
chapter 4:Tiara

His words sound to me sweet and  at the same time, he seems to be a playboy. The genre of boys who like fooling girls with the words " Angel" haha what a mess! That true with his brown light eyes, his dark brown wavy hair, and his well-drawn rosy rips make him seductive. But why is he still holding me? Annoyed by the situation, I take off my eyes from his.

" Can I go down?" I asked removing my hand around his neck.

He smiles a little and let me go down, but I lose my balance again and find myself in his arms and dive into his brown eyes. What is wrong with me? I step back at him forward myself to my office table.

Right to my office table I try to arrange all the documents on my table when I hear someone clearing his throat behind me.

"A simple"thank you" would be welcomed." He said.

I turn back to him and see him holding my fuss for me to take it, I look at him and take my fuss to tie my dark hair once more. I turn once more to my table a little bit bored by his presence. Who is he and what is he doing here? He must be one of the employers but while is he dressed so casually at work? what does he want?

" Can I do something for you," I asked while sitting down on my chair and ready to take note of what he wants?

He puts his two hands on my table while bending a little and looking at me for the umpteenth time with a beautiful look, charming as later. What is he trying to do? Seduce me?

" I need to know your name." He said.

The door opens behind him and he redresses himself without me replying, better like that!.

"Oh Zack here you are, you came yesterday and I didn't see you." Madam Torneur says.

The guy's face turns into a darker expression as if he has hatred or as if he saw his worse enemy in front of him. Strange!.

" I want to talk to you now." He said with a barking voice.

Is it a Marner of talking to his boss? I think I should go for them to talk. I excuse myself understanding they have to get some minutes alone and get out.

While outside, I walk up to Rose's table office and sits on another chair in front of Rose's office. She gets out of an office in front of me, holding a pile of documents, she put them down and raise one of her eyebrows in sign of surprise.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me while sitting down.

" Madam Torneur is inside with a guy," I respond

"Which guy?" 

"I don't really remember how she called him, but he must be one of the employers of the label music. But is dressed so casually in a black trouser and a white t-shirt. Can you imagine?"

"Well... You too aren't dress professionally." Rose said chuckling at me.

I frown a little when realizing she is true.

" How is he?" Rose asked me.

"He has dark brown hairs and deep light brown eyes..." I said

"Wait, light brown eyes?" She starts. " But you must surely talk about Zack Torneur, madam Torneur's son." She continues.

What? Madam Torneur's son? I mean... I thought it was an employer. Shit! How stupid I am now. I now know why he acts like an irresistible cinema actor.

" They must surely talk about the future wedding of Madam Torneur," Rose says.

"Wait, madam Torneur is getting married?" I asked been surprised by the news.

" Yes in less than one month." 

Wow, so everyone is getting married this time around, how amazing it is. The office door of Madam Torneur opens and closes violently by the guy who was inside. He seems angry, no... Furious. He walks angrily in front of us without saying any word.

"Am not sure it was a good discussion... They quarrel once more." Rose said nodding her head Wondering about the situation.

Once more, that means it isn't the first time. I stand up and forward myself to the office. I breathe while realizing she may be very annoyed right now, it never a pleasure to quarrel with someone you love. I open the door and find her wiping her tears when seeing my entry. I go forward to my office table and take the document I arranged later and go in front of her present my work without talking about what is happening.

" I hope it is well done?" I asked gently

"Y...yes am going to check it right now." She said while regaining her emotions.

I go forward to my table and take a cup of tea I bought to work. I don't really like taken coffee except I need to work late. Tea is more relaxing! I step once more in front of Madam Torneur and give her the cup of tea. She gets up her head and looks at the cup.

" It is perfect for relaxation, better than coffee," I said hoping it would change her mind.

" It has been a long time I didn't drink tea."

"It never too late to restart," I said with a wink.

I straight myself to my office table but madam Torneur's voice stops me.

" Tiara...," She called me

" Yes madam," I answer

"Thank you." She said.

I smile at her and welcome her before continuing my road to my office table and take a seat to continue working.

Some hours later madam Torneur is on her way to go. It is already 5:30 pm and very soon the doors will be closed. Madam Torneur ensures that I have finished everything before stepping to go. Minutes later, Rose enters the office.

"Are you done?" She asked me

" Yes, am just packing my things." 

"Okay so let go." She tells in a spontaneous Marner.

"Great I really need to meet my bed," I said while hanging my bag on my shoulder.

" No, we are going elsewhere tonight." 

" And where are we going?" I asked

" Surprise!" She exclaimed

Too many surprises find my way since yesterday, am done with that. I asked Rose to tell me where we are on our way to go, but she doesn't tell me. I threaten her to tell me or else I stay here.

" Ohh Tiara, I just want to get some fun with you that is all.... Trust me." She said pleading me.

"Am not sure it is the right idea." 

" Be sure it would be" she said convincing me to finally follow her.

We get down from the label music and get into her car in the packing station. 

While on the road, curiosity threatens me and I continue asking her where we are going. Before that make sure to tell Ivy am with Rose and that am going to come back a little bit late. Toronto at night is splendid, simply wonderful, the color of the metropolitan town is harmonized with the stars. So great! People seem to be more active at night than when the day goes on.

" Here we are in the king west club quarter, the lost and found night club."

"A night club? No... I don't like night clubs." I said dryly and a little bit annoyed. 

I already imagine the noise surrounding me and all the drunk men's full in the club. No way... I can't go.

" Pleaseeeeee." She pleaded.

" No is no Rose," I said categorically.

" Promise if there is any incident we go... Promise." She tells me.

It seems she really wants to go in and I don't want to spoil her night, she is already up large to drop me to work and at home, so she needs a bit of relaxation moment. Let me sacrifice myself, is just for a little hour.

" Alright let go," I said while sighing.

She brightens her face with a smile and we go down from the car and once in front of the door, we show our identity cards and enter. Fuck! Noise is killing my ears, my heart and body vibrate at the sound of the high music of the speakers. 

Ivy invites me to sit on the bar's chair I do so. She commands a glass of whisky and asks me what I take, but I deny knowing perfectly I don't like alcohol and drinks must be expensive here. 

" Am sure I am going to find the perfect guy here." She said while drinking her drink already arrived and looking around  to find the famous guy.

Nonsense, I don't think it should be the perfect way for that, but each person does what he or she wants, and seeing her joyfully tonight is already enough for me.

A guy far from us make a sign to Rose to come and join him. I hold her hand looking at her strangely while she was preparing to go.

" He is a stranger!" I affirmed

" And that is what makes the thing more interesting." She said before going ahead.

I sigh and suddenly feel tasty since Miss Rose left me here. The worse is that I can't use my phone or else they could be able to snatch it from my hands.

" Hey..." I called the barman. He doesn't answer probably not hearing me. " HEYYY" I shouted this time around before he turns to me.

" What can I do for you?" Said the blond guy in front of me.

" Do you have something else than Alcohol?" I asked under the strange expression of the barman

I know is strange to come to a nightclub where there is full of alcohol and asked if there is anything else than that, but I was forced to come.

" Yes, we have water and a coca-cola soda." He said.

" Then give me one glass of soda," I said

He turns and prepare my drink when a strange man sits on the empty seat Rose left from. He seems drunk, his corporal odor is unsupportable. It makes me remember the bad moments my father had with alcohol. Alcohol makes people irrational, bold and they act with no sense and concern. I hate that!. Right now I just need to kick him out!

" Hey, beauty can I offer you a drink?" He asked me.

I do not answer, no need to mind what he says but if he opens his mouth once more I may not control myself.

" Am talking to...to you." He repeats.

Alright, he gains.

" Don't dare you talk to me again, you drunk man. Piss off from here." I said angrily before directing my look in front and far away from him.

" So wild... I love that. Do you want to spend the night with me?" He asked

Gosh, am I speaking to a zombie or what? No need to talk to him, he is drunk. I instead look at him with the most badest stare I have right now.

" Okay, as you want." He abandoned.

My drink is finally here. The drunk man commands another glass of whisky and I turn to my bag to remove money and pay. I get back to my drink and pay the barman and with an uncomfortable feeling of this drunk man beside me, I take off my glass, ready to drink my soda when my glass is been snatched by someone, I look at the person and realized it is once more the guy with light brown eyes, even in darkness his eyes shines...

Hope you love it

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