
Absolute Sage

In a world where power is everything and the line between myth and reality blurs, "Absolute Sage" tells the gripping tale of Ichiro, a young boy thrust into a destiny he could never have imagined.

Asena4800 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Test Of Strength: The Trial Of Verdant Dragon Academy

Ichiro's curiosity led him to explore every corner of the spacious guest room. Its grandeur and opulence were worlds apart from the humble village he had grown up in. As he examined the lavish furnishings and intricate decorations, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder.

Amidst his exploration, he stumbled upon a few items that caught his attention. Laid out on a polished wooden table were a handful of health potions, their shimmering liquid held within crystal vials. Nearby, he discovered a collection of beast cores, each radiating its unique energy. These cores, the source of strength for many cultivators, were a valuable find. Lastly, his gaze fell upon a stack of meticulously crafted magic scrolls

Ichiro's excitement was palpable as he stood before the scrolls. However, Raijin, his ever-watchful mentor, cautioned him against using these scrolls. The ethereal presence of the Thunder God had always guided Ichiro, and his wisdom was to be heeded. Raijin knew that these scrolls, while intriguing, did not hold the true essence of the magic he intended to impart to Ichiro.

With a gentle but firm tone, Raijin explained that the knowledge contained within these scrolls was limited, mere fragments of the grand tapestry of magic. To truly harness the power of the elements and transcend the ordinary, Ichiro needed more than what these texts could offer.

In the sprawling training ground of the majestic castle, Ichiro stood under the clear sky, his senses heightened as he prepared to embark on his journey into the realm of magic. The ancient knowledge Raijin possessed was now being shared with the eager young martial artist.

Raijin's voice, like distant thunder, resonated in Ichiro's mind as he explained the intricacies of magic. It was a process familiar yet alien, for Ichiro was used to channeling his inner energy, his qi, into the art of combat. Now, he needed to adapt this inner force to harness the elements themselves.

As Raijin guided him, Ichiro felt the flow of his qi with a newfound awareness. He visualized the elements: fire, water, earth, and wind, each with its unique essence and power. It was a delicate dance between his inner energy and the elemental forces.

Control, Raijin emphasized, was the key. Magic was not a brute force but a finesse, an art that required precision and understanding. Ichiro had always been a diligent student, and with the harsh training regimen Raijin had put him through, he was well-prepared to face the challenges of wielding magic.

With Raijin's guidance, Ichiro learned to shape his magic, to call forth the elements and mold them to his will. The ancient technique Raijin imparted allowed him to perform feats of magic without the need for lengthy incantations. Ichiro's hands became a conduit for his intentions, and with a mere thought, he could command the elements to respond.

Beyond the fundamental elements, Ichiro delved even further into the intricate world of magic, exploring the realm of sub-elements. Among these, thunder held a special place, for it was the domain of his mentor, Raijin.

Raijin's teachings had already bestowed upon Ichiro a deep understanding of the Thunder element. With the thunder qi coursing through his veins, he began to experiment, shaping the energy in different ways and wielding it with precision. The sheer power of Raijin's qi was awe-inspiring, and while Ichiro had a firm grasp of it, he knew that there was always room for improvement.

Ichiro didn't notice but the 3rd Princess was watching through the window.

The day of the Verdant Dragon Academy's entrance test had arrived, and Ichiro was filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation. He had spent countless hours preparing for this moment, and now it was time to prove his worth.

As Ichiro made his way to the Academy gate, he couldn't help but be astounded by the sheer number of people gathered there. The crowd numbered at least 20,000 hopefuls, all vying for a coveted spot in the prestigious academy. Testing such a vast multitude simultaneously was no small feat, so the Academy had devised a simple yet effective first test.

The task was straightforward: pour one's qi into a magic crystal. It was a test of a cultivator's fundamental abilities, and only those who had reached at least the Body Refinement Realm 4th Stage would pass this initial trial. Already, over 7,000 individuals have failed to meet this criterion.

When it was finally Ichiro's turn, he approached the magic crystal without hesitation. He didn't hold back, channeling his qi into the crystal with unwavering determination. As the crystal glowed with an otherworldly light, the results were displayed for all to see, and gasps of astonishment rippled through the crowd.

The words "Golden Core Realm 1st Stage" shone brightly within the crystal, instantly catapulting Ichiro to the top of the leaderboard. It was a remarkable achievement that left those around him in awe. While a few others managed to display similar results, Ichiro's name became a topic of conversation among the spectators. He was an unknown, an enigma among the crowd, and all eyes were now on him.

The time came for Princess Kohana to undergo the test. She had already displayed formidable prowess during their encounter with the bandits, yet her result surprised many. Her status as a Body Refinement Realm 9th Stage cultivator had placed her among the strongest participants, but Ichiro couldn't help but wonder why she hadn't been able to defend herself during the bandit attack.

Raijin, ever the wise mentor, offered Ichiro valuable insight. He reminded Ichiro that a person's realm alone did not determine their true strength. Thanks to Raijin's teachings, Ichiro possessed skills and abilities that far exceeded those of an average cultivator at his level.

The second test at the Verdant Dragon Academy proved to be a true test of physical strength. Only 13,000 candidates remained after the first round, and now it was time to whittle down the numbers even further.

In this test, cultivators were required to showcase their physical might by either using their magic or relying on brute force to strike a massive stone. The stone, imbued with enchantments, would then display the force of the impact in kilograms. To pass this rigorous trial, a minimum score of 1,000 kilograms was required.

As Ichiro stepped up to face the stone, he was keenly aware of Raijin's teachings echoing in his mind: "Somebody's cultivation realm does not show their actual strength." He had always been far stronger than your average Golden Core 1st Stage cultivator, thanks to Raijin's unique training.

Ichiro summoned his Thunder-qi fist, channeling the power of thunder into his strike. With a resounding blow, he struck the massive stone, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. The stone cracked and groaned under the force of his attack, its surface marred by the impact. As the dust settled, the results were revealed to a stunned crowd.

The display showed a staggering 47,000 kilograms, leaving everyone in awe of Ichiro's incredible strength. The examinees and onlookers alike couldn't believe their eyes. It was a testament to the fact that one's cultivation realm alone could not accurately represent their true capabilities.

Princess Kohana, the 3rd princess of the Crimson Kingdom, followed Ichiro. With grace and precision, she utilized her mastery of ice magic, a sub-element of Water, to craft a sharp and formidable ice crystal. This icy projectile struck the stone with precision, generating a force that registered at around 4,000 kilograms. While her strength couldn't match Ichiro's, her magical finesse was undeniable.

The remaining 3,000 candidates gathered in anticipation of the third and final test, their faces a mix of determination and anxiety. The atmosphere was charged with tension as they awaited their instructions.

Standing before the candidates were a group of stern-looking instructors, each radiating an aura of formidable power. In the center of the field lay a massive, ancient tree, its towering branches spreading out like a canopy. This tree was known as the "Verdant Guardian," a living relic of the academy's history.

A hushed silence fell over the crowd as one of the instructors stepped forward, his voice carrying through the air like a clarion call. "Welcome to the third and final test of the Verdant Dragon Academy. You've proven your worth in cultivation and strength. Now, it's time to test your wits and adaptability."

He gestured toward the Verdant Guardian. "Your task is simple in concept but challenging in execution. Each of you must climb the Verdant Guardian and retrieve a leaf from its highest branch. These leaves are imbued with ancient magic, and they will signify your success in this trial."

Gasps and murmurs of surprise rippled through the candidates. Climbing the colossal tree would be no easy feat, especially with so many skilled cultivators vying for the same goal.

The instructor continued, "However, there is a catch. The Verdant Guardian is not just an ordinary tree. It possesses a will of its own and will test your resolve. It can create obstacles and challenges tailored to each of you, reflecting your strengths and weaknesses. You must overcome these obstacles and reach the top."

As he finished speaking, a gust of wind rustled the leaves of the Verdant Guardian, as if the tree itself acknowledged the challenge. The candidates exchanged determined glances, ready to face whatever trials lay ahead.

"Remember," the instructor emphasized, "it's not always the strongest who succeed but those who adapt and persevere. The first 250 people to retrieve a leaf will be able to get into the academy, Your time starts now."

With those words, the candidates surged forward, each one determined to prove themselves and claim the honor of being accepted into the prestigious Verdant Dragon Academy. The final test had begun, and the Verdant Guardian awaited those who would dare to climb it.

The Verdant Guardian, a towering embodiment of nature's fury, unleashed its vines with relentless aggression. Each tendril lashed out like a serpent, aiming to dislodge the climbers from its colossal trunk. But Ichiro, with his lightning-quick reflexes and the premonitory insights granted by the system, proved a step ahead.

As the lethal vines shot forth, Ichiro anticipated their movements. His body moved in perfect harmony with the predictive power of the system, allowing him to evade each strike with uncanny precision. The thunder-qi coursing through his limbs enhanced his agility, making him a blur of motion.

Around him, the less fortunate candidates were not as fortunate. Some screamed as they plummeted from the massive tree, their dreams of entering the Verdant Dragon Academy shattered in an instant.

Ichiro's ascent continued unabated. His determination to reach the pinnacle of the tree matched the intensity of the Verdant Guardian's onslaught. The branches and leaves above seemed impossibly distant, but he persevered, knowing that the mystical leaf awaited him at the summit.

With unparalleled focus and unwavering resolve, Ichiro overcame the Guardian's relentless assault. At last, after a grueling ascent, he stood atop the colossal tree, gazing down at the challengers still in the midst of their perilous climb.

As Ichiro carefully descended the colossal tree, his heart swelled with a mixture of pride and exhaustion. He clutched the mystical leaf tightly in his hand, a testament to his tenacity and skill.

Around him, numerous other determined cultivators followed in his wake. These were no ordinary individuals; they had proven themselves in the face of the Verdant Guardian's relentless onslaught. Each of them had successfully reached the pinnacle of the tree, and now they descended with their own precious leaves clutched in determined fists.

As the day's trials concluded and the 250 successful candidates made their way out of the academy's testing grounds, a sense of camaraderie enveloped them. They exchanged congratulations, knowing that they had all faced formidable challenges and emerged victorious. Fatigue weighed heavily on their shoulders, but the euphoria of success lifted their spirits.

Among the crowd, many curious glances were directed at Princess Kohona, a figure of both admiration and intrigue. However, their curiosity turned to surprise when they noticed Ichiro walking alongside her. It seemed that they both resided in the castle, an unexpected connection between a royal and a newcomer.

Ichiro, ever the gentleman, offered his congratulations to Kohona, who returned the sentiment with a warm smile. Their brief exchange held a sense of camaraderie, forged through shared challenges and accomplishments.

Upon escorting Kohona back to the castle, Ichiro bid her farewell. "Bye, see you tomorrow," he said, his voice filled with genuine friendliness. Kohona nodded in response, her gaze reflecting a mixture of gratitude and anticipation.

As Ichiro made his way back to his room, the weight of the day's events began to sink in. He was not only excited but also relieved to have secured his place at the academy. He had wondered if the competition would be fiercer, but Raijin reassured him that the true challenges lay ahead, as the senior students at the Verdant Dragon Academy were on a different level altogether.

With this thought in mind, Ichiro drifted into a well-deserved sleep, eager to face the adventures and lessons that awaited him on his first day of classes at the prestigious academy.
