
??????About October princess?

On 10.10.1998. the baby princess was born at 11:55pm....

at the same time one bat surrounding on top of me . every body tell the not good cause the baby will get struggle in her life.its say like tht. after 1 month the baby princess was named tht is Vashnavi. ltr on the baby start to run,walk,knee down and everything as possible the baby was doin fast . than she turn to 4 years old she went to tadika life.she saw many of childrens like her there .she try to friend with them.... thn she take out her own talent like dancing, story telling, like that.and she got participate in every year of competition.she got won it. Her parents always proud of her self. 2 years ago rdy she turn into 7 years she started went to primary school.standart 1bestari....it's overall goin well..at there her studies all.in 9 years she went to standard 3 she started to fell down in studies aspecially maths... the maths teacher was scold badly n give purnishment badly. she start to underestimate herself.slowly.. and start to became alonely... in her lyf frm there... in 2008.... turning point of her ..

after in standard 4 standart 5 and 6 all she became poor in maths Bm ,BI .in 2010 was a very important of year for her UPSR... and also she start to fall in love one guy tht is the 1st feeling of her at skull tym. she crazy on him. but he didn't.... UPSR tym also so closed to her ....thn she successfully done her Exam.tgf next day 6B batch everyone went to trip... she was njoy. tht day. after comeback home she fell sleep deeply cause if tired lot. and thht morning she wake up .. she saw a different feel in her ltr thn she was big girl ready tht mean she became puberty. her mom and dad so happy but tht happy also not too much. 1 month she was unerarrased in her house that's the rule of indians. ....A month go January 2011 she went to secondary School school..form 1... the next chapter will continued.....soon 😍