was quiet- peaceful, joyful.

But now it was dark.

For a while she allowed the darkness to consume her, bathing in the numbness before she opened her eyes and searched for the light. Perhaps, if she pretended the room was still lovely and alive she could hold on to the past; even if it was only for a moment.

But all of her moments were used up a long time ago, and it was time for her to face her demons.

A shadow appeared, looming behind her like he always did.

"I have a request." She spoke, closing her eyes, although it was so dark it didn't make much difference anyways.

Death himself stood in the corner, watching, ticking, always there. Minutes turned to hours and hours turned to seconds, time was completely muddled up, but still- everything seemed to move awfully slow.

She faced the shadow.

"No." Death replied, it was too dark to see anything, but she imagined if she could see him, he'd have a sunken in face with old, knowing eyes that looked into your very existence.

She paused. All this time she was trying to think of excuses, reasons to hold on. She had ran out of ideas.

"I-" Maybe in another life, another universe, this could all just go away. She'd get her happily ever after. But not in this one.

"I just need more time."

The Grim Reaper himself almost choked a laugh. This girl, withering away at the edges, unsure and young, had gotten him here. Her devotion gotten Death, so unattainable and impossible to grasp, to come to her.

And for what? For one life?

People with much bigger, more concerning problems had attempted to catch him, if only to bargain some sort of deal, but very few succeeded.

Of course he knew who she was, what her problems were and who she was pleading for; he knew everything. Still, he couldn't see what was so special for the young girl to have summoned him like this.

And then he saw it, the slightest glimmer of light in her eyes. Frail and flicking maybe, but it was there.

Death had not saw light in many, many years. The souls he carried were always black in the most mundane way, and even if they were light, nothing ever shone when in his shadow.

So how was she shinning, he pondered to himself? What is it that makes her any different?

For the first time in a while, the Grim Reaper did not know. But he was willing to stick around to find out.

"A week." Death said. "Just like in the fairytales, I shall give you a curse. A twist, if you may. When the clock strikes at six in the morning, I will come to collect what is mine."

A week was all she had, but Bella Arnold would be damned if she let it go to waste.

So Death watched as the week played out, and he soon realised, just like everybody else soon would, this story- imperfect and messy in the most beautiful of ways, yes, this story was Absolutely Unforgettable...