1 Things to know!

Basically a long ass A/N

Okay so first things first, this story changes point of view throughout the book, usually it shouldn't change mid chapter and only certain chapters will be written in a different point of view, mainly to give a different perspective of the events occuring.

There are two main characters in this book and both of them are my own characters, they took a long time and a lot of thought to create so please don't steal them from me. One of the Main Characters ( which I will now refer to as the MC or MC's ) is male and the other female, simply because I enjoy writing as both, but sometimes it's nice to mix it up. The male character is Dre and the female is Ren.

The book will have songs and lyrics mixed into some chapters and it's usually because I found certain songs fit really well with a certain part of the story. I might make a playlist of all the songs after I finish the book or start creating one at the beginning and simply add to it. The chapters will typically average about 4000 Words except for the first chapter, Panic Room seeing as how it's the first chapter I've decided to make it slightly shorter and if mainly exists to give some background as to how the characters got to where they are.

Also I worked very hard on this book and it took many revisions, many days, and many episodes of writer's block and simply not having the energy or time to put this story together so please show it some love.

Lastly I hope you enjoy the story and if this novel goes well and I manage to finish it I might write another book! I could see this turning into a series and I set it up to be made into one if I choose to continue the story.
